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Top 10 People Who Survived the Most Assassination Attempts

these men and women had a knack for
attracting the attention of professional
killers welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top ten people who survived the most
assassination attempt on dogs but I
could give you is that one has to fear
something before we begin we publish new
videos every day so be sure to subscribe
for more great content for this list
we’re looking at people who are put in
immediate danger more than once by those
who would do them harm
but repeatedly survive such attempts so
although there were numerous plots to
kill President Barack Obama for example
the would-be killers never came close
number 10
Yasser Arafat a freedom fighter to some
and a terrorist to others Arafat had
powerful enemies his leadership of the
Palestinian Liberation Organization and
the Palestinian National Authority put
him in the crosshairs of many would-be
assassin if you are speaking about Diego
we are a democratic movement and we are
proud of our democracy in 1985 Israeli
fighter planes bombed his headquarters
in Tunis killing many
but Arafat survived having stepped out
for a morning jog he later claimed that
he never slept in the same place on two
consecutive nights in order to avoid
assassins who reportedly made a number
of attempts on his life over the years
after Arafat’s death many claimed he’d
been poisoned by polonium
but forensic teams provided conflicting
reports although we may disagree with
decision that he has made on behalf of
the Palestinian people surely no one can
say that he did not exert his maximum
effort number nine Josip Broz Tito as a
soldier communist revolutionary and
resistance fighter against the Nazis
Tito defied death numerous times later
as Prime Minister and then president of
Yugoslavia he refused to submit to
Soviet control creating friction with
one-time ally Joseph Stalin quote I will
shake my little finger Stalin declared
and there will be no more Tito he
supposedly told a visitor
that he would wave his little finger in
Tina would fall he backed that statement
up by sending assassins after the
Yugoslavian leader prompting Tito to
write to Stalin quote stop sending
people to kill me we’ve already captured
five of them Peto threatened that he
would send a killer to Moscow if
Stalin’s attempts didn’t cease a few
years after the exchange in 1953 Stalin
died 27 years before Tito
number 8 alexander ii of russia during
his reign emperor alexander ii
instituted many modernizing reforms
including the emancipation of russian
search which saw some 23 million people
receive full citizenship rights but his
rule faced increasing opposition from
revolutionaries and polish nationalists
who tried to shoot or blow him up at
least six times these attempts began
with revolutionary dmitri karakov who
tried to gun him down outside the summer
garden in saint-petersburg miraculously
someone in the crowd bumped his elbow
and the shot missed after surviving four
more attempts Alexander’s luck finally
ran out he was blown up in the street by
members of the revolutionary socialist
organization narrowed neva Lea number 7
Abraham Lincoln before being fatally
shot by John Wilkes Booth in 1865 the
sixteenth US president and hero of the
Civil War survived at least five
assassinations laws the plans included
anything from schemes in Baltimore to
knife him down another to send him
yellow fever and smallpox infected
clothing two attempts by shooters and a
plot to blow up the White House on one
occasion while out riding alone Honest
Abe lost his hat when a gunshot spooked
his horse the Hat was later found with a
bullet hole through it number six
Queen Victoria there are some serious
downsides to being royalty sure you get
the lead a life of luxury but people
often try to shoot you whenever you
leave the palace
Queen Victoria survived many
assassination attempts an estimated
eight in total most of which took place
while she wrote about in horse
on carriages for pity’s sakes miles
woman anyone would think we’re horrible
can’t talk to me her would-be assassins
included madmen a hunchback by the name
of John William beam and a disgruntled
poet just to name a few
fortunately for the Queen these shooters
either had guns with powder but no
bullets or terrible aim and her reign
lasted for over 63 years number 5 Pope
John Paul the 2nd someone was watching
out for this Pope in 1981 he was shot
four times and critically wounded in st.
Peter’s Square by a member of the
Turkish nationalist organisation grey
some speculated that the KGB had ordered
the attempt but even so the Pope later
forgave and befriended the gunman the
next year he survived another attempt
when a former priest tried to stab him
with a bayonet but was stopped by
security guards it seems like everyone
wanted their turn in 1995 Islamic
terrorists funded by Osama bin Laden
auda to dress a suicide bomber as a
priest and blow up the Pope however they
foiled their own plan by starting a
chemical fire alerting police number 4
Adolf Hitler
both in the lead up to world war ii and
during it killing Hitler was a very real
mission in fact many of Hitler’s
would-be assassins were actually Germans
who believed he was leading the country
to disaster so there were dozens of
attempts made on his life the most
famous was the 20 July plot in 1944 part
of operation Valkyrie one-eyed war
veteran Lieutenant Colonel Klaus shank
grasp on Stauffenberg tried to kill the
Nazi leader using a bomb hidden in a
unfortunately the leg of the conference
table shielded Hitler from the blast and
it only singed his trousers number 3
Sharla gall
de Gaulle is remembered for his heroic
defiance of the Nazis as the French
leader of the government in exile during
World War two a soldier who fought the
Germans in both world wars
de Gaulle was eventually elected
president of France and office he held
for a decade however he was targeted by
the organisation I’m a success or OAS a
French terrorist group that opposed his
decision to grant Algeria independence
from colonial rule in 1962 the OAS raped
his car with machine-gun fire he
survived and is said to have remarked
quote they shoot like pigs
all in all he reportedly survived some
thirty-one attempts on his life
number two Zog the first of Albania
rising from prime minister to president
to King Zog the first allegedly survived
a staggering fifty-five attempts on his
life during his rule he tried to unite
the country but in doing so severely
suppressed civil liberties making plenty
of enemies in the process he was once
shot inside the Albanian Parliament and
again on a separate occasion when
leaving the Opera prompting him to fire
back and drive off his attackers despite
these attempts and smoking 200
cigarettes a day
Zog somehow managed to die of an
unspecified condition in a French
hospital at age 65 his resilience must
have run in the family
his son lekha once sawed off attackers
surrounding his plane by brandishing a
number one Fidel Castro the historical
truth is that thousands and thousands of
terrorist actions have been conducted
against our country in sabotages plans
attempt against my life
Castro wins this one by a mile he
survived not ten plots to kill him not
100 but an estimated 638 in the 1960s
the CIA tried to kill the Cuban
revolutionary and leader by every means
imaginable including poison cigars and
exploding seashells and even a femme
fatale Castro’s lover Marita Lorenz he
said did you come to kill Mina’s I was
according to Lorenz Castro figured out
the plot when she arrived back in Havana
and handed her his pistol saying quote
you can’t kill me nobody can kill me
then they made love despite continued
assassination attempts in the ensuing
decades Castro lived to the ripe old age
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