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Top 10 Most Revered Personalities In Gaming

bow down to these legends of the
industry welcome to
she’ll be handing down our picks for the
top 10 most revered personalities in
gaming yes my body was ready
these guys have achieved considerable
success in their chosen field and have
gained the respect of players and peers
alike having an unusual or quirky
personality isn’t the be-all end-all for
this list but it will certainly do no
harm we also have to exclude characters
like Kevin Butler as despite his many
monikers and undeniable cult following
he’s you know not real because real
boxers don’t hit like this number 10
Jeff Keely won big award left tonight it
is game of the year try one of the
industry’s most respected presenters
this Canadian journalist was previously
a constant figure of GameTrailers
programming and will now be seen popping
up at e3 or posting his own award show
um it just shows the power and promise
of gaming so here are your nominees for
game of the year for a while however it
seemed like he would mainly be
remembered for his notorious interview
where he was surrounded by Mountain Dew
and Doritos despite that unfortunate
incident he’s revered for his
professionalism in defending games from
unwarranted controversy by Fox News or
how when the cringe-worthy Spike BGA’s
were canceled Jeff went above and beyond
to host and produce the game awards to
give gaming the respectable award
ceremony it deserved and the winner for
game of the Year 2015 is The Witcher 3
number 9 Ben
Yahtzee crow Shaw but you know what this
kind of game is it’s an asshole
recruitment drive you start playing as a
fresh-faced level one and get murdered
by assholes
obviously you don’t give a half ounce of
creamy baby excrement about helping your
team win your only real motivation is to
avenge yourself upon the asshole with
his fingers and many gaming pots there
are few reviewers better equipped than
this writer and developer to scathingly
reflect what gamers actually feel about
games and the industry as a whole
his zero punctuation reviews for the
escapist are packed with expletives and
abstract metaphors a medium that
resonates with players in a way that
reviews from the mainstream gaming media
never could Christ we’ve been getting
big-headed lately haven’t we not
Wolfenstein to a Wolfenstein revenge
with the man with the chocolate box
concealed in his head just Wolfenstein
it’s like what they did with Star Trek
Friday the 13th the final destiny
what did some kind of apocalypse happen
while I wasn’t looking and I’m
everything has to reset his minimalist
animations births prominent memes in
gaming culture like the glorious PC
gaming master race yet his commentary
never schemes on well-reasoned critique
about the tunnel in question with no
obligations to game publishers this
trilby wearing Britt with the biggest
lungs on the internet can remain
independently vitriolic and we love them
for it why not play with friends I hear
you ask good idea Ranulph try organizing
for teammates into a single game and let
me know how it went once he get released
from being sectioned under the Mental
Health Act number 8 Sid Meier find the
fun what are the cool parts of this
topic and bring them to life since 1982
this renowned developer was innovating
in the strategy and simulation genre not
only popularizing Forex titles but also
elevating the industry as a whole into
the mainstream first working at the time
when there was no ready-made game
engines he earned the right to have his
name slapped on the front of the
civilization series and be inducted into
the Academy of interactive Arts &
Sciences Hall of Fame the Age of Empires
just series you know those were very fun
games and those were kind of you know in
a way civilization made real time his
name is synonymous with quality and
video game development civilization
titles have collectively sold over 33
million copies showing us that the man
largely responsible for every god game
on the market has a creative vision far
exceeding that of us mere mortals you
can sense that oh I’m better at this
than I was last week or two weeks ago
you know get that feeling of progress
and understanding things better and
number seven Jennifer Hale I was just so
connected to everybody that just I
didn’t plan for it to hit me I just I
just knew who I was saying goodbye to I
knew what our history was and I knew
that this was it Nolan North and Troy
Baker may be the cover boys for video
game voice work today but Hale was
performing years before those upstarts
even got into the business following her
breakout role as Metal Gear Solid’s
Naomi hunter in 1998 she has landed
hundreds of roles many of whom are
strong depictions of female characters
these range from relatively limited
samus’s grunts and exhalations in
Metroid Prime for example to
comprehensive an iconic when voicing fem
shep in the Mass Effect trilogy you talk
too much
chances are you wouldn’t recognize the
most prolific female voice actor in
gaming if she passed you on the street
but hear her voice and memories of
scores of games past would come flooding
back you can either fight at my side or
get crushed under my heel but you will
not stand in my way
number 6 Jeff Gerstmann but it’s
impossible to care about anything that’s
going on in the story because every
single character of the game is almost
completely unlikable a gaming journalist
who began working during the magazine
era Gerstmann has experienced massive
changes in industry technology and the
way games are reported emerging is one
of the few with their professional
reputation intact however he nearly fell
victim to the worst side of the field
when he controversially lost his job at
GameSpot over relatively average reviews
of titles whose publishers had paid
handsomely to advertise on the site I
don’t care I can’t care about anything
you’re telling me
and then then finally they said like you
