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Top 10 Most Stressful Moments in Video Games

uh-uh our nerves are a bit tense from
all of these welcome to
and today we’ll be counting down our
picks for the top 10 most stressful
moments in videogames before we begin we
publish new content every day so be sure
to subscribe to our channel and ring the
bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we’re taking a look
at all the panic inducing moments from
video games
number ten keeping Sonic from drowning
Sonic the Hedgehog series in a game
where you play as a cartoon Hedgehog
saving cartoon animals in a cartoon land
you’d think that terror of any kind
would be kind of absent Oh contraire Mon
frère anyone who’s played a Sonic game
knows that Sonic cannot swim however
some of us had to learn the hard way
when you hang around underwater for too
long that infamous terrifying music
starts to play
of course the first time this happened
we were unaware but we can guarantee
that the abrupt change of catchy
chiptunes to suspenseful crescendo put
us into immediate panic mode number 9
amidst the grunts of zombies and the
belches of boomers only one sound
terrifies us more than any other enemy
in left4dead ii you and your friends
hear that crying you know that the witch
even with the best set of gaming
headphones it can be actually kind of
difficult to pinpoint our location as
her wailing can echo through the whole
area your only defense is to turn off
your flashlight and proceed with extreme
caution because getting careless will
cause her to attack which can instantly
incapacitate or kill any of your
teammates needless to say the witch is a
force to be reckoned with
number eight perfect runs Guitar Hero
if you and your friends played a lot of
guitar hero we have a feeling that there
was a ton of smack talking going around
then someone makes the bold plane that
they could do a perfect run in a
particular song we know because we’ve
been there to when you’re going for a
perfect run on your own it’s very
frustrating when you’re doing it in
front of friends it’s easy to get stage
fright one tiny mistake could ruin that
perfect score of yours
it makes the songs feel like they’re
five times longer too seriously though
who the hell could play Devil Went Down
to Georgia or through the fire in the
number seven defusing a bomb
counter-strike series counter-strike is
already stressful game you never know
when you’re gonna turn a corner and just
boom headshot you’re done however we
sure as hell wouldn’t want to be the
player that has to defuse the bomb when
the defusing process begins you have no
way of defending yourself unless you
stomp you become such an easy target
that you’re praying to God you don’t
hear anyone heading your way and even if
the other team is completely eliminated
there’s a chance that you won’t be quick
enough so better be careful one number
Celeste is one of the best games of the
year so far but it can also be one of
the most frustrating thanks to its trial
and error based precision platforming as
if the standard game and b-side stages
worked already difficult enough wait
until you unlock the golden strawberries
with these things you have to carry each
of them throughout an entire stage
without dying once the levels are really
long – so your nerves can easily get the
better of you when you’re getting
towards the closing moments knowing that
one small slip means a full restart and
don’t even get us started on those
number five anything past the first few
days papers please I have your rock
what with the unnecessarily specific
details strict procedures and detaining
anyone who looks remotely suspicious
welcome to your life in papers please
where you must review passport after
passport to protect the great country of
our stults cow you might not have much
trouble spotting discrepancies at first
but the details start to pile on day
after day eventually you’re gonna have a
really hard time keeping track of every
little thing and you’ll start taking
more time to double-check everything
which means you get less pay and greater
difficulty in taking care of your family
look we already have stressful jobs we
number four hiding from the xenomorph
alien isolation once you’ve played this
fantastic horror game you’ll basically
know what it’s like to be in an alien
movie and one of the good ones too
anyway as much as we love the Xenomorphs
as a character we would obviously never
want to step foot in the same room as
one and yet that’s just what alien
isolation forces you to do just like in
the movies there’s practically nothing
you can do to kill it and if you line up
in its clutches you’re basically done
for so when you see that blip on your
motion detector you better find a good
number three dropping your souls in a
any soul span knows exactly what we’re
talking about you’ve explored too far
you’ve amassed a huge amount of souls or
blood echoes and you can’t find the next
bonfire in fact you’re not even sure how
you got to where you are and then oops
you died so your souls have managed to
drop and it hard to reach or perhaps
impossible to reach spot and you have no
idea how to get back there so not only
is this frustrating but the stress has
just begun
now you gotta find your way back and be
extra careful because you have a lot to
number two being in the top ten any
battle royale game we’ve all been there
at one point or another no matter which
game you prefer we go through the same
cycle of feelings when a match starts
you’re determined that you’re going to
win this match or probably lose if
you’re pessimistic but as the match
progresses you’re constantly eyeing that
player count and your nerves start to
tighten up as the numbers decrease once
you’ve noticed that you’re one of the
last ten remaining players or somewhere
around that mark tensions really begin
to skyrocket any move could make it your
last you’re under extreme pressure to
think carefully and plan strategically
maybe you could win by being aggressive
but maybe you could also win by just
staying in that bush and that pounding
that you’re hearing yeah that’s blood
coursing through your head better chill
this game does not let you breed outlast
is basically a non-stop scare fest with
terror lurking around every corner armed
with only a camcorder and no means to
fight back here constantly peeking
around corners hiding in lockers and
behind desks and playing as if your life
really was in mortal danger if that
weren’t bad enough you can’t see a thing
without the night vision on your camera
and the search for batteries can get
kinda stressful at times there’s
basically no time to relax in outlast
but honestly that’s why it’s good do you
agree with our picks check out these
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