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“DISCOVER the THINGS That GIVE You ENERGY!” – Tom Bilyeu (@TomBilyeu) – Top 10 Rules

GoGet extraordinary go become the best

of whatever it is you want to be but go

become the best of it and see how the

world opens to if you don’t know what

you want to pursue then don’t start

pursuing something with all your might

it is very okay to be dirt poor it is

very okay to be broke what you think

about yourself is the ultimate goal it’s

the ultimate thing it’s the ultimate

reward or punishment need motivation

watch top ten with believe nation what’s

up at seven my one word is believe and I

believe in you I believe you have

Michael Jordan level talent at something

and I want you to find it embrace it and

make a difference with it so let’s get

your motivation to attend and get you

believing in you grab a snack and join

today’s lessons from a man who went from

growing up in a morbidly obese family to

being dead broke and not being able to

pay his bills to building a

billion-dollar brain and now being on a

quest to pull people out of the matrix

and unleash their true potential he’s

Tom Billiam and here’s my take and his

alright let’s kick things off with rule

number one my personal favorite

go get extraordinary so when I hear

people where their reaction is to be

about a problem like let you and I were

talking you being Hispanic is working

against you Jason you being an

african-american it’s working against

you like you’re gonna have to go up hill

but now what you’re gonna sit and

complain about it because it won’t help

you right so if you have a goal it’s

like it does suck that women have to

work harder to get to the same place

that has a white male in America that I

have to get to but if it is true if

we’re all going to accept that it’s true

we can all sit there and go we need to

focus on the system’s fair enough and

I’m glad that some people do that

the other option though is to say well I

completely control me and the one thing

I will tell any human being alive right


there is always room for the best and

once you’re able through your skills

that have utility to move somebody else

closer to their goal you will become a

hot commodity no matter what no matter

what okay think about the scientists

what were the scientists after World War

two right before they were scientists

for us they were Nazis but we were way

happy to let go of that because they had

crazy skills that we needed right so

really what it comes down to is what are

your skills like if you’ve got skills

can be used to build something beautiful

to do something wonderful to the world

to help people move towards their goals

that will excite the masses because they

they want that thing that you’re going

to create that it’s going to improve

people’s lives but only thing that

mattered in all of that was you got

really good at something and somewhere

along the way we lost that the punchline

is no matter what you do to the system

you you as an individual need to get

extraordinary at something and so my

encouragement to people is go get

extraordinary like don’t worry about

whether the system is broken or not we

built quest a billion dollar company in

less than five years coming out of the

Great Recession

so more what was it in the Great

Depression more millionaires were

created in the Great Depression than any

other time in history it’s like it just

comes down to somebody goes

honestly this is how I react the system

is too big and complicated I’m too

afraid to try to get caught up in fixing

that I’m too big of a chicken there I

just said it I’m too big of a chicken to

deal with that but I can deal with

myself I can go get extraordinary right

so focus on that go get extraordinary go

become the best of whatever it is you

want to be but go become the best of it

and see how the world opens to you rule

number two become a goal-oriented person

I very much used to be task oriented

I’ve lovingly said that what my parents

imbued me with was a slave mentality

keep my head down to as little work as

possible and avoid punishment at all

costs that’s how I thought about things

certainly how I thought about school

it’s how I thought about a job

it’s how I thought about most of the

relationships in my life it was about

avoiding conflict it was not about

having a strong core beliefs it was

really getting by getting through life

like trying to you know get through the

week so that you can enjoy yourself in

the weekend and love your family and I

don’t get me wrong they had really

amazing intentions and they wanted me to

enjoy my life but there were just things

that they saw is in a Leah Boulder were

you just couldn’t change them and so

that put me in just thinking about

whatever was right before me so oh I

need to get an A okay you know this is

what I’ll do to get my A and the grades

is a perfect example because the real

goal should have been learning it should

have been knowledge it should have been

me going hey the system doesn’t actually

really give me the things that I want

and so pushing back against that and

trying to figure out what I need to do

