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FORGET HATERS & FAKE FRIENDS – Motivational Speech For Success 2019

cancelling plans is okay skipping a
party for the gym is okay staying home
to study is okay it is okay if you have
friends who don’t support actions like
this then they are not your friends true
friends want to see you happy in your
pursuit see these are the friends will
help you along the way we can easily get
caught in social situations where we
have to act a certain way or do certain
things or go to certain events they
consume your time or pull you away from
what you are really wanting to do but
you still do it why why do you do things
you don’t want to do because you want to
fit in maybe maybe because you don’t
want to lose old friends maybe they
pressure you into it so much that you
can’t refuse but it’s not okay to
fulfill somebody else’s enjoyment
it’s just because they want a buddy to
hang with or a wingman or somebody who
can inflate that you know unable to do
your own thing because they don’t
support it sometimes it isn’t about what
they want from you though it can be
about what they don’t want from you
why would they want to see you
succeeding if they don’t want to stop
the party line if they prefer hanging
out and chillin why would they want to
you would just be a reminder that they
are doing nothing with their own life
you would make them feel like he uses
but if you hang with them you enable
them to stay at the same level they are
huh be aware of your ambitions so if you
approve their actions by doing what they
do you are keeping them happy with their
own conscience if you are feeling guilty
because you don’t want these so-called
friends to think you have an ego you are
keeping yourself down you are not
helping anyone if they see you killing
it they will either join you or outcast
you it is the sad fact but it is worth
it lend a friend $20 if he doesn’t pay
you back it was money well-spent
it just shows he was never your friend
you see if you show your friends your
passion and they outcast you for it you
have learned they will never your
friends move on and grow better alone I
feel sorry for some of you young guys
out there stuck in a position where you
but every time you come home from
hanging out with it you know deep down
it was wasted time and you should be
working on your dreams I’m aware people
may attempt to draw you in at worst they
may physically force you into a
situation but it is always up to you but
you know the moment you make them fully
aware you won’t be joining them their
mask slips they don’t want what’s best
for you they want what’s best for them
and they will try any possible way to
make it happen soon enough though if
they realize you ain’t messing around
they will leave you alone or they will
join you do your friends a favor give
them the option send them the message
that you are no longer paying around
you have a dream and a vision and going
out and partying every night ain’t gonna
stop enabling them and let them have a
chance of growing too if they don’t take
your example as inspiration then they
will be in the same place looking back
from this point looking back who do you
want to see do you want it to be them or
five years from now do you see yourself
in the same club with the same people
hanging on the same sofa playing the
same games the same boring routine if
you do then you don’t need to change a
single thing but I know for aspiring
people you never see yourself in the
same place in five years you probably
have huge dreams and thoughts and
ambitions beyond imagination you will
never get there stuck in the same boring
place an ambitious self-destructive
routine will never get you there the
definition of insanity is doing the same
thing over and over again but expecting
different results the biggest mistake
you can make in life is letting people
stay in it longer than they should have
some people don’t deserve your time so
when thinking of your friends ask
yourself this would this person help me
or hinder me friends who are on the same
wavelength as you can most certainly
help you they can understand you and
push you and that can help support the
energy for your hustle a bad friend will
not be able to understand why you don’t
want to hang out with him
they will not grasp as to why you would
and if this sounds familiar you have bad
friends my advice is lose them bad
friends will hold you back bad friends
will try and pull you back down to their
level they don’t want to see you
succeeding in life you are like a mirror
being held up to them if you are
succeeding showing them that if you can
if you were feeling guilty if you are
feeling bad every time you go out with
these friends and hang out in their
social group they are pulling you away
from your dream if you are being pulled
away for your dream to party to hang out
you are fulfilling somebody else’s life
you are not fulfilling your own it is
time to drop these people it is time to
lose these people these people are
unhealthy for you you need to find
people who are healthy for you you need
to find people who are pushing you up
not pulling you back down you don’t want
to be stood in the same place in five 10
20 years from now and that’s what
happens we see these guys 40 years old
50 years old still sitting on the sofa
still playing PlayStation just in a
why because they stayed there they
stayed there usually they have no
friends around them so don’t hang around
with them now these people are poisonous
they will ruin your dreams and you were
only enabling them by doing the same
thing as them
the moment you step outside and say I
ain’t doing this no more then they will
either join you or they won’t outcast
you and that is the best way for it you
will find out if they were your friends
you will find out if they had your best
interests at heart trust me you don’t
need these people in your life and if
you are feeling guilty about it ask
because that person you feel like you’re
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