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Top 10 Games to BINGE Over The Holidays

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globe today if you really want to take
advantage of all that extra time you’re
gonna have this holiday season we got
you covered
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
games to binge this holiday
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at games that we feel are best
suited for binging during your time off
number 10
overwatch calling all heroes the time
for action is now much can be said about
overwatch developer Blizzard
Entertainment’s track record when it
comes to crafting endearing characters
and fast-paced action but that’s not the
draw for holiday gamers no no it’s the
hunt for the finest neut boxes everyone
does ever-increasing as they are is what
will likely keep fans coming back this
winter because as we all know Blizzard
always has exclusive loot boxes for the
holidays and that is a big draw for mega
fans so get plan number 9 persona 5 RPGs
have always been about lengthy
adventures and character building
goodness persona 5 piece tribute to that
tradition as only persona can with
eccentric characters unorthodox
turn-based combat in a strange blend of
familiar and arcane don’t you agree
digging into the relationship building
mechanics and fully exploring the game’s
Metaverse dungeons will take many hours
which makes an ideal for casual play
over the winter break after all it’s a
game of surreal sights and quite
surprising narrative depth so we advise
you to take your time and smell the
roses while tackling this one there’s
that weird rumor about you too number 8
destiny 2
destiny – leans more into it’s
intriguing post-apocalyptic sci-fi world
and underlying MMO design been the first
game and it’s all the more confident for
earning loot and competing to be the
finest fighter amongst one’s friends
remains a strong draw and it should keep
you occupied in the cold of winter that
the game also benefits from more
vibrantly drawn characters essential
narrative with better established stakes
and much greater visual flourishes is
the cherry on top now let’s see where
Bungie takes the series from here number
7 Batman Arkham series in the event of
my death I hereby declare that all my
worldly possessions as to my son
Bruce Wayne why not dive back into the
world of Arkham as the Caped Crusader to
take down some iconic villains and
relive those excellent Batman stories
fortunately once you are done dishing
out justice hunting down all those
Riddler trophies will definitely keep
you busy and there is a great many of
them in each Arkham game I have more in
store for you than so you’re probably
not gonna have to worry about running
out before the holidays have come and
gone besides if you’re a fan of the new
Justice League movie you’re probably
extra down for more Batman action number
6 Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain
say the word we might never really get
over the less than amicable end to Hideo
Kojima and Konami’s working relationship
but at least we have one hell of a
finale to hold on to the sheer scope and
range of activities in the phantom pain
is impressive bordering on daunting you
could steal enemy vehicles drop into
encampments and kidnap potential
recruits knock out and extract wild
animals etc etc
then there are the actual missions which
continue the tradition of enticing
players to achieve that mythical s-rank
by way of being super challenging yet
endlessly entertaining hey the game
might not have been completely finished
by the time it was released but we
promise there’s more than enough content
to keep you through the holidays
number 5 Dark Souls 3
stated to be the intended finale for the
Dark Soul series it’s appropriate that
this game would be capable of satisfying
on more than one level at its core our
Dark Souls 3 continues the series’s
habit of constructing tents
close-quarters fights against a plethora
of intimidating foes emphasizing
perseverance through adversity of course
once your first playthrough is done
that’s when things really take a turn
for cutter Lee absorbing many a player
has been drawn to the promise of a new
game Plus which continues to scale the
combat and progression each time Dark
Souls 3 has completed hey dark souls is
all about cycles so you might want to
become a Lord of cinder all over again
number 4 divinity original sin – why
don’t you try costing one of those
source spells of yours see what happens
we have come a long way since the days
of tabletop gaming even as it embraces
the loot hunting and online questing of
today original sin – thankfully doesn’t
entirely detach itself from its classic
role-playing heritage for you see the
game features a GM mode which allows
players to recreate the experiences of
gathering around a table in Dungeons &
Dragons you can place whatever you want
like control we can easily imagine
ourselves spending several hours over
the holidays adventuring with our
buddies trying out custom quests and
seeing what new delights and terrors are
in store
number three fall out for game of the
year edition while it may have launched
to lukewarm reception in 2015
fallout 4 took its time to truly become
a dynamic and fully realized
role-playing experience thanks to the
game of the year edition though we can
now fully dive into the Commonwealth
with reckless abandon
shooting and looting like it’s going out
of style let’s go pal on top of the base
game this special edition also allows
you to become a Raider so you can
finally be the thing that the settlement
needs help from introduces robot
building customization and even makes
time for a morally complex romp via the
far harbour content basically it’s the
best time to try fallout 4 careful this
could get out of hand real fast
number 2 The Witcher 3 game of the year
edition are you wondering about my
swords for monsters human diving back
into the boots of monster slayer Geralt
and solving problems with swords and
words somehow never ceases to be
wonderful in this conclusive version of
The Witcher trilogy as if the core games
vast and intricate fantasy world worked
already enjoyable enough on its own
there is also the full lineup of DLC
included with this edition greetings
good do you want my help getting to
partake in the grim mysteries of hearts
of stone and the more relaxed
adventuring of blood and wine is well
worth the price of admission or
readmission number one super mario
odyssey ah it’s fresh its new and it’s
got a silly hat
Super Mario Odyssey isn’t shy about its
status as a return to the sandbox
exploration of Mario 64 with the joyful
introduction of a hat throwing mechanic
to keep things fresh and unexpected more
pertinent to the binge play topic though
are the hundreds upon hundreds of power
moons that you’ll spend the game hunting
down searching every nook and cranny for
these gleaming prizes is just the right
kind of leisurely activity to fit in
between sipping eggnog and waiting to
ring in the New Year this video has been
brought to you by PayPal this holiday
season at millions of online retailers
shop the globe today do you agree with
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