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Top 10 Movies to Watch If You Like Bird Box

these must-see movies are worth taking
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for this list we’re taking a look at
films with tropes and themes similar to
the post-apocalyptic thriller that
Netflix subscribers are twitterpated
over number 10 the thing we’ll do you
last like bird box this 1982 body horror
flick traps several colorful characters
in a secluded area plagued by a
mysterious entity the freezing backdrop
of Antarctica makes for a setting that’s
chilling in more ways than one
since the titular thing can assume any
form nobody is entirely trustworthy
putting the characters and audience in a
constant state of uncertainty the one
major difference is that Burt box is
about what we don’t see whereas the
thing puts a stronger emphasis on
shocking grotesque imagery fortunately
when it comes to visuals John
Carpenter’s film is also one of the most
inventive and interesting creature
features of any era in short it is the
number nine the road bird box is based
on Josh malar man’s 2014 novel which
quickly earned comparisons to Cormac
McCarthy’s the road published several
years prior
McCarthy’s book was awarded a Pulitzer
and inspired a 2009 screen adaptation
that’s considered by many to be one of
the 21st century’s defining
post-apocalyptic movies the story
centers around an unnamed man and boy
played by Viggo Mortensen and Kodi
smit-mcphee respectively who must track
across a bleak forsaken landscape
overrun with unspeakable horrors as is
the case with bird box the central theme
of the road isn’t just about surviving
but also about uncovering a better
tomorrow for our children number 8
annihilation sometimes the creepiest
locations are also the most intoxicating
in this adaptation of Jeff van der Meers
novel five scientists venture into a
quarantined area dubbed the shimmer
although this danger zone is steeped in
dread it’s also unusually picturesque
and even captivating it’s like a prison
you don’t want to leave which makes the
setting all the more unsettling the
shimmer is crawling with physical
threats but annihilation is a
philosophical thriller above all else
much like how the characters in Burt box
become powerless while confronting the
characters that have taken over earth
the protagonists in annihilation slowly
lose themselves to the shimmer in both
movies seeing the light can also mean
malignant thang tumors number 7 10
Cloverfield Lane if there’s a movie
that’ll leave you feeling claustrophobic
its 10 Cloverfield Lane as in bird box
the film follows a woman who must seek
refuge in a confined structure when all
hell breaks loose outdoors what adds
another layer of anxiety to Dan
Trachtenberg film however is that Mary
Elizabeth’s Michelle is arguably at
greater risk inside the bunker John
Goodman gives an enthralling and
disturbing performance as a paranoid
recluse who’s either trying to protect
Michelle or imprison her throughout the
film the viewer step into Michelle’s
shoes leaving us wondering whether we’d
rather place our faith in a potentially
psychotic creep or take our chances in a
world dominated by nuclear fallout stop
talking number 6 28 days later
few films released in the 21st century
have had a greater impact on the zombie
outbreak genres than 28 days later at
the time it didn’t seem like there was
much left to do with the slow moaning
corpses typical of zombie movies
director Danny Boyle kicked things up a
notch though giving his zombies
bloodshot eyes and the ability to outrun
the Living the films influence can be
found not only in the zombie movies that
followed but also in many modern
post-apocalyptic films for example the
creatures and bird box could easily be
swapped out with zombies moving the star
of 28 days right into the world of 28
days later number 5 invasion of the Body
Snatchers speaking of influential films
this 1956 classic planted numerous seeds
that would flourish as both the sci-fi
and horror genres continued to grow
disease spreading through the whole
country based on a novel by Jack Finney
the film revolves around an alien
invasion in which people are duplicated
with all of their emotions stripped away
although it might have seemed like a
run-of-the-mill b-movie on the surface
underneath was a surprisingly
thought-provoking political commentary
in the midst of the second Red Scare the
film inspired an impressive remake over
two decades later and its impact is
still felt in contemporary movies while
bird fox lacks the political subtext
both movies address the importance and
preservation of our humanity in the face
of crisis how did you feel you were
probably shocked number four it comes at
night why did you break into my house in
almost every post-apocalyptic movie
there comes a time when the main
characters must choose whether or not to
trust a stranger
this trophy key role in bird box and
it’s even more prevalent in this
overlooked horror mystery taking place
during a global epidemic the film
focuses on a family scarcely getting by
in the deep woods when a mysterious man
arrives looking to help his own family
the ethical dilemma that ensues pits
moral duty against the desperate need to
survive atmospheric and understated the
film admittedly may be too much of a
slow burn for some viewers but
ultimately builds to a satisfying and
number three the endless this
psychedelic film doesn’t necessarily
fall under the post-apocalyptic umbrella
but it certainly has a Hell on Earth
vibe to it
directors Justin Benson and Aaron
Moorhead star as brothers who grew up in
an alien cult when Aaron decides to
revisit the cults old stomping grounds
Justin tags along to keep his brother on
the right path over time however it
appears more likely that something
supernatural is indeed at play putting
both brothers in jeopardy in the same
vein as bird box the threats in the
endless can’t exactly be explained or
even seen all the characters can do is
fight the temptation to give in and hope
to break free of their cages we never
give up
number two monsters for years before
directing Godzilla Gareth Edwards
brought us a very different kind of
kaiju movies although the giant monsters
are rarely seen in this sci-fi film
their presence is often felt thanks to
the treacherous environment they inhabit
just as bird box found moments of hope
amidst all the doom and gloom however so
does this film the story is primarily
about a romance between a
photojournalist and his boss’s daughter
as they travel across the danger zone as
intense as some scenes are much of the
film plays out like a romantic drama
like lost in translation like bird box
it brilliantly demonstrates how love can
before we unveil our number one pick
here are some honorable mentions
there’s nothing out there nothing
against me number one a quiet place
you’re saying I can’t hear us
it’s hard to think of a better companion
piece for bird box than a quiet place
which was released less than a year
earlier in Byrd box the characters must
keep their eyes concealed in order to
avoid the monsters lurking outside in
John Krasinski’s masterful thriller
noise sensitive creatures have taken
over requiring the characters to remain
dead silent
the parallels don’t end there as both
films are about parents connecting with
their children in a post-apocalyptic
between the two a quiet place relies
less on exposition and dialogue which
makes sense given its setup but both
work as classic horror stories while
also serving as effective family dramas
with a lot of heart do you agree with
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