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Top 10 Games Where You KILL (A) GOD

suicides never been so fun welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 game where
you kill god
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content so that’s less we’ll
be looking at the games where you end up
playing a deity these can range from
icons of mythology to gods that only
exists within the game itself as long as
they are noted to be some sort of divine
entity and you end up taking them out of
it’s eligible as expected we will be
getting into spoiler territory here so a
coiler alert is now in effect right now
what what number 10
Xenoblade Chronicles this world only the
ones God made us are you wrong a
nutshell for all eternity
considering the inhabitants of this
sci-fi fantasy lived atop the frames of
two frozen giants that are locked in an
eternal conflict the creator of all
things turning out to be a major jerk
isn’t that much of a jump it is from me
that whole lot is born it is only for me
once the near human villain Estanza
essentially became God after he wiped
out and recreated the entire universe
making him the per scene in all of
existence as it turns out he looked
exactly benevolent and he designed to
ensure that the cycle of cosmic
destruction remains in motion unluckily
for him shelf given exactly the
god-fearing types of what we wish for
a world with none God
Gemini final fantasy 6
two words Kefka Palazzo as the villain
everyone loves to hate he’s already
cemented himself as a waked creature
due to the mass casualty Kong correlated
trademark nihilistic psychosis and that
slaves as human after unleashing the
full untapped power of the warring triad
kept on not only lays waste to the
entire world but he becomes the new god
of magic striking down millions at a
time from on high selfish and vile to
the bitter end not only made for one
epic boss vow but he was one of the most
destructive and truly evil beings to
ever grace video game go on scram
cheeky wrap that one just walked in and
card off anybody he pleases
well if he can some break Kid Icarus
Uprising sorry Vicky usually but now
that I’m here let this party started a
Greek mythology a treasure trove for
video games to twist and turn until
we’re left with some of the darkest lost
battle to ever exist that’s not exactly
the case here but it sure was
entertaining than the last
while the fast paced combat never lets
up the battles here are definitely on
the lighter side of things offering a
fresh dollop of humor – like the Pandora
3d and Haiti while still offering an
engaging fight level infinity you forgot
but let’s be honest the one that
everyone really talks about is
definitely Haiti whose charisma and
hamming us we just can’t get enough up
not to mention you get to use one of the
most Anjelica weapons to defeat him a
giant friggin cannon
but you actually got me the nerve of you
number seven Shin Megami Tensei series
the life of hope you saw the world of
the sons of man we did shine without
waiting for you even before you were
defeating godly enemy in the incredibly
popular spin-off series of persona the
divine were just fodder for the
protagonists of this post-apocalyptic
thrill ride through the course of the
series depending on your chosen
alignment players will find themselves
in conflict with the Archangel Michael
the God Yahweh a force known as to
divide will the judeo-christian god and
the physical incarnation of Merkava
needless to say should you favor the
chaotic route in your RPGs then you’re
going to do a lot of God’s laying here
number 6 asteroids wrath
ah honestly did anyone think that
killing the wife and kidnapping the
daughter of a deity whose power stems
from his rage was a good idea
unfortunately to them so happened to be
a one-man killing machine who finds
death nothing more than an inconvenience
for the sake of revenge this fallen
demigods literally destroyed his former
heavenly comrade one of whom happened to
be bigger than the earth while another
could set the mood apart before moving
on to his true enemy the creator of the
entire universe someone so powerful they
could talk solar system this way and yep
I swear a piece of crap out of him too
number five Dante’s Inferno
your fate is decided and arresting
damnation for your sake demons have
often been used as enemies throughout
video games in some form or another
however this one made it very clear that
the final enemy you would face would be
none other than the Lord of hell
essentially the god of the infernal
Lucifer he might be trying to cheat here
plus the final battle against his fallen
angel is so viciously dazzling that we
just couldn’t resist Tommy Tommy a holy
warrior after making his way through the
ninth circle dante finally clashes with
the beast responsible for torturing his
beloved Beatrice leading to a battle
with the devil himself as you pack into
pieces with death side while layering
him with projectiles crucifixes we
really couldn’t make this up er if we
number four the elder scrolls theory the
oldest installer in a franchise is rich
with lore is this one they’re bound to
come across the occasional Supreme Being
that you think deserves to be dragged
and shouted into oblivion
throughout camera Al’s the general
consensus falls to the nine divine that
the main body of heavenly figure but we
can’t exactly kill them however the
thing does not apply to the Daedric
Prince’s or dragon who are still godly
in their own twist ways they rooms Dagon
and Herzing are both defeated over the
course of the series while you literally
kill all the win in Tamriel version of
the afterlife in Syrus
since all doing is the firstborn of
akatosh the Dragons out of time works
totally counting this as a god kill
number three might
how can we not include a title who the
entire premise revolves around
practically every major god tearing each
other apart in this third person MOBA
players choose to battle as iconic
figures from Greek Japanese Hindu my
enrollment Norse Chinese and Egyptian
mythology where they have to use their
own specific skills in order to claim
victory over the rest the colorful
reimagining of the characters see
sometimes disturbing interpretation of
lesser deities not to mention the
legally awesome abilities all equate to
one divine Royal Rumble number 2
she fights the forces of parody fell and
the inferno on a daily basis so with no
surprise that our favorite witch has
laid the smackdown on one or two
supposedly immortal beings the first of
these was Jubilees whose plan to spread
heavens control over the Trinity of
reality in response to this Bayonetta
uter altima summoned to literally punch
the creator so hard to attend flying
into the Sun following on from this with
a sir the being who forged the eyes of
the world and fought to rule over
everything so let it be a net ado bring
for the being made of both light and
darkness so powerful that it’s
universally drop-kicked the god of chaos
before we unveil our number one pick
here if you wanted will mention number
one God of War series Ares the sisters
of faith subside in Hades Helios Hermes
Hercules Chronos the Festus Hera and
Zeus Kratos literally wrote the book
when it comes to dispatching gods in
Liguria yet most satisfying ways
imaginable after quite a few betrayal
The Ghost of Sparta is dead set on
getting his revenge on the gods who
deceived him and is willing to kill his
way up Mount Olympus in order to get it
every theater he eventually falls under
his heel and it’s no surprise that
Kratos saves the most powerful and
meaningful deaths for Zeus and his crew
we’re not quite sure who got the worst
of it since many were beaten into a
bloody stain but getting your head
ripped off slowly can’t be a pleasant
experience right
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