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Top 10 Major Plot Holes in Movies

wax on wax off when you pay close enough
attention some things don’t quite add up
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
major movie plot holes for this list
we’re taking a look at films back while
entertaining have some pretty glaring
problems with their storylines either in
the form of missing yet relevant info
inconsistencies contradictions or things
that just make no sense those things I
can do almost powers the plot holes in
question don’t necessarily take away
from our overall enjoyment of the movies
themselves but they do leave us
wondering how something so questionable
slipped past so many people it’s
number 10 binary lunacy Independence Day
everyone knows aliens have it in for us
and the humankind is a galaxy-wide
welcome to earth
unfortunately these massively
technologically advanced aliens
underestimated one thing 1990s computer
viruses we can enter here as shown in
satellite photos we then upload the
virus we then set off some kind of
they made it all the way to Earth from a
distant planet but they’re ultimately
filled by something you might have
gotten while downloading form sir he’s
uploading the virus not to mention the
whole finding an accommodating port on
an alien spacecraft through which to
upload said virus thing we can’t even
charge our new iPods with our old
chargers viruses here
number nine
they shot facepalm The Karate Kid all
right where the rules here no having
suffered a deliberate knee injury at the
machinations of the opposing teams in
nefarious instructor Daniel is finally
able to stand up to his bully in the
karate ring so what does he do he kicks
the dude in the face which we already
know is a legal move or is it Daniel
look everything above your waist is a
point compared you to stardom kidneys
and the ribs got it the rules of the
tournament say they’re kosher but some
calls from the officials say otherwise
especially in the final apparently when
you’re the good guy in your competition
is a douche it’s fine and you end up
winning the tournament
number eight the trouble with time zones
gremlins but the most important rule the
rule you can never forget no matter how
much he cries no matter how much he begs
never never feed him after midnight why
get a dog or an adorable cat when you
can get a creature that looks like a
Furby that you can’t get wet and that
you shouldn’t feed after midnight what
mo quiet comes much responsibility and
midnight according to what watch by the
way did you feed them after midnight
well I gave them some chicken but I made
sure that it no no no wait a minute if
you and your Mogwai are hanging out in
New York and decide to catch a midnight
plane to Los Angeles can it have a snack
while you fly over Montana it’s pretty
much always midnight somewhere so should
it just starve to death
number 7 top dumb Battlefield Earth but
there is one thing that your rat brains
weren’t smart enough to realize this
movie was a dumpster fire of awfulness
but we gotta narrow things down first
there’s nothing I want more one of the
most obvious WTF moments in the film
comes when the newly emboldened humans
hop into some thousand-year-old Harrier
jets to take their planet back from the
humanoid dreadlocked aliens while most
folks probably aren’t up on the half
life of jet fuel it’s safe to say that
most aircraft aren’t in top-shelf
condition after a literal millennium of
complete neglect pretend that you’re not
a complete imbecile and check the combo
gradients number 6 if I could turn back
time Superman uh-oh just how fast you
fly what happens when your superhuman
speed lets you lessen the consequences
of a nuclear blast but not save your
sorry beg your pardon why you use that
superhuman speed to fly around the globe
with such velocity as to reverse time
itself while we could question why Supes
didn’t use his immense mind-boggling
speed to maybe intercept the two nuclear
missiles in the first place
we’ll just chalk that one up to
kryptonite poisoning Oh
Krypton then again we’re not scientists
but does reversing the Earth’s orbit
really turn back time never lie number
five destroyed pod equals no Star Wars
Star Wars Episode four and new hope what
have you done with those plans Princess
Leia is hightailing it back to the Rebel
Alliance when her spacecraft is captured
she jettisons an escape pod with r2d2
and c3po inside who happened to be
carrying the ever so vital plans for the
Death Star this is madness instead of
destroying the pod and thusly preventing
the series of events that lead to the
destruction of the Death Star and the
entire Star Wars saga
the Imperial soldiers decide that since
there aren’t any signs of life on board
they should just let it go
Tech mission plans what are you talking
about I’m not
I’m going to regret this
that’s right laziness brought down the
Empire hold your fire
there’s no life-forms and that’s a
short-circuited number four just move
over Titanic playing
Jack and Rose fell in love rather
quickly aboard that doomed vessel and
you would have to considering the
sinking of the ship interrupted their
love affair and whatnot maybe
macgyver-like creativity wasn’t at the
forefront of their minds when it came to
surviving the ordeal but at least some
effort could have been made to get Jack
on that board no matter what you say
there was enough space and the buoyancy
issue could have been resolved with
roses like best BAM fixed movie over
number three talking to yourself Citizen
Kane it’s widely considered to be one of
if not the greatest film ever made
pothole or not the premise of the film
follows a reporter as he scrambles to
find the meaning behind a notorious
public figures last word rosebud
interestingly enough however no one was
actually present in the room when
Charles Foster Kane spoke his final word
and died I’ll get on it right away mr.
Ralston good rosebud
dead or alive so we have to question
what set the reporter upon his journey
of discovery in the first place since no
one knew he said it anyway he’ll
probably turn out to be a very simple
number two super hero super speedy The
Dark Knight Rises
Gotham is a magical City apparently and
why are you people here
well how else do you explain that
attempts to microwave its water supply
somehow don’t kill all the inhabitants
and then there’s Batman’s time travel
how does the Caped Crusader end up in
Gotham mere moments after escaping from
an underground prison halfway across the
globe with no passport no resources and
a recently broken back answer because
Batman impossible
speaking of which we didn’t know that
getting punched in the back could fix a
major spinal injury yes it vertebrae o
protruding from your back it has to be
put back o before we fill you in on our
top pick here are a few honorable
mentions call the sheriff’s station just
don’t give him this addressing and don’t
go out on the interstate where they
ought to be my babies don’t like
strangers whoa she’s a dream
number one water water everywhere signs
we mentioned that thing about aliens
wanting to kill us and being super smart
right well you would think that if
you’ve developed the ability to travel
light-years through space and time you’d
have the ability to do a little research
on the planet you’re headed to
considering earth is approximately
two-thirds water and water is apparently
the deadliest thing ever to these
particular aliens now we’re talking
we’re left to assume there was never a
scouting mission sent prior to the whole
global invasion thing idiots
do you agree with our list of course
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