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Top 10 Once Loved Celebs Who Are Now Hated

well so much for the respect welcome to 10th everyday so be sure
to subscribe to our Channel and ring the
bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we’re looking at 10
celebrities who were once respected and
admired by the general public but who
are now generally hated for whatever
reason number 10 Jennifer Lawrence more
different than me oh my god Jennifer
Lawrence’s career started strong she
earned critical acclaim for her roles in
Winter’s Bone and silver linings
playbook while also reaching mass appeal
with x-men and The Hunger Games it
seemed like she could do it all and her
down-to-earth personality converted a
lot of fence sitters but then it started
to get annoying even to the point where
SNL began ragging on her annoyingly
relatable charm and then my friend
walked by and I grabbed her and I was
like this is Elizabeth Taylor and she
was like no it’s not fans also started
to believe that she was just another
Hollywood diva hiding behind a cute
persona and then she started appearing
in divisive movies like passengers
mother and red Sparrow which further
splintered an already divided fanbase
whatever the reason Lawrence doesn’t
seem to be the Hollywood darling she
once was number 9 Katy Perry answer
again poor Katy Perry she absolutely
dominated the early half of the 2010s
with numerous monster singles off
Teenage Dream in prison but then the
witness’ era started and everyone just
kind of recoiled in horror perry cut her
hair and dyed it blonde and she released
a string of embarrassing singles like
bone Appetit and the especially horrid
swish-swish she also began acting weird
and made an especially odd appearance on
ellen that seemingly had the high
spirited host wishing it was over while
she was essentially a living named perry
recently admitted to suffering from
depression which likely played a major
role in her dramatic transformation
we hope she gets the help she needs how
are you doing how I mean you’ve got a
lot going on in your life you just
number eight Lena Dunham Lena Dunham
broke onto the scene with her hugely
popular and critically acclaimed HBO
series girls oh my god Hannah what is
happening her status quickly rose and
she was named one of times most
influential people of 2013 but then
things started to change yeah of course
her use of social media which included
numerous racist tweets was fiercely
condemned she also came under attack for
her memoir which included creepy stories
like the time she masturbated in bed
next to her younger sister she also
recently got into trouble for defending
girls writer Marie Miller from rape
allegations and lying about having
insider knowledge that allegedly cleared
his name
she’s since apologized to the victim
added to the list but no one seems to
care anymore no more money starting when
starting now number 7 Amy Schumer if you
wish to open a can of worms proudly
declare your love for the hilarious Amy
Schumer after that you can grab your
popcorn put your feet up and watch the
fireworks Schumer first rose to
prominence on Last Comic Standing before
starting her own Comedy Central sketch
show called inside Amy Schumer however
many people quickly grew tired of her
OneNote shtick which included endless
jokes about the female genitalia I’m a
little sluttier than the average bear
then accusations of joke stealing
started flooding in and Amy defended
herself by inflating her ego and
relating her critics to the alt-right
that didn’t help matters much at all
Amy I’m not trying to punish you does it
feel a little like I am No number six
Lance Armstrong for a few years there
Lance was the biggest name in cycling
well let’s be honest he was the only
name in cycling not only was he crushing
titles and making big bucks but he
overcame fatal testicular cancer too he
was a bona fide American Hero but then
the United States anti-doping agency
revealed that he was heavily involved in
a massive doping scandal
and that was that the fallout has been
I mean maybe heavier than even I thought
his reputation was permanently tarnished
he was slapped with a lawsuit from the
Department of Justice and his numerous
achievements were stripped and that’s
what happens to cheaters kids I get
people that say he hasn’t apologized
enough and then I get a lot of people
that say dude stop apologizing number
five Adam Sandler the price is wrong
Oh Adam what happened to you sure your
movies were never masterpieces but at
least there was a modicum of effort
involved not only was he funny in movies
like Billy Madison and happy gilmore but
he also proved his dramatic acting chops
in punch-drunk love and rain over me I
was thinking about it hmm you all right
I do need to get some my help the man is
clearly talented which makes it hurt
when we see him come out with what
people consider utter dumpster fires
like Jack and Jill on theater marquees
Sandler appears to be just in it for the
money and is making millions while
simultaneously farting around with his
friends and going to exotic locations
he’s clearly living the life and good
for him but we miss laughing with Adam
not at him oh my god I’m gonna touch
that number for Kanye West I would say –
can we be quiet for a second we know
this is gonna be a little touchy for
some people but there’s no denying that
Yi’s reputation suffered a wee bit of a
hit in 2018 Kanye was once one of the
greatest and most revolutionary musical
artists on the planet gifting us mere
mortals with all-time classics like late
registration and My Beautiful Dark
Twisted Fantasy and while he was always
a little strange and contentious he’s
ramped up the weirdness in recent years
because at that point if I’m afraid to
be me I’m no longer yay that’s what
makes yay now he’s getting all political
sing weird stuff about slavery and
releasing me music like lifts yourself
and I love it kids see ghosts was still
straight fire though tortured artist or
indefinable genius
be the judge number three Roseanne Barr
here it’s easier to squirm sitting down
while Roseanne Barr has been presented
to Jen’s ears as little more than a
racist fake news spouting conspiracy
theorists who buried her own career
those who were around for the 90s
remember her as the star of Roseanne
this was an incredibly popular sitcom
that realistically portrayed a
working-class family and later earned
infamy for its dreadful series finale we
women are the ones who transform
everything we touch and nothing on earth
is higher than that the show was brought
back in 2018 and made surprisingly big
numbers but was swiftly cancelled after
Roseanne made a tweet comparing Valerie
Jarrett to an ape I am NOT a racist I’m
an idiot you could say it was a teensy
bit offensive ABC certainly thought so
as they threw her butt out and made the
connors without her
I know Roseanne would want me to step in
and watch over the family number two
Kevin Spacey oh how the mighty have
Spacey always played the weirdo creep
even in his comedies which is ironic
considering the real-life allegations
that have recently surfaced against him
in 2017 actor Anthony Rapp came forward
claiming that a drunk 26 year old Spacey
tried to seduce him when he was just 14
after that people came out of the
woodwork with stories about Spacey being
a freaky perv and in 2018 he was charged
with indecent assault with alleged video
proof to boot the same day he was
charged Spacey released a disturbing
video where he kind of insinuated that
it was okay to molest people and that
just made everything so so much worse
wouldn’t it be easy it was all so simple
before we unveil our top pick here are a
so you’ve already got this fantastic
career why did you you’re huge star why
did you need to go goop it up buddy but
it ruined the show yeah it was a
disaster it was less than Table four it
was dawn five but but it it also ruined
your career in Europe I mean you lost
your job hosting a fashion television
show you were blacklisted from basically
every fashion event in Europe is that
what made you come to the United States
number one
Bill Cosby my barbecue sauce haven’t you
ever noticed after people have some of
my barbecue sauce after a while when it
kicks in they get all her debugging if
Kevin Spacey’s career collapsed like a
house of cards then Bill Cosby’s was
like the fall of the Roman Empire
this guy essentially ruled the known
world with The Cosby Show his stand-up
comedy his adorable sweaters and the
weird noises he was constantly making
the charm to the world for some unknown
reason isn’t that exciting no I think it
stinks straight up nothing could stop
this man that is until he was accused of
drugging and raping women for years
well the statute of limitations kept him
relatively punishment free he was
sentenced to three to ten years in
prison on three counts of indecent
assault we never thought we’d say this
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