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Top 10 Most Terrifying Mythical Creatures

let’s all just thank our lucky stars
that these things don’t actually exist
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
most terrifying mythical creatures
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at mythic and folkloric
creatures from across every culture to
find those that are the most monstrous
and nightmare-inducing ly dangerous and
scary number 10 hellhound demonic
canines can be found in stories of
cultures from around the globe though
any big angry aggressive dog can be
the hellhound in any iteration is much
much worse closely associated with death
wherever it’s found
depending on who you ask the hellhound
can kill you with just a few glances in
other cultures simply hearing its howl
can spell demise some versions suck
blood some are as large as a horse while
others actually have shape-shifting
abilities most cultures seem to agree
however on the hellhound being extremely
strong fast and having incredibly foul
breath in the case of Cerberus you’re
looking at a three-headed hellhound
triple yikes number nine chimera this
monstrous creature looks like a science
experiment gone wrong though there is
some variants the classic chimera has
the head of a lion then admittedly cool
start a tail with a snake’s head on it
badass and a goat’s head sticking out of
its back
yikes yeah that’s where it takes a sharp
left turn into Terror territory and
brings to mind David Cronenberg’s
the fly the chimera hails from Greek
mythology and counts the affer mentions
Cerberus among its siblings while
Cerberus is terrifyingly intimidating
it’s the oddness of the chimera that
inspires a certain grotesque fear of
course its ability to breathe fire and
signal impending disaster don’t hurt
number eight Dybbuk this distinct brand
of Jewish ghost is a cut above the rest
when it comes to wreaking havoc in a
person’s life the slightest religious
doubt or misstep makes a body vulnerable
to possession by these otherworldly
entities Dybbuk roughly translates to
clinging spirit
and refers to a malicious ghost that
rather than moving on latches on to
other living things should it find its
way into the body of a living person it
can have disastrous influence to avoid
catching your very own Dybbuk avoid
purchasing old wine cabinets off of ebay
and be sure to get your mezuzahs from a
quality source number 7 dragon these
mythic creatures require very little
introduction sure you may have
fantasized about Khaleesi giving you a
dragon of your very own but though they
are indeed inspiring let’s be honest
would it not be pants-wetting Li
terrifying to meet one face to face a
colossal flying reptilian beast with a
nearly impenetrable hide massive
gnashing teeth and who could forget the
ability to breathe fire how is that not
the stuff of nightmares
they are absolutely captivating on
screen but a world in which dragons are
real is a world that any sane person
would not want to inhabit
have you seen rain of fire go watch rain
of fire number 6
Kraken deep-sea fishing sure sounds like
fun until you start to contemplate all
the water beneath your feet
honestly space may be the final frontier
but just think of what might be lurking
miles beneath the ocean’s surface you
know what why bother using your
imagination when we could just release
the Kraken it’s long been spoken about
in hushed voices by sailors of
Scandinavian cultures particularly those
coming from Greenland and Norway the
Kraken in its most popular
interpretation is described as a
gargantuan octopus like creature with
the ability to sink ships
so yeah points for staying on dry land
number 5 Incubus and succubus sex might
be a whole lot of fun but it also comes
with risks like unwanted pregnancies and
sti’s and that’s when you’re having sex
with just like a regular human being
should you be a woman visited by an
incubus or a man seduced by a succubus
the demonic romp in the sheets
consensual or not could cost you your
health your sanity or your very life
though they might appear attractive at a
glance you should be on the lookout for
talons or serpent like tails
incubi and succubi are not to be
fornicated with if you can help it
seriously they apparently get
weird embed number for werewolves though
the monsters that populate myths of old
or indeed the stuff of nightmares if you
can inspire fear quite like werewolves
why because a werewolf isn’t just a
vicious creature it’s a vicious creature
that you yourself could very well become
the Beast within unleashed an
uncontrollable animal driven by pure
instinct the concept of werewolves has
plagued humankind dating back to the
Middle Ages if not earlier a human being
after being bitten cursed or otherwise
afflicted transforms into a wolf or
wolf-like creature after transforming
most werewolves have no control over
their actions and could very well harm
those nearest and dearest to them that
is pretty fuckin scary number 3 Baba
are you familiar with this particular
witch if not you probably actually slept
well as a young child but don’t worry
this terrifying creature from Eastern
European folklore is scary enough to
make up for lost time by robbing you of
your sleep now she lives in a cabin in
the woods that stands on two tall
chicken legs and rides around in a
mortar wielding a pestle but don’t let
these eccentricities fool you though she
can be benevolent at times she is truly
startling to behold given her gnarled
witchy appearance and she’s got a
well-documented penchant for human flesh
children in particular the English have
black anise but Baba Yaga is even worse
number two vampires they want to suck
your blood seriously though while
twilight made them relatively benign and
what we do in the shadows made them
hilarious vampires when stripped of all
the modern pop culture baggage are
downright terrifying sexy sometimes but
for centuries dating back to medieval
times these blood sucking fiends have
been scaring the life out of people not
just regular vampires but weird
variations like the goat sucking
chupacabra the ghoulish Ngoc sitter and
the shape-shifting study guy imagine a
creature draining you of your blood in
order to temporarily sate its
unquenchable thirst sure a nighttime
visit from a vampire might sound like an
erotic premise but an application it
would be a most grisly
and to your life before we unveil our
number one pick here are some honorable
number one man anon go never heard of it
consider yourself lucky for having
avoided this pure dose of nightmare fuel
as long as you did we are here to ruin
that for you this walking and flying
Horror Show hailing from the Philippines
is like a vampire on steroids it also
puts most other creatures on our list to
shame with its characteristics it’s a
hideous woman like being that’s capable
of wait for it
severing its own body in half at the
torso the upper half flies off in search
of prey while the creepy bloody lower
half just stands there it likes to feed
on pregnant women using its long
snake-like tongue to suck up the fetus sweet dreams
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