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Top 10 Japanese Games Americans Don’t Get to Play

I guess these games got lost in
translation hey guys I’m Ricky with
WatchMojo and today we’ll be counting
down our picks for the top 10 games
never released outside Japan before we
begin we publish new videos every day so
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these Japanese titles are ones that
despite popularity financial viability
or fan support just never made it
overseas all right Adrian tell us more
number 10 Shin Megami Tensei to the
popular demon summoning and hunting
series has become quite a popular
franchise worldwide in recent years both
titles being brought to major consoles
and handhelds still the popular second
installment in the series was never
localized despite fairly favorable
reviews and gameplay that still holds up
more than twenty years later the demon
fusing is as good as ever
the environment is creepy now the bosses
are as tough as anything you’ll find in
an RPG to date
well not integral to the rest of the
series lore wise this entry is still a
worthwhile playthrough if you don’t mind
applying an unofficial English patch
number nine Clocktower arguably one of
the original survival horror games
this super famicom title is still
incredibly scary revolving around
running and hiding from the diminutive
scissor man players have to search
through the elaborate mansions for clues
about its mysterious for cluesive owners
with a couple of different plot paths
different endings and great graphics the
tension is palpable everytime deformed
little Bobby shares a room with you and
downright panic inducing when you’re
forced to fight him off multiple
iterations and sequels found their way
to future consoles but none were better
than this spine-tingling original number
8 Ace Attorney investigations – when
miles Edgeworth took center stage in the
beloved over-the-top courtroom drama
series he brought with him a move to
more point-and-click style of gameplay
and all new ways to examine and
prosecute the offenders of the law and
bring them to justice
while this fresh spin on the game
garnered great reviews and press the
sequel stayed far away from American
hands due to a forecasted lack of sales
while there isn’t much hope in seeing
miles given the respect he deserves
anytime soon
the devs did in fact say it might be a
good candidate for localization in a
digital release six years ago
seriously Capcom number 7 Captain
rainbow now here’s a Nintendo game with
a really interesting premise that we
think a lot of Western gamers would have
appreciated in captain rainbow you play
as Nick the mild-mannered counterpart to
the ones popular superhero / television
star Captain Rainbow as Nick your goal
is to fulfill your dream of bringing
Captain rainbow back into the spotlight
by collecting wish tokens aka Carrera
and crystals the interesting part is
that Nick has a choice use the crystals
to grant his own wish or use it to grant
the wish of one of the local lesser
known Nintendo characters crossed over
into the game the game reviewed well but
poor sales meant the game never left
number six Monster Hunter frontier G
with a franchise as popular as Monster
Hunter it’s hard to imagine that
anything would keep a new installment
away from the rabid foaming at the mouth
fan base add in the fact that it’s an
MMO and you have a recipe for gamers
choosing never to leave their houses
ever again so why don’t we have this
entry yet we’re not entirely sure at its
peak millions of players all hunting
monsters together across different
platforms got to experience a rich
immersive environment populated not only
with very deadly creatures but could do
so decked out in their favorite
number five fatal frame mask of the
lunar eclipse the niche ghost hunting
franchise has been popular enough to
keep getting semi regular installments
but apparently not enough to bring over
this fourth entry in the series
exclusive to Japanese wheeze while there
is a fan translation available to let
gamers everywhere put the heart attacks
there inevitably about to suffer in
context it’s still a little unfortunate
that we were robbed of one of the higher
quality titles of the series adding on
to the familiar formula with more
characters locations and of course
scares this is one entry that you should
number four Phantasy Star Online 2 let’s
face it we’ve gotten some bad Japanese
games over the years and every miss we
play through simply reminds us that
Sega’s space MMO is definitely one title
we’d rather be playing with good
character customization offering up four
different races and five different
classes to mix and match at their
leisure the gameplay stays fresh varied
and uniquely addicting well this one was
promised to be localized and brought
overseas this entry is just another
victim of the delayed indefinitely
status gamers everywhere were once
optimistic but there’s probably no
chance we’ll see this one ever
number three Valkyria Chronicles 3 as
the second game in the franchise to
grace the PSP this third installment
follows the Galleon criminal military
unit called the nameless through their
involvement in the fictional second
European war seamlessly combining Fire
Emblem style tactical overview maps with
third-person movement in combat the
title looks good plays great and managed
to garner enough popularity to encourage
spinning off into animated series mangas
and cameo appearances in other games
it appears everywhere it seems except in
an English version of course number two
Seiken Densetsu 3 there’s no shortage of
fantasy RPGs on the market and that was
even more true back in Nintendo’s heyday
of the Super NES still even among the
Final Fantasy’s and chrono triggers
Secret of Mana captured gamers
imaginations and managed to carve out
its own little base of dedicated fans
despite the follow-up being an extremely
good entry with different playable
characters a decent story and strategic
combat overseas fans never got to
experience it it’s not too hard to dig
around and find a copy now but that’s
little consolation to those still
patiently waiting to play a legitimate
copy since the 90s before we unveil our
top pick here are a few honorable
number one mother 3 with the cult
classic earthbound finding great success
among nostalgia junkies in recent times
it’s no surprise fans are looking for
every fix they can get and why wouldn’t
they the series features great
characters fun pop-culture references
memorable enemies and a surprisingly
dark mature story tying it all together
while ness has had his time in the
spotlight Lucas is still awaiting his
true overseas debut despite critical and
it may not radically alter the formula
that’s not what everyone is asking for
we’re running out of ways to tell
Nintendo just how badly we want this
game so we’ll try it one more time
Nintendo we want mother 3 come on Reggie
you heard Adrienne Nintendo please give
us mother 3 all right guys thank you all
for tuning in let us know what your
favorite game from this list is down in
the comments and if you’re feeling
generous be sure to LIKE and subscribe to
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