to actually educate myself but I didn’t

do that because the task before me was

get an A that’s just what you did in my

family you got good grades and so

cheating was a perfectly reasonable

solution to that now when I went to

college I realized wait a second this is

supposedly the thing that I love most I

was studying film so if I really loved

this then why would I cheat if I’m going

to try to get a career out of this again

why would I cheat and if I’m taking on

massive amounts of college debt to learn

about this why would a cheat it doesn’t

make sense and so in that I switched

from that task oriented mindset to

really thinking bigger about my goals

there were things in life that I wanted

to achieve that I wanted to accomplish

and I had to then reverse engineer what

needed to do to get there rule number

three go get lost hey Tom what’s your

best advice for someone just graduating

from college with no sense of direction

and no job go get lost go explore go do

things that interest you dive deep don’t

prematurely optimize so this is

something that I think is missing in

people’s life stay if you don’t know

what you want to pursue then don’t start

pursuing something with all your might

it is very okay to be dirt poor it is

very okay to be broke

like in that early period of your life

your early 20s man it is so okay to not

be making a lot of money as long as

you’re able to eat and you would be

startled by how little money that takes

it’s okay go out discover play bumble

around do whatever it takes to begin to

discover the things that really give you

energy that will serve you incredibly

well because feeling alive that’s the

name of the game rule number four chase

fulfillment I become an owner in the

company through sweat equity the company

is worth the height I think it was worth

valued at like twenty two million

dollars so on paper I’m a

multimillionaire my salaries higher than

it’s ever been in my life and now I’m

completely miserable and I’m like I’m

living the cliche of money can’t buy

happiness and I’m like this is a joke

like this was so predictable and so easy

to see coming how if I actually gotten

caught in this trap and I began to

realize that I wasn’t pursuing things

that gave me more energy I was pursuing

something that was taking more energy

than it was giving I wasn’t pursuing

something that I was passionate about

and what I didn’t yet understand about

money is that money is in and of itself

it’s inert right nobody save for maybe

Scrooge McDuck and possibly Warren

Buffett like would actually get off on

swimming in their own money right so

it’s not the money right when you talk

to Warren Buffett part of what drives

them is it’s a scorecard right he gets

off on the scorecard but if you don’t if

that’s not your thing and it’s not mine

so I’m building this business I’m

learning all these skills I’m coming in

I’m working my ass off I’m working seven

days a week I’m not taking

I’m damaging my relationship at home and

all for what money now the vast majority

of my wealth at the time was tied up in

the equity of the company which

basically means you have none right so

most people don’t even understand the

difference between paper money and

liquid cash paper money is not

interesting like they’ll write about it

in Forbes magazine and kids will come up

to me freaking out because they know my

net worth is crazy high and I’m like the

only thing you should care about is how

much money do I have where I can go now

manifest something in the real world

build a business buy something whatever

and that’s a totally different game so

at that moment I’m thinking this is

total misery I want to wake up every day

and enjoy my life to have more energy

being given to me than taken away and in

that moment I realized the game I’m

playing isn’t money it’s not success

it’s brain chemistry and if the game

that I’m playing is brain chemistry

which I’ll say another way deep and

lasting fulfillment the thing that as a

human makes us feel good the thing that

we’re all secret deep down no matter

what you tell people you’re chasing the

thing you’re actually chasing is

fulfillment you want to feel good about

who you are you want to feel good about

your contributions you want to feel good

about meaning and purpose in your life

so those are the things altum Utley the

people are chasing they think that money

is going to give that to them and that

they’re wrong and that’s how they keep

getting caught off guard now the reason

that money is this trap that everyone

can tell you is a trap and yet it will

still capture you is because money is

real and it’s really powerful and the

things that money lets you do in your

life is almost unimaginable until you

have money and I see now what I’m doing

finally now having real liquid assets

that are significant you can guys think

for one second right now imagine closing

your eyes and thinking about that thing

you most want the thing you want to

build it’s something beautiful it’s

something you want to leave your

humanity I would just assume it isn’t

dumb like a car right it’s really

