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Top 10 Iconic Americans

they represent the Stars and Stripes
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top ten
iconic Americans and so my fellow
Americans ask not what your country can
do for you at what you can do for your
country for this list we’ve chosen ten
people who we thought best represent the
United States and whose images are
linked with Americana
number 10 Michael Jordan they like
playing alone the DMF su with you hard
work made his Airness one of the
greatest athletes ever regardless of
sport puts it up at the buzzer Michael
Jordan after triumphing over adversities
like his father’s murder
MJ represented the u.s. with the Olympic
dream team took part in the national
pastime and parlayed his brand
recognition into endorsements and
entrepreneurial career and acting roles
obviously Jordan capped off his career
by returning from retirement twice
because nothing keeps the great
Americans down Michael Jordan spike
visibly shaken
the closer goes
number nine Oprah Winfrey an embodiment
of the American dream
Oprah worked her way up from a difficult
use to become one of the world’s most
powerful women and african-americans I’m
Oprah Winfrey and welcome to the very
first National over with Michelle with
her backing any product or even
political candidate can expect a surge
in support recognizes the media force
that popularized the talk show and
confessional TV news Winfrey is also
credited with breaking cultural taboos
and bringing spirituality to the
whenever you’re being hit upside the
head you can’t understand why the first
thing you say is thank you for it
because you know that your faith is so
strong that whatever it is is only there
to teach you more about yourself number
eight Babe Ruth baseball is America’s
national pastime and the Bambino saved
and transformed the game with multiple
records and one of the first spots in
the Baseball Hall of Fame the Sultan of
Swat was one of the greatest to ever
grace the field but it was as charming
extroverted and friendly personality
that made Babe a folk hero and the first
athlete to combine sports and celebrity
try to hit a home run it sure gonna be
the day for you boy number seven Martin
Luther King jr. a leader in the
african-american fight for civil rights
dr. King personified the ideas of racial
equality and peaceful protest I have a
dream leading the charge with the
Montgomery bus boycott the march on
Washington and more he did everything in
his power to see his version of the
American dream become a reality
unfortunately his beliefs made this
Nobel Peace Prize winner a target but
that only strengthened his resolve
I see the promised land
number six Benjamin Franklin this
founding father was a top mind with
experience in writing politics music and
more a symbol of American ingenuity the
man nicknamed the first American is
famed for scientific advancements and
inventions which include bifocals the
Franklin stove and essentially
with his contributions to the
Declaration of Independence Franklin is
also known as a witty ethical man
dedicated to civic duty whose image
stays with us today
number five George Washington his
position as commander-in-chief of the
Continental Army during the
Revolutionary War stood him in good
stead when he became a founding father
and the first president of the United
States renowned as an exemplary
politician a war hero and the man who
shaped the presidency this unifying
figure presided over the drafting of the
Constitution and today is honored with
monuments and memorials as the father of
the country
number four John F Kennedy charming
eloquent and young JFK modernized the
presidency and ushered in a new frontier
the Kennedy family was known for its
wealth nobility and political acumen and
was as close to a royal family as the
United States ever had following his
naval career jack entered politics and
subsequently led the country through
crises inspired the American space
program and guided the nation towards
racial equality before his untimely
assassination let the word go forth from
this time and place to friend and foe
alike that the torch has been passed to
a new generation of American number
three Marilyn Monroe she never held
office won the Nobel Prize or built a
country but Marilyn embodies Americana
like no one else
the original blonde bombshell Monroe
followed her dreams and achieved
greatness as an actress known for her
talent and sex appeal yeah yeah oh well
I guess some like it hot I personally
prefer classical music her romantic
relationships with other American icons
like Arthur Miller Joe DiMaggio and JFK
increased her celebrity but it was her
accidental death
that intensified some mystique diamonds
are a girl
number two Elvis Presley friend
by making the rock sound his own Elvis
became the first white artist to capture
the feel of black music his greased hair
curled lip and swiveling hips lit up the
big and small screens while the king of
rock and roll embodied American ideals
including commitment to country by
endearing himself so completely to his
legions of fans
Elvis insured himself a life after his
premature death well you can do nothing
but the me over my blue suede shoes
number one Abraham Lincoln known as the
great Emancipator or simply Honest Abe
this Republican Party stalwart ascended
to the presidency on the promise to end
slavery in America and led the nation
through the turbulence of secession and
the Civil War
despite his assassination by a
Confederate spy Lincoln’s image is
recognizable to all with his towering
frame top hat and honest eyes coming to
exemplify morality fairness and American
ideals that this nation under God shall
have a new birth of freedom do you agree
with our list who do you think best
represents the red white and blue
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