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Top 10 Movies That Could Have Been In The Cloverfield Universe

this anthology series is open to
numerous possibilities welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten sci-fi
movies that could have been in the
Cloverfield universe what do you know
using the Navy I know that I guess he
did some stuff with satellites what kind
of stuff
satellite stuff before we begin we
publish new content every day so be sure
to subscribe for a channel and ring the
bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we’re taking a look
at science fiction films with themes
tropes and ideas that seem tailor-made
number ten midnight special sometimes we
are asked to do things that are beyond
us JJ Abrams has been praised by many as
a modern Steven Spielberg
likewise Jeff Nichols midnight special
draws comparisons to numerous Spielberg
classics most notably Close Encounters
of the Third Kind if Nichols screenplay
had fallen into Abrams hence he
definitely would have seen the potential
for a Cloverfield movie like the best
films in the Cloverfield franchise
midnight special draws the audience in
with its phenomenal world building and
gripping mystery the story follows a
young boy with special abilities who
goes on the run with his family as the
government and a cult pursue them the
film’s ending might not answer every
question but that’s just another reason
why it’s a good clover verse fit
number nine life most fans would agree
that the Cloverfield paradox was the
franchise’s biggest disappointment
especially after that epic Super Bowl
trailer dropped if you want to see a
film set on a space station that
delivers reasonably well on its
potential we’d highly recommend this
sci-fi thriller life follows a group of
astronauts who encounter an alien
organism that seems harmless at first
but soon emerges as something much
smarter stronger and deadlier despite
treading on familiar territory life
distinguishes itself with strong
performances and production values
leaving little room for the audience to
breathe the same goes for the best
Cloverfield films which are less about
number eight coherence despite its many
flaws the Cloverfield paradox did
introduce a few intriguing concepts such
as parallel dimensions coherence is
another film that touches upon the idea
of a multiverse but with more effective
results while assembiy I the film is
small in scale mainly taking place in a
suburban house as a comet passes over
the neighborhood it opens up a box of
alternate realities with different
versions of the characters becoming
intertwined we’re splitting up again and
then we’re not splitting up we’re just
gonna go in two different groups the
whole movie plays out like a murder
mystery party but without the murder
coherence would feel right at home in
the clover verse or even The Twilight
Zone exploring complex theories through
the eyes of everyday people really
different isn’t reality here number 7
Pacific Rim the first Cloverfield didn’t
delve too deep into the giant monsters
origins in the Cloverfield paradox
however it suggested that clover
possibly came from another dimension huh
that sounds an awful lot like Pacific
Rim which revolved around kaijus that
emerge from an interdimensional portal
known as the breach is it possible that
clover came from this exact same portal
well that wouldn’t entirely add up since
the breach is located in the Pacific
flew over meanwhile came from the
Atlantic Ocean where it went on to
attack New York nevertheless we’d be
willing to overlook a few
inconsistencies if it means getting to
watch clover fight a Jaeger number six
moon appear too long man you’ve lost
your marbles if 10 Cloverfield Lane
proved anything it’s that this franchise
isn’t dependent on flashy special
effects sometimes an atmospheric setting
and small yet capable casts are all
that’s required the same can be said
about moon which makes the most out of
very little both films primarily work on
a psychological level as the protagonist
gets lost in a claustrophobic wonderland
of uncertainty you’ve been at this far
no moon might not be set in the clover
verse but it is part of a larger
cinematic universe that’s been further
explored in director Duncan Jones as
other sci-fi film mute since mute and
the Cloverfield paradox have distributor
Netflix in common though would a
crossover be out of the question number
super 8 bad things happen this one seems
like a natural fit and not just because
it was written produced and directed by
JJ Abrams super 8 has echoes of all
three Cloverfield movies with an
engrossing sense of mystery and an
unseen creature wreaking havoc upon
humanity considering their resemblance
it wouldn’t be surprising if clover in
the alien from super 8 were distant
relatives especially since both were
designed by Neville page
parallels don’t end there young Charles
is an aspiring filmmaker who rarely goes
anywhere without his camera tying into
the found-footage theme of the first
Cloverfield seeing how super 8 is set in
1979 it actually could have worked
wonderfully as a prequel
we’re gonna die number four edge of
tomorrow you get injured on the field
you better make sure you die
since parallel universes are already in
the mix time loops wouldn’t feel out of
place in the Cloverfield universe
extraterrestrial life is no stranger to
the franchise either edge of tomorrow
masterfully blends these two concepts as
Tom Cruise’s William cage repeats the
cycle of life and death in a seemingly
although it may sound like a more
explosive version of Groundhog Day edge
of tomorrow is a cleverly plotted and
even humorous adventure that makes most
other modern sci-fi movies look generic
by comparison the film would have been a
breath of fresh air for the Cloverfield
franchise while still encompassing a
similar spirit number three annihilation
it’s like they’re stuck in a continuous
rotation the clover bursts often centers
on ordinary people crossing paths with
supernatural beings in annihilation the
characters encounter their fair share of
strange creatures including a mutated
bear that’s still haunting our
nightmares the film setting is an
extraordinary entity in itself walking a
tightrope between being an inviting
paradise and a hellish underworld
everywhere ligament like tumors the
lighthouse in particular is a harrowing
location on par with the bunker in 10
Cloverfield Lane as is the case with
most Cloverfield movies the plot of
annihilation is largely clouded in
ambiguity leaving it up to the audience
to connect all the dots however you
interpret the film one thing’s for sure
this material feels ripe for the world
of Cloverfield get back number 2
the cabin in the woods so far the
Cloverfield franchise has mainly limited
itself to giant monsters and aliens this
universes mythology is still fairly
loose however sometimes feeling as if
the filmmakers are just making it up as
they go along
that being said we’d be open to a
Cloverfield movie with zombies witches
and mermen the cabin in the woods
ingeniously brings numerous monsters
together satirizing horror movies while
also paying homage to them
remember that guy with the trowel what
have you been up to it would actually
make sense if the events of the clover
verse we’re all part of a conspiracy
with an underground facility pulling all
the strings
plus if giant evil gods ever did take
over whoever may be the only creature
who could contend with them before we
unveil our topic here are a few
number one a quiet place of all the
movies on this list none are as
well-suited for the clover verse then a
quiet place that’s because the film’s
writers briefly considered developing it
to be a Cloverfield movie much like how
the god particle eventually became the
Cloverfield paradox we can definitely
see why the screenwriters made this
connection as the noise-sensitive
creatures look a bit like clover and the
film’s enclosed setting calls 10
Cloverfield Lane to mind when all was
said and done though it was ultimately
decided that the film would work better
as a standalone story well it would have
made for a cool addition to the
franchise what we got was still a
triumph of modern terror
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