something it’s something you want to

build and give and it’s gonna be I don’t

think in legacy but like I get the

sentiment it’s gonna be your legacy it’s

going to be

that thing that outlasts you or helps

other people or offers jobs or build

something that we all want the only

thing stopping you from doing it you’re

gonna say it’s time but it’s not time

it’s money and that’s how money gets

people because once you know what you

want to build with it then it’s really

powerful but if you’re chasing money in

and of itself you’ll burn out I promise

you won’t enjoy your life because you’re

not thinking about that end result rule

number five go all-in

is it possible to fully grow into your

potential achieve your huge goals and

continue on that journey of the mind

whilst used whilst which I respect while

still enjoying getting drunk and

partying I didn’t see that coming or are

they completely mutually exclusive so

here’s what I think about that I am a

big believer that if you’re going all

out you are grinding it out you leave it

on the field so I’m telling you right

now Monday through Friday if I am awake

I am working or working out period in

fact now these days I read while I’m

working out which I never did before we

could do a whole episode on how I’ve

made that finally work but that process

one requires that you love what you’re

doing so let me just make that

abundantly clear I love what I’m reading

about I love what we’re trying to build

all of it just amazing it gives me more

energy than it takes away now once you

have that though really wanting to

actuate your potential and going after

it every day and knowing I’m going to

bed now because I have left it all out

on the field and I’m telling you there

are times during the day where I’m like

let me just look at reddit for like five

minutes and I just it’s like for five

minutes I can’t do it it’s so embedded

in me to want to be the person that I

say out loud to actually be internally

that that’s when I go and I start

looking at Instagram replying to

comments doing research whatever so


doing that playing that hard every day

leads me to when I want to stop and go

shake my ass even if it’s a random

Tuesday I’ll go do that because I know

how hard I’ve played every day I know

how much I’m willing to bleed for my

goals so this is now

about emotional austerity this is not

about grinding yourself into into the

dirt first of all it’s doing something

you love so that as you’re grinding and

going that hard it’s something that you

just want to do then on the other side

because you’re going that hard that you

just don’t have the guilt that most

people have when you take time off and

relax and chill so when I’m working I am

all the way in and when I’m relaxing I’m

all the way in rule number six scan the

opinions of others how receptive should

I be to the opinions of others of me

when I firmly believe I’m doing the

right thing for myself so I think it is

always good to scan the opinions of

other people even when they are hostile

even even when they are overtly meant as

an attack to really look at that and say

is there any truth in this here’s a

great news when people attack you they

almost always go for something real it

is very rare that somebody tries to

attack you for something that isn’t real

so really look at that thing and figure

out okay

is there some truth in here is there

something that I can address because if

they’re hitting you is something that’s

true and that if you fixed that you’d be

in a more powerful position than it’s

very wise to listen to the opinions of

other people having said that you need

to think more about yourself you need to

trust your vision more than you worry

about what other people think it’s gonna

sting when people don’t like what you’re

doing or don’t believe in you or

whatever but at the end of the day if

you look at it and there’s truth take

the truth make an adjustment don’t worry

about anything else it’s just that’s

gonna make you more powerful if there’s

no truth in it and it stings then just

let it go and focus on what it is you’re

trying to accomplish but at the end of

the day this is all being driven by the

goal so if something they say can help

you get the goal you’re gonna take it if

something they say hurts but can’t help

you reach your goal you’re going to

ignore it it’s that simple

rule number seven find your mission I

grew up in a morbidly obese family so

for me it was I needed to have a mission

that was so big and so compelling that

it gave me energy that I could show up

every day and fight for people that I

could think about there’s an awesome

quote often attributed to Mother Teresa

that says nobody will act for the many

but people will act for the one so if

there’s someone you can picture someone

you know someone you love like you’ll go

to battle for them so I knew I’ll show

up every day and fight for my mom and my

sister and I know that they’re gonna die

too early if we can’t figure out how to

solve this problem of making food that

people want to eat tastes good and so

that became the mission of the company

was to end metabolic disease and to do

