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Sometimes you have to break your rules

sometimes you have to break your own
rules to get to where you want to go
sometimes you have to abandon all the
things that got you to where you are now
in order to get you to the place you
want to be hi I’m Evan Carmichael and I
believe that hungry entrepreneurs
deserve help and I recently broke one of
my rules and wanted to share the story
with you today one of the things that I
believe in to my core is that you should
be making money before you’re spending
money I hate spending money before I’m
making money it’s easy to spend money
anybody can spend money if i gave you
dollars you could find a way suspended
the hard part is making money and so
i’ll invest my time and my energy into
new projects to try to make money but i
won’t put my dollars in and I recently
broke that rule so what happened was a
company came to me and what they do is
they to help turn guys like me to help
turn thought leaders and experts into
brand names to help give them a media
spotlight help those deals for them and
I was intrigued I’d never heard of this
kind of company before I didn’t know it
existed and as it came highly
recommended it came to me through to
people who I knew who are using a new
had success and so I met with the two
owners we had a great call it looked
like things could happen and the
sticking point was gonna be the price
you know they wanted some upfront
dollars and I didn’t want to spend the
money so where do we go we started
negotiating they came down a little bit
but we got to the point where they hid
their cut off they said we cannot go
below this dollar amount it’s either
paid this much upfront or there’s no
deal and usually I’d walk away usually
I’d find an alternative there’s always
another way to make something happen
with a different company different way
to structure it but these guys weren’t
backing down and there was no
alternative to go to that I knew of this
was the only company of its kind and so
it was a big gut check for me
because it’s one against what I believed
in I didn’t want to spend money before I
was making money but it came down to the
fact i slept on it and what stuck with
me was I would regret this decision if I
didn’t make this investment which wasn’t
a huge amount but it was still an
investment if I didn’t put the money in
I would regret it I knew I would regret
it regret not trying this thing and I
didn’t want to live the rest of my life
haven’t regretted making that decision
so I decided to break my rule and pay
them to the negotiated fee that we came
up with and I was happy that I did I
just came back from New York City we
lined up our first radio show I don’t
know if you guys had a chance to listen
in or not but it was a big success we’re
gonna be doing a regular radio show this
was all done thanks to this company were
lining up a book deal we’re lighting up
a webinar series or lining up
partnerships all happening through this
company they’re giving me some awesome
training that’s making me better at what
I do and it wouldn’t have been possible
if I didn’t say yes to that deal and so
as much as it tore me apart that day and
I’ve struggled with it as to whether i
should do this thing or not i gained the
confidence in knowing that at least i
put my balls on the table here at least
i would find out if this would work or
not i wouldn’t have to live with that
regret for the rest of my life and so
the rule that got me here to the success
that I’ve had so far I had the break and
I’m not going to make it habit of it and
you shouldn’t either but every now and
then certain opportunities come along
that you have to really do a deep gut
check on you might have to break one of
your rules spend the time think about it
sleep on it see if it’s really something
that you want to do or not sometimes you
do have to break the rules to get to
where you want to go
I love to hear what you have to think I
love to hear your story if you broken
your own rules or you’re thinking about
it feel free to leave a comment below
I’d love to hear from you and I also
always love seeing those thumbs ups come
in so thank you please give it a thumbs
up below leave a comment and I’ll see
you on the next episode
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