need to get your stuff and go out of
that hotness aptly named Gershman gate
much to his annoyance came Giant Bomb a
platformer that has stayed relevant as
other outlets have fallen victim to
changing trends of consumption Gerstmann
himself even having the foresight to
predict the move towards more humorous
personality driven content but yeah I
mean I think I told you this is like you
know what I looked at what you guys were
we’re building and how you’re talking
about building I was like yeah this is
probably how I would do it if I was
doing it right now
number 5 Markus Persson aka knotch I
wasn’t working on Minecraft anymore they
had it for a long time but I still was
kind of responsible for it since I made
it there was the main shareholder of
mojang although this sweet success story
is one that will inspire indie
developers everywhere it’s not one that
sits entirely comfortable with the
creator of Minecraft
what started as a pet project resulted
in a 2.5 billion dollar sale to
Microsoft a 70 million dollar home that
jay-z and Beyonce were interested in and
plenty of celebrity attention if I ever
get rich a lot every one of the boring
rich people doesn’t spend money I’ll try
to compensate forgive it to charity as
well so feel better what was out there
despite that success he has stated that
he has since been unable to find that
same sense of fulfillment he achieves
when at a computer programming an
original idea he revealed this disquiet
via a series of frank twitter posts and
it’s that sort of grounded honesty that
fans find so relatable making them feel
as if he’s just like any
else grafting crafting and surviving in
the game he created so you could
possibly never release a game again
yeah that would be fine with that number
four Felix kelberg aka cutie pie you
have 39 million subscribers right so
your YouTube channel and you actually
own Guinness Book of World Record as the
most subscribers to your YouTube channel
the success of this microphone splitting
Swedish let’s player maybe v”m using to
some but his part in turning YouTube
into the prime platform for gaming
content is one even his detractors
cannot argue with under all of that
profanity isn’t a stupe businessman who
recognized the possibilities that
YouTube presents to his type of
self-deprecating content you know videos
that make you feel like you’re playing a
game with a buddy gay doors van Jason as
of the time of writing nearly 48 million
bros follow his increasingly diverse
range of videos and when he’s not
getting kicked out of his apartment for
stuff like this
one he has some relatively grounded and
well-respected opinions on gaming in
YouTube he’s even had the South Park
treatment and if that’s not making it
god knows what is how’s it goin bro this
is it’s beautiful what the hell
number three Hideo Kojima I don’t
everyone I’m back if you require
evidence for how this legendary
developers mind works just have a look
at his death stranding trailer and
you’ll get a pretty good impression of
what we don’t know but it’s you know
it’s something he’s not just unusual for
unusual sake however his biggest series
Metal Gear has the same production value
and complex story as the movies he’s
inspired by if not B’s a narrative flow
his lavish ideas don’t come cheap
the phantom pain apparently cost upwards
of eighty million dollars yet he has
largely managed to avoid the tropes of
triple-a gaming that often come with
such big budgets gamers love him for
that and were outraged when Konami
unceremoniously let him go furiously
defending a man who sticks with his
creative vision no matter what his
corporate overlords say
number two gabe newell welcome to the
international after switching off your
pc and getting into bed after hours in a
game you probably bought for pennies say
a little prayer to our Savior Lord gaben
for making it all possible
not only did he have a hand in creating
the beloved series half-life and portal
he pioneered the steam digital
distribution service reviving PC gaming
in the process Newell and his company
valve share an ethos that is perceived
by gamers as being for the people and
moves like making the source 2 engine
free to developers is endlessly
endearing yet still the most meme where
the gaming figure on earth leaves
half-life 3 out in the cold maybe they
are in it for the money after all
getting a lot of death threats over the
non reveal of half-life 3 yet I think
everybody hopes that we do good work in
the future before we reveal our topic
let’s have a look at some honorable
mentions presiding fans are so angry
vitriolic agitated swarming like furious
Hornets and what was just one small step
for me was one giant step for expanding
the universe of video games
it didn’t add ed person’s mind it could
be really creepy and weird like woo
would you be in someone’s mind is all
just melting away like everything is
see-through number one Shigeru Miyamoto
sorry about those up those are it’s hard
to imagine that any one individual has
had more impact on video games than this
63 year old Nintendo stalwart you could
reasonably argue that he first saved the
industry from disaster and then set the
standard for what it’s truly capable of
dragging it out of the doldrums with
Super Mario Brothers and The Legend of
Zelda in the mid 80s
since then he has maintained his
position as Nintendo’s conductor in
chief churning out some of the best
games ever as other developers Paul in
and out of the public eye
of course not every game he’s worked on
has been a success we music anyone but
throughout it all he’s never failed to
have a smile on his face
no she’s not done when Attica doesn’t
know that I may have been able to help
deal with all guys into doing it
do you agree with our list which figures
of the world of gaming do you admire it
faces I for more top 10s published every
day be sure to subscribe to please enjoy
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