it by making food that people can choose

based on taste and it happens to be good

for them rule number eight let go of

your past mistakes how do you completely

start over in life when your past

mistakes won’t let go of you alright

let’s be really clear you won’t let go

of your past mistakes that that is just

the gospel truth so you’ve got to work

at letting those go now the only thing

that I’ve found that works is the

following to understand that they don’t

move you towards your goals so for me

putting in not quite a bright line but

really taking the impact theory belief

system which by the way you can download

now by going to impact Theory com

signing up for our newsletter which I

kill myself to make those newsletters

amazing so go there now

and one of your incentives for doing so

is the 25 point bullet belief system

those are the 25 things you need to do

to your mind to make sure that you’re

optimized for success one of those

things is we only believe that which

moves us towards our goals now the

reason that I put that into my own lives

because I found that I would obsess over

things that had happened in the past

either something that happened to me or

something that I did and you get into

this really weird cycle that is

absolutely obsessive because of that it

becomes hardwired because of that it

becomes easier to think about because of

that you think about it more often it

begins to just occupy a lot of cycles

and crowds out your ability to get other

things done so I didn’t know how to

break out of that pattern because like

you I thought it was something that was

happening to meet rather than something

that I could control and so I had to

flip it and realize okay I’m in my life

at the absolute foundational layer of

everything that I do and believe I’m

going to make sure that it’s something

that moves me towards my goals

so if obsessing over the past moved me

towards my goals I would do it but it

doesn’t and so I don’t that is the only

thing that I found that I have a belief

that is so powerful and all-encompassing

in my life that I should do what moves

me towards my goals that anything even

something that I would otherwise be

prone to obsessively return to I use

basically techniques from cognitive

behavioral therapy also known as CBT

where I will stop myself it doesn’t mean

that I’m not having those initial

thoughts but it means that I interrupt

those initial thoughts because it’s not

moving me towards my goal I move that

aside and then I go focus on the thing

that is going to move me towards my goal

which may be an empowering thought to

reframe that negative thing is something

positive to remind myself that I’m good

I’m worthy I’m whatever I need to do in

order to get moving and get going or

just ask myself have you learned from

that mistake and if you have then go

you’ve got the lesson move forward

nothing else matters cycling through it

isn’t going to help so that is my advice

it is very doable cognitive behavioral

therapy interrupt those patterns make

them habit loop triggers for something

empowering rule number nine think about

yourself what you think about yourself

is the ultimate goal it’s the ultimate

thing it’s the ultimate reward or

punishment but what you think about

yourself is at the end of the day the

single most important thing and so

beginning to have a relationship with

yourself of sitting quietly and this may

be one of the reasons that meditating is

so important that you can actually sit

quietly think about who you are now what

you think about yourself who you want to

become what price you’re willing to pay

to get there and then actually going

down that path to become that person

that at the end of the day is the thing

that is going to bring you happiness and

fulfillment but you really have to think

about who you want to become and to not

be trapped by your past but do that put

time and energy into thinking about what

do I want to think about myself and

quite honestly what do I think about

myself right now if you steer by that it

becomes very easy to ignore other people

and rule number 10 the last one before

some very special bonus clips

in control of your life and as Bruce Lee

said if you always put limits on

everything you do physical or anything

else it will spread into your work and

into your life there are no limits there

are only plateaus and you must not stay


you must go beyond them even in the

statement you can see him making the

choice about what to believe by saying

that there are no limits by taking

something that other people perceive as

a limit is something that’s stopping you

and saying that’s not it’s a plateau

it’s something that I can push through

and you see what he holds himself

accountable to it’s not okay to stay at

a plateau it’s okay to have one

everybody has them they happen it’s a

natural part of the course of getting

better but it is not okay to stay there

and that is a choice that’s not

something anyone can hand you it’s

something you have to believe to the

core of your soul that it is not okay to

stay in a plateau and it’s that that’s

