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Top 10 Mad Scientists

tonight they’ve got science down two up
well you get it
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
quirky movie mad scientists for this
list we’ve dispensed with the standard
scientific nutjobs like dr. Victor
Frankenstein dr. Henry Jekyll and dr.
Moreau and have decided to stick with
quirkier mad doctors whether or not
they’re actually good at what they do is
a different story altogether did I think
I’m picking up a signal number 10
dr. vittorio malov aqua transylvania
6-5000 this head this is head this
mr. shirt good everything hurts every
mad doctor creates beasts brutes and
mutants and it seems that’s exactly what
dr. mallove aqua does he’s got a
sex-crazed lady vampire team I need him
a swamp monster and a Wolfman not to
mention the Hunchback manservant and
Frankenstein type creature while he’s
got a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde thing
going his motives are actually pretty
honorable he’s trying to give the freaks
normal lives didn’t see that coming
number nine dr. Otto Octavius spider-man
it’s just a normal genius level
scientist who creates a nuclear-powered
suit with mechanical tentacles and
artificial intelligence that goes
haywire it could happen to anyone of
course doc ock ven ends up killing and
thieving in order to see his experiment
through to completion which includes
some serious spider-man beatdowns
fortunately good wins in the end when he
decides what suicide is the answer
number eight professor Sherman Klump the
Nutty Professor franchise jolly kind and
let’s face it super fat professor Klump
is the kind of teacher any student would
love even with the klutziness and
confidence issues I distinctly remember
locking up last night I locked these
cages and I picked up my portfolio and
turn around outside the classroom he’s
conducting research to help obese people
lose weight fast with himself as the
guinea pig Klump tests his fat reducing
formula and Slim’s way down well I’ll be
there I can see my dick my dick but
becomes a real jerk in the process will
consider this experiment a fail is this
a nice ass section
number seven dr. Frederick Frankenstein
Young Frankenstein alive though he’s
been running from his family’s legacy
this doctor finally followed in the
footsteps of his grandfather Young
Frankenstein is indeed Harley and his
grandfather’s would Scots was following
in his grandfather’s would stops
footsteps with I Gore and Inga’s help
dr. Frankenstein plunders graveyards and
steals abnormal brains to reanimate his
monster yadda yadda yadda the creature
escapes angry mobs tap dance routine you
know the drill try mighty hard to look
like Gary Cooper but he goes the extra
mile to ensure his creations safe and
ends up a little wilder for his trouble
but tonight is the night that my
beautiful creature is destined to be for
number six dr. Franken furder the Rocky
Horror Picture Show hailing from the
planet transsexual he’s a murderous
maneater who swings both ways chimera
and we guess has some sort of medical
training I didn’t make her jewels
motivated by sexual desire rather than
scientific advancement dr. Franken
fritter is probably the only mad
scientist you’ll see wearing pumps
lipstick and a garter belt based on that
info it’s not shocking to learn that in
his lab Frank produces a sexy speed owed
plaything for himself here’s the plan we
get the warhead and we hold the world
ransom for 1 million dollars number 5
dr. evil the Austin Powers trilogy this
bald-headed cat-loving supervillain is a
parody but that doesn’t make him any
less evil
bent on world domination he’s out of his
time and his League
so his outlandish plans are always
foiled throw-in evil airs and estranged
son a tiny clone and freaking sharks
with frickin laser beams attached to
their head cool
you’ve got the quintessential scheming
mad doctor doctor of what though we’ll
never know meaning me
stop humping the laser that’s one of my
latest inventions a musical rotating
rainbarrow number four dr. Bunsen
honeydew the Muppets franchise founder
and chief scientist at Muppet labs dr.
honeydew is your typical absent-minded
mad scientist-type constantly putting
his meaty assistant beaker in harm’s way
his inventions usually help his friends
get out of tight spots but they often
only have temporary results yeah man
well what else did he still make big oh
they work on anything but the effect is
sadly temporary and by during his hiatus
from the Muppets he took his sciencing
skills to CERN but how he works without
eyeballs we still can’t figure out ready
number three doctors Egon Spengler Peter
Venkman and Raymond Stantz the
Ghostbusters franchise unlikely
scientists and even unlikely er heroes
the Ghostbusters share an interest in
parapsychology Oh Bing Bay though each
comes from a different background with
different strengths your theories are
the worst kind of popular tripe your
methods are sloppy and your conclusions
are highly questionable you are a pool
scientist dr. Venkman is the street
smart wisecracker who doesn’t have time
for books you never studied while ray
and Egon back him up with their academic
prowess this is hot right symmetrical
book stacking just like the Philadelphia
man’s turbulence of 1947 you’re right no
human being would stack books like this
together they’d figure out a way to bus
ghosts save the city
and get the girl all with unlicensed
nuclear accelerators on their backs
number two dr. Bruce Banner The
Incredible Hulk he’s considered a top
scientific mind but that doesn’t save
dr. banner from his fate after being
exposed to gamma radiation in an
experiment gone bad he runs into a
little problem whenever his heart rate
increases he transforms into an angry
green monster he struggles to control
that leaves him a part-time fugitive
and a full-time superhero but at least
he’s got friends to help him out smash
number one dr. M Adele Browne the Back
to the Future trilogy Doc’s got the Wild
Eyes crazy hair eccentric mannerisms and
insane inventions necessary to be the
most iconic movie mad scientist taking
Hughes from his scientific idles he
throws his family fortune into his
creations including a cumbersome
mind-reading device automated breakfast
makers and of course the flux capacitor
this is what makes time travel possible
flux capacitor doc travels through space
and time before deciding to devote
himself to study the other great mystery
of the universe do you agree with our
okay dad okay which scientists do you
think is the most mad for more top 10s
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