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Top 10 Obvious Stunt Doubles in Movies

whoa are we who is that welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten obvious
stunt doubles in movies before we begin
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content for this list we’re looking at
stunt doubles that look so little like
the stars they were subbing in for that
they were impossible to miss
number ten smile jumping tremors who
knew that one of the side effects of
earthquakes was shape-shifting while the
survivors are on the run from the giant
worms causing tremors all over town they
have to move from rooftop to rooftop
just to stay safe from the subterranean
well between attempts to save their
friends and trying to stop the monsters
they need to come down eventually
good luck shit if it’s Valentine jumps
down the roof beneath him breaks and in
his fall Kevin Bacon’s distinct features
magically disappear as we’re treated to
a shot of his stunt man’s noticeably
softer features number 9 breaking
windows Blade Runner even classic movies
aren’t safe from a few errors during the
dramatic chase between Deckard and Zora
neon is glowing and the music is blaring
to create one of the most stylish scenes
in the film just as it looks like Dora
might get away Deckard pulls out his gun
and shoots her launching her through
panes of glass for one of the most
memorable scenes in cinema history but
what viewers may also remember is the
very clear stunt double rocking what
appears to be a Bob Ross wig as she
hurls her way through the shards of
number eight force run Twilight you know
what you are see you’ve heard of stunt
doubles but run doubles are definitely a
new one given all the curious moments in
this vampire love story it was
refreshing to see one of the books most
intense moments brought to life so
Diller ating Lee except for one
distracting detail as Edward finally
reveals his dark secret to Bella he
throws her on his back and makes a mad
dash through the woods at breakneck
speeds no less the speed must have
pushed their skin back however as one of
the scenes cuts shows a piggybacking
couple that barely resembles Kristen
Stewart and Robert Pattinson number
seven growing pains
else alright let’s do this Will Ferrell
isn’t the only one growing taller than
expected in this holiday romp as buddy
meets his father he starts to take an
office life leading to some interesting
business tactics I didn’t know you had
elves working here when his father
finally scores a meeting with children’s
writer miles Finch things quickly get
heated as buddy mistakes him for one of
Santa’s elves angering the writer to no
you feelin strong my friend call me elf
one more time quickly turning into an
office brawl Finch doesn’t let the clear
size difference stop him from kicking
buddies but although one kick balance
the scales as the angle reveals someone
several feet taller than Peter Dinklage
number six parachuting double Point
I know it’s aren’t you Donny parachuting
is about as dangerous as stunts get so
it always pays not to focus on faces
while undercover in a gang of thieves
Jonny’s forced to put himself in some
pretty hazardous situations but none is
more life-threatening than the gang
skydiving session buddy yes we go
bori jumps out of the plane leaving
Johnny without a chute so Johnny jumps
out after him dive-bombing in pursuit
when he finally collides with Bodhi
mid-fall viewers are treated to an
extended face shot of Keanu Reeves
stuntman making all the clever shooting
that preceded it become pretty useless
on crime number five was that a man The
Princess Bride you want my pain
life is pain highness a good stuntman
might get more use than you’d ever
anticipate as Wesley and Buttercup get a
rare moment to talk their egos get the
better of them and they start fighting I
died that day you can die too for all I
letting their argument get out of hand
buttercup pushes Wesley downhill and
realizing the very real gravity of her
actions goes tumbling after him and one
of the more surprising uses of a double
however it becomes very clear that
buttercups rolling double is a man who
on closer inspection also appears to be
standing in for Wesley as he bounces his
way down number four boat explosion face
you’d think a movie about face swapping
would have given a lot more attention to
their subject matter in the climactic
finale of this identity switch thriller
castor Troy and Sean archers showdown on
speedboats has enough bullets and
explosions to make Michael Bay blush
fighting on the same boat the two
quickly stopped focusing on driving and
find their boat crashing and exploding
while there are many moments in the
chase where keen eyes can spot their
fill-ins the crash gives a nice slow-mo
focus on the pair showing two faces
clearly different from the iconic actors
number three smaller jaws Moonraker when
you name a character after their teeth
people will notice when they’re wrong
when bond fights a couple of goons on
the plane he gets the upper hand before
getting pushed out of the plane by the
metal teeth jaws for some skydiving
action while bond fights one goon face
shots reveal Roger Moore’s obvious
standing before bond finally defeats the
henchmen to secure a parachute as jaws
moves in to attack the long face shots
show some pearly whites instead of metal
munchers making it unclear why they
didn’t at least give the double some
metal teeth for his leap of faith number
two gender swapped Lara Croft Tomb
Raider the Cradle of Life a good rule
for a believable stunt double should be
to make sure that your actors are the
same gender while lara croft may be one
of the most badass archaeologists to
ever grace the movie screen some of her
craziest antics required some special
talent to pull off when crops approaches
her boning friends her burly figure is
all too noticeable and she shows more
serious muscle while doing a few flips
on her jet ski later in the movie she
base jumps and it’s clear that even a
good wig and wingsuit aren’t enough to
hide the male figure diving at Angelina
Jolie’s place
number one motorcycle chase Terminator 2
Judgment Day
the t1000 isn’t the only one who can
change his looks in this action filled
truck trace from this installment of the
killer robot franchise John Connor is
near death’s door as the shape-shifting
Terminator tries to run him over with
Arnie’s terminator coming to the rescue
things start to pick up just as quickly
as they get weird rounding the truck to
save John
Arnie’s face looks markedly different
while John seems to be hiding his clear
height difference while one offense was
bad enough the epic explosion that ends
to chase gives us one more glimpse of
the duo in all their mismatched glory do
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