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Top 10 Over The Top Anime Series

in anime there’s no such thing as too
much welcome to and she’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
ten over-the-top anime series before we
begin we publish new videos every day so
be sure to subscribe for more great
content for this list we’re looking at
anime which blow past the realms of
normality to fly high into the
stratosphere we are ignoring shows like
Dragonball Z and Naruto who are too
ingrained in pop culture to hold any
more surprises really number 10 Prison
school there’s no way the infamous
all-girl high school Hachi Mitsu Academy
is finally accepting male students with
five boys being admitted surrounded by
1000 girls at first the guys can’t
believe their luck before learning about
the school’s laws and then the
punishment they get for breaking up it
doesn’t take very long for the group to
break these strict rules and end up
spending an entire month in the
Academy’s grueling prison as you witness
the boys get tortured by the student
council it becomes clear that this
sexually-charged anime is so over the
top and its fanservice it nearly becomes
this entire entry could have been
dedicated to just the vice-president but
instead we’ll just let this seam do the
talking my fingertips have lost their
strength what I refused to quit
number nine fooly cooly
some might say that less is more but
they’ve probably never watched Kui Kui
our protagonist here is an elementary
school boy who is unwilling to grow up
instead of living his own life he
prefers to hide in his brother’s shadow
determined to wake him the heck up the
psychotic haricot hits our unfortunate
hero in the head with her guitar and
accidentally creates an interdimensional
portal four giant robots to pass through
the seemingly nonsensical plot well
definitely nonsensical plot moves at a
blistering pace throwing everything and
the kitchen sink at the audience all
coming through the dudes head number
eight highschool DxD series
hey that was crazy
okay well there might be angels Devils
and an overwhelming amount of energetic
battles but those moments are not why
this anime is placed on our list no it’s
the Ichi series
frankly highschool DxD turn fanservice
into an art form
very good concentrate you can do this I
think I can’t try catering to an adult
audience Yeah right
this long-running anime follows the
happenings of the perverted Issei who
depending on who you ask
goes on either the best or worst first
date ever after getting kinda killed and
resurrected as a devil his time is spent
either fighting the forces of evil or
trying to get laid usually it’s the
latter that’s why you’re here isn’t it
we didn’t do it I’m still a virgin
oh great me too isn’t it awesome no it’s
not awesome damn it
number seven Gintama mute emoji Domo
mascara chicken anthem or not emotion
the definitive parody anime there’s
nothing in Tama can and has not done
really centered around the antics of the
odd jobs crew who will do anything for a
quick buck a particularly hectic day
might see them face off against an army
of made BOTS or demons where the series
really shines though is during the
scenes dealing with everyday life as the
cast turns a mundane situation like
eating dinner or porn in the bathroom in
two grueling and glorious battles of
wits it’s insane it’s super over-the-top
and the funniest shit ever
also magic happens every time the Shogun
makes an appearance deeds mean up to us
children lo mo Ostin chika
number six kilowatt kill it’s all in the
clothes you know G Academy is geared
across Japan mostly due to its student
council and it’s raining president
Satsuki using special material known as
life fibers the school attire is
transformed into the not so subtly named
Goku uniform which gets the wearer
overwhelming power you talking about my
state law uniform coal wrecked your late
father is shima toy made it it’s more
powerful than any Goku unit for the only
person who can bring the council down is
Ruka who has a scissors shaped sword
capable of tearing the clothes to shreds
the story might seem somewhat
by-the-numbers at least for a shounen
anime but the chaotic animation and
exhilarating soundtrack makes every
moment feel larger than life also
boobies I’m glad I got stuck with this
freaky ass body cuz it looks like I’m
something your absolute submission shit
don’t work on number five one punch man
oh my Jimmy de Hedo update in mono da
wild mob psycho 100 is certainly over
the top we had to go with the original
instead in a world crawling with
villains and monsters the hero
association exists to bring in brave men
and women ready to put their lives on
the line for the sake of justice each
with their own special abilities ranging
from tornadoes insane psychokinesis to
Moomin riders ability to ride a bike the
over-the-top action scenes and drawn-out
monologues are a staple of the series
as a parody of superhero and shown an
animated site unless disinterested
reactions to his bombastic counterparts
further enhances the absurdity of the
situation before panty & stocking with
garterbelt angels gone wild known as the
Anarchy sisters Panty and Stocking find
themselves locked out of heaven and
stuck in Dayton City a place which might
resemble earth but is basically closer
to Hell an episode follows the antics of
the Fallen duo who are tasked with
ridding the world of evil spirits called
ghosts sounds simple enough on paper
right well
Panty and Stocking do not do simple tell
me do you feel lucky punk
well do ya do ya that might not be him
under the watchful gaze of Reverend
an afro wearing priest who loved teenage
boys the sisters fight against toilet
monsters a ghost who launches a
nose-picking fad and of course zombies
number three nichijou
it might pale in comparison to the
visual insanity seen in some action
anime but nichijou takes our
expectations flips them 180 degrees
before delivering a crushing German
suplex literally this slice of life
comedy follows three high school
students as they go to school think
about their future and interact with a
robot shaped girl there might be a
talking cat and a genius kindergarten
professor but these are treated as
perfectly normal
it’s the way characters react to typical
situations like practicing how to do a
high jump or trying to break watermelon
that takes it well beyond the ordinary
number two Gurren Lagann series all
about breaking through your own limit to
reach the heavens tour loggin starts off
as a straightforward action anime before
coming as big as the universe itself
with earth under the oppressive thumb of
the spiral king who forces humans to
work in underground villages
kameena and Seimone dream of one day
reaching the surface this is the surface
after finding a small mecha they use it
to break out and launch our rebellion
against the spiral King with reason
kicked to the curb this glorious and
extravagant to anime features massive
robots and enough inspirational speeches
to put brave heart to shame number one
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure series davidic
oxytocin know that we did under Colonel
Reynolds get to the knife honestly
who were you expecting do Jojo is all
about taking things to the extreme at
least in terms of animation and the way
characters act even eating a piece of
fruit is over the top the story follows
different generations of the Joestar
family who are destined to face off
against supernatural beings who want to
take over the world
these manly muscular heroes love nothing
more than to strike a pose while
declaring their plans to smash the bill
into pieces the comic book art style
especially during the action scenes
guarantees that every blow is delivered
with full force
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