gonna push you through it’s that that’s

gonna make you get up and keep going but

first you have to recognize that life is

cause-and-effect you have to recognize

that that

the knock-on effect you have to

recognize that him nearly saying those

words out loud have a cause and effect

they changed the course of his life the

expectations that other people have of

him expectations that he has of himself

and because he understands that he can

control the outside world by first

controlling what’s inside by changing

his belief system to match what he wants

to accomplish he’s then able to

accomplish what he did in his life have

nothing to do with look it had

everything to do with the demands that

he made on himself it had to do with

when he got in a motorcycle accident

people told him he would never walk

again not only did he walk again all of

the major accomplishments that we think

about him being that man they all came

after they came after he was told he was

never gonna walk again after he was told

that he was never going to be able to do

martial arts but he did it he did the

grueling work of getting better he

understood cause and effect he

understood that if you chose to believe

that he could never do it that he’d

never be able to do it but that if he

chose to believe that by working out he

could get stronger and get better and

get back to it and he could and that’s

what he did

so now ask yourself is your life

dictated by luck

or cause and effect

are you in control or is it somebody

else is someone else in control or is it

you and if it’s you go build the life

that you want because there’s nothing

stopping you

but you now I’ve got three really

special Tom Beale you bonus clips around

changing your beliefs finding your true

passion and using bright lines but

before that I want to know what did you

learn from today’s video what did you

learn from Tom which rule resonated the

most with you and why leave it down the

comments below I want to hear from you

thank you guys so much for watching I

believe in you I hope you continue to

believe in yourself and whatever your

one word is much love I’ll see you soon

movies have I think in movies they’ve

always just spoken to me maybe more than

most and the movie The Matrix came out

March 31st 1999 just had its anniversary

it’s 19 year anniversary and I remember

going to a preview screening of that

movie because I’m a comic nerd and I was

at a comic convention they were handing

out tickets and when they’re walking in

to the opening scene basically and the

agents show up and the cop goes don’t

worry we can handle one little girl and

Agent Smith goes no lieutenant your men

are already dead and then they cut to

Trinity she jumps into the air freezes

in that theater that I saw that in

everyone screamed in unison and started

clapping now I had never experienced

something like that ever in a movie

before the spontaneous eruption of the

entire audience in the middle of

something that wasn’t like a scream or a

yell it was like celebratory they

couldn’t believe what they were seeing

and then ultimately as the movie plays

out it’s a movie about belief and it was

coming at a time in my life where the

only thing I believed was that I was a

talentless hack and that I had no idea

how to make my life come true so seeing

this metaphor for belief and that what

neo really has to figure out is that

he’s the one and that first for him to

finally come to believe in himself

enough that he is the one someone has to

tell him he’s not the one and so he’s

got to go on that whole journey and he’s

got to try the impossible he’s got to be

willing to face failure and the fact

that it works is because nobody was ever

before him willing to face the failure

and so because he’s willing to face the

failure and if you remember the movie he

fails he dies but it’s only in

remembering wait a second these are just

rules and I can break the rules then he

then comes back and realizes once he

understands the rules once he believes

in himself enough then he can do all

this incredible stuff and I don’t think

we actually live in the matrix and if we

do I don’t think that it really matters

but as a metaphor I think it’s the

perfect metaphor for the human

experience because what you believe

about yourself will entirely dictate

what you do with your life here is how I

actually have experienced the world so

passions are created they are not innate

it’s not something that’s born within


people through how I developed my

passion for film before I’ve walked

people how I developed my passion for

the body and helping people with

nutrition so I won’t belabor that point

now but just know that it is something

that you create it starts with an area

of interest you engage with that

interest it either gets more interesting

to you which I’ll call a fascination or

doesn’t if it doesn’t move on to

something else

find another area of interest engage

with it and see if it grows an interest

and the easiest way to understand that

is as you engage with that as you spend

more time with it is it giving you more

energy than it takes so if it gives you

