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Top 10 Kids’ Show Concepts That Are Actually Disturbing

these stories may be told in a rather

childish way but they are actually

disturbing as hell welcome to and today we’re counting

down our picks for the top ten kids show

concepts that are actually disturbing

before we begin we publish new videos

every day so be sure to subscribe for

more great content for this list we’re

looking at various children’s television

programs that have truly horrifying

concepts number 10

psychedelic alien blobs dance around

Ubbe even the title booba sounds

disturbing and threatening like an

ancient incantation that can raise the


in actuality booba is just a nonsense

word and the title of this extremely

disturbing children’s show from the

united kingdom that aired in the early

2000s the bull bajas are terrifying and

psychedelic alien creatures complete

with sparkling fur enormous unblinking

eyes and retractable necks who do little

else but dance around and direct

while children may enjoy the colors and

music the rest of us are left in horror

as we watch the rituals of this weird

alien race number 9 a headmaster

hypnotizes and terrorizes his school

children the demon headmaster we must

set things in motion

every child thinks that their headmaster

or principal is some kind of evil entity

but that is actually the case in the

demon headmaster and it is terrifying

this is another show from the united

kingdom and it concerns a student named

Dinah Glass who does battle with her

titular demon headmaster he has green

eyes manipulates and controls the

students and eventually tries ruling the

world by accelerating evolution and

building a hyper brain school is

supposed to be a sanctuary for children

and the idea of its leader controlling

the children and causing them harm is a

pretty disturbing concept to imagine

particularly for parents yes I have

created you and I shall name number

the 90s were clearly the peak of

children’s horror

not only did are you afraid of the dark

air from 1990 to 1996 RL Stine also

terrified us all with goosebumps

throughout the mid to late decade and

let us tell you most of these stories

were downright disturbing even for

adults these include a haunted mask that

molds to the wearer’s face a creepy

dummy that terrorizes children a haunted

house that needs blood and a father who

is apparently turning into a plant we’re

surprised the children who watch this

show turned out okay

because these are some straight-up scary

stories number 7 an organ eating alien

tries to enslave the human race invader

zim the concept of aliens is equal parts

terrifying and wondrous to human beings

particularly kids but in the case of

invader zim they are definitely more

scary than wonder inducing the premise

of this unsettling and disturbing show

is that an alien named Zim integrates

himself into society and attempts to

enslave the human race

Zim’s pursuits lead him to do some

extremely nasty things like plucking out

the eyes of a child murdering his

classmates eating human organs and

operating on the brains of children and

to think this was a cartoon on

Nickelodeon I’m afraid I don’t know what

you’re talking about number 6 a dog and

his family are constantly terrorized by

paranormal entities Courage the Cowardly

Dog courage courage the Cowardly Dog has

to be one of the scariest and darkest

cartoons of all time the basic concept

of the show is the courage in his owners

Eustace and Muriel bag are tormented by

scary supernatural entities and the

cowardly courage must do what he can to

protect them from danger the pilot

episode shows an alien chicken snapping

the necks of other chickens and it only

gets worse from there these aren’t

innocent supernatural stories they are

legitimately scary disturbing and

disgusting stories filled with some

blood freezing imagery that will


stick in your mind we can’t imagine how

children take to it number five

weird creatures speak gibberish and

sport images of children on their

stomachs Teletubbies what is it with

children enjoying these freaky alien

shows Teletubbies has always had a bit

of a reputation for being creepy after


it features strange-looking creatures

who speak an alien gibberish and

broadcast human children on their

stomachs eat custard room with an

intelligent vacuum cleaner and live

under a Sun composed of a human baby’s

face talk about an acid trip the show is

well known for its surrealism and like

most surreal fiction it has a tendency

to really get under your skin and creep

you out to no end

artistic sure disturbing and unsettling

you betcha


number four two animals with parents

made of legs are scammed by the devil

cow and chicken science project

while cow and chicken is often presented

as a comedy its basic premise is quite

disturbing and the episodes are full of

dark humor and unnerving surrealism for

one thing chicken and cow have delirious

parents whose upper halves are

mysteriously absent so their home lives

are none too happy and more than a

little creepy on top of that they

frequently encounter someone from hell

called the red guy also known as the

devil who obviously does numerous

disturbing things like drag chicken to

it’s surreal it’s dark and it’s full of

eerie scenes seriously what was with the

what number three a boy and his dog live

in a post-apocalyptic world filled with

terrifying beings Adventure Time

adventure time is very fun but it’s also

incredibly dark the premise of the show

is that two best friends Jake the dog

and Finn the human go on adventures in

the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo while

the show is mostly innocent fun it also

features a host of nightmarish villains

including the Lich and Goliad a creepy

baby Sphinx hybrid with mind-control

other monsters include the Earl of

Lemongrab a Frankenstein II and creature

whose downright horrifying and

mysterious formless beings covered in

teeth called love gloves needless to say

this post-apocalyptic world and the

monsters inhabiting it are more than a

number 2 – kids keep the grim reaper as

a slave who in turn fantasizes about

murdering them the grim adventures of

Billy and Mandy the grim adventures of

Billy & Mandy certainly are grim as they

contain two extremely disturbing and

adult themes slavery and murder the two

children keep the Grim Reaper as their

slave and use his powers for their own

means they also use him to gain access

to the underworld which is filled with

suitably unimaginable and nightmarish

creatures frightened by Luke and I’ve

just arrived achieve a meteor from out

of this guy due to his servitude and the

kid’s manipulation of him the Grim

Reaper often fantasizes about

straight-up murdering the children


the concept itself is particularly

disturbing but the show is also filled

with terrible imagery and situations

making this one of the most disturbing

kids programs yeah

terrifying number one a mentally

unstable dog commits horrible acts of

violence the Ren and Stimpy show to this

day the Ren and Stimpy show is known for

being one of the darkest and most

violent children’s cartoons of all time

the show was infamous for being

needlessly brutal and numerous episodes

were censored due to their extreme acts

of violence one episode even saw Ren

beat a man so badly his eyeball pops out

this episode was banned from airing on

Nickelodeon and resulted in the firing

of series creator and showrunner John

Criswell Uzi while the show received

critical acclaim parents despised the

subject matter and it quickly gained a

negative reputation for being disgusting

and inappropriate do you agree with our

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