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Top 10 Mario Kart Tracks

this series has had players compete on
the most boisterous tracks imaginable
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
Mario Kart tracks this list spans all
entries in the Mario Kart franchise
prior to the 8th game in the series
focusing solely on the racing tracks and
excluding any arenas from the battle
mode number 10 Yoshi Valley Mario Kart
64 and Mario Kart 8 as soon as that
hectic banjo music hits you know you’re
in for a treat
Yoshi Valley posts the most paths of any
mario kart track in the series resulting
in absolute chaos and confusion so much
so that even the game loses track of
who’s in what position he’ll dodge
porcupines drive on the narrow canyon
and try to avoid that giant Yoshi egg
that tries to flatten you why is that
there number 9 tick tock clock Mario
Kart DS and Mario Kart 8 this track
won’t let you ride like clockwork with
shifting gears and turns a plenty tick
tock clock will have you drifting
constantly you begin the race driving up
a massive clock face dodging clock hands
in the process you’ll want to avoid the
huge swinging pendulum followed by those
rotating cogs don’t forget to climb up
the spinning gears geez is there
anything in this track that isn’t moving
number eight music park Mario Kart 7 and
Mario Kart 8 known as melody motorway in
Europe originality is not lacking here
as this track is made up entirely of
musical instruments with trumpets
blaring you’ll be drifting on keyboards
and dancing with the Piranha Plants not
too close of course make your way
through the xylophone keys and bounce
off that tambourine
of course the music park wouldn’t be
complete without giant musical notes
squishing would be victims number seven
why Luigi pinball mario kart DS and
mario kart 7 a colorful twisting track
while Luigi pinball launches you with a
plunger as you begin racing amongst
bumpers flippers kickers and slingshots
just like in an actual pinball machine
even the item roulette makes a unique
pinball sound
you race through the course alongside a
giant rolling marble all while enjoying
the flashes and sounds as you swerve to
avoid the giant pin balls on this zany
number six Koopa Cape Mario Kart Wii and
Mario Kart 7 driving down river has
never been this exhilarated Koopa Cape
is a callback to the popular Koopa
Troopa Beach on Mario Kart 64 sharing
the tropical location and massive jumps
while you’re racing along fishnet tracks
and dodging goombahs you’ll also find
yourself flush down a classic pipe sound
effects included and driving in an
underwater transparent tube with either
electric propellers or cheep cheeps
trying to mess up your run number 5 DK
mountain Mario Kart Double Dash and
Mario Kart we talked about starting with
a bang
the cannon launches you to the top of
Donkey Kong’s mountain track leaving you
nowhere to go but down for the rest of
the way starting off on top of an
erupting volcano you’ll zoom to the
jungle setting all while avoiding
boulders and rickety bridges the
momentum you have while driving down
this mountain is unparalleled fun number
4 wario stadium mario kart 64 not to be
confused with the DS track of the same
name Wario stadium is truly a classic
mario kart track you’ll be racing over
jumps official and unofficial and
drifting across tight turns added to the
mix are plenty of motocross bumps
scattered throughout the course to annoy
even the most seasoned of players
with an audience to watch and a
Jumbotron broadcasting your exploits
this long track deserves all the praise
it receives
number three airship fortress Mario Kart
DS and Mario Kart 7 when you start a
level with an airship firing bullet
bills at you you have something special
on your hands don’t get too excited
after you’re done with the initial
bombardment because you’ll find yourself
in a field of rocky wrenches followed by
moving crates and flaming pillars a
cannon then blasts you into a spiral
tower you must descend in order to end
the madness until the next lap
number two Bowser’s Castle Mario Kart 64
and Mario Kart Wii
he’s Mario’s arch-nemesis so of course
his Castle would be this intimidating
Bowser’s Castle has a long history in
the Mario Kart series but the n64
version has a special place in our
ominous music fire-breathing statues
rooms filled with swarming swamps
bridges dangling over lava this is the
epitome of epic racing through this
majestically evil Palace fills players
with joy and excitement
before we get to the number one spot
let’s take a look at some honorable
number one Rainbow Road Super Mario Kart
and Mario Kart 7 Rainbow Road is the
culminating track in every Mario Kart
game and they are all known for their
rainbow themes in space while we loved
the n64 and DS versions the original
version is still our favorite because it
was so very challenging and intricately
designed sporting extremely sharp turns
with no guardrails sending players to
their temporary tomb it always feels
like a satisfying conclusion to a long
journey and was pure karting magic do
you agree with our picks let us know
which tracks you hold near and dear for
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