more energy and you feel alive and you

look forward to and you want to do it

that’s a very good sign that this is

something that’s leading towards a real

fascination now in the book so good they

can’t ignore you Cal Newport really

differentiates between the classical

view of a passion which is like I was

born with it I’m on fire and it’s just

naturally amazing and what I think is

actually a passion which is the act of

gaining mastery takes a deep fascination

and turns it into a passion but I think

like love is a reciprocal relationship

and you’re not actually in love if

there’s no reciprocity I don’t think you

actually have a passion unless you’re

gaining mastery in it and you’re able to

alter the world in some way through that

whether it’s a musical creation whether

it’s becoming an incredible teacher and

you know that you’re impacting people’s

lives whatever it is your skill set

actually allows you to serve other

people and that emotional resonance of

going wow I worked really hard for this

skill set I am actually good at this

thing and being good at this thing

actually allows me to manifest that in

some way that is tangible in the real


Lauren Cisco Connect inbox I’ve heard

you talk about using bright lines in

your life

what are your bright lines you live by

daily how did you incorporate the lines

into your life did you just decide one

day or just do it or was there some

trial and error so first of all bright

lines are lines you just don’t cross for

whatever reason it’s something that is

that important to you that you’re not

going to cross that line so the bright

lines that I have in my life are I’ll

just go through sort of

by moment so the first one is I get out

of bed in ten minutes or less so I have

a real problem I don’t know what it is

with morning people I am NOT a morning

person I absolutely hate mornings I find

it very difficult to get out of bed

so whatever the chemical is that your

brain clears up that wakes you up mine

is really slow at clearing that so left

to my own devices I would lay in bed for

a very very very long time now it’s

fascinating is I guess technically I am

left my own devices but left of my

natural inclinations is probably a

better way to say that I would lay there

for a very long time it’s a very famous

story of mine at this point that when I

was living in London I would lay in bed

for hours hours 3-4 hours at a time

because I didn’t want to get a bed so I

had to put excuse me I can’t get rid of

this cough I put a bright line in that I

get out of bed in 10 minutes or less all

right next one I won’t say that it’s a

bright line that I go to the gym so that

would probably be a little unfair

although that’s a one of the first

things that I make sure that I do if I’m

crunched for time so I’ll drop other

things I believe it or not I’ll drop

meditation long before I would drop

working out partly because I hate it and

so I put it very high but that that

isn’t a bright line in true honest

fashion I never eat my breakfast before

7:00 a.m. that is a bright line now like

today I woke up at 3:40 in the morning

just woke up got out of bed so by 7:00 I

was hungry

but I didn’t actually end up beating

until about 8:30 so but I have a bright

line that I don’t eat under any

circumstances before 7 a.m.

I don’t eat before I feed my children

who are dogs but I don’t eat before them

that’s a big thing for me

psychologically so that’s my next one

and then the amount that I eat is also a

bright line so the amount that I eat for

an entire day is always pre-planned

ahead of time I know exactly what that’s

gonna be because if I don’t do that then

I get fat so that is another one of my

bright lines those are really my only

bright lines I have other things that

are like incredibly important although I

will say that I have a

right line around and this is sort of

hard to pin down to a time but I have a

bright line around if I’m awake Monday

through Friday if I’m awake I’m either

working or working out so those are my

bright lines there’s some other stuff

that God is more like belief system

identity stuff but those are like the

bright lines I wouldn’t say that I got

to them by trial and error I would say

that I got to them by knowing what I

need a bright line around so with food

for instance very easy for me to overeat

it’s very easy for me to slip in

calories without really paying attention

if I were to eat when I was hungry I

would basically be eating all the time

so putting in bright lines has been

something that’s been incredibly

incredibly useful for me raise your

standard Apple at the core its core

value is that that people need passion

and not one drop of most self-worth

depends on your it’s supposed to mean I

don’t ever give up I’d have to be dead

or completely incapacitated hey believe

nation if you want to see my all-time

favorite top ten rows of success I have

a very special secret video for you

these are the individual clips that I

have personally learned the most from

and applied to my life and my business

check the link the description for details

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