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Top 10 Elder Scrolls Quests

whether you’re fighting for the future
of Tamriel serving a Daedric prince or
just getting into a bit of trouble these
are the adventures that make up one of
the greatest series of role-playing
games of all time but if they captured
you oh God
where are they taking us welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top 10
Elder Scrolls quests
for this list we’ll be looking over all
the entries in the Elder Scrolls series
and selecting which quests provided the
most intrigue and enjoyment these can be
from any game in any fashion and we
might be spoiling these quests in their
entirety so consider yourself warned
with that said grab your sword take a
swig of skooma and let’s begin all we
have to do now is find a way out of here
number 10 sanguine the Elder Scrolls for
come to thank sanguine to add a bit of
spice the danger quests are always some
of the most entertaining since they’ll
more than likely have you doing
something no civilized adventurer would
do well say hello to the most taboo of
them all sanguine the prince of
debauchery and the party is that
invitation only you’ll have to find a
way after appeasing he’s altered with
some brandy sanguine will command you to
go and liven up a very dull party full
of very snobbish Nobles after getting
past the guard the player has to cast
the spell stark reality which will cause
the guests to start going crazy and shed
all their clothes well that’s one way to
get a party going
using a grunt hey who else thought this
was going in the direction where we kill
everyone use this spell on the countess
and her guests I think it will make the
party much more interesting number 9 dag
the elderscrolls arena marketing back to
the early days of the elder scrolls this
is one of those quests that makes the
player feel like they’ve earned their
reward with one final piece missing from
the staff of chaos the player has to
find that last fragment which just so
happens to lie in the heart of the
largest volcano in morrowind yes that
volcano in that morrowind
okay so you have to go to the king at
Palace Evan Hart who says he can reveal
the entrance to the volcano but you have
to find an ancient hammer that lies
within a dungeon called the Black Gate
which is filled with puzzles and traps
and then bring the hammer back to the
king and then head into the volcano then
fight a deadly vampire and loot his
corpse to find a key which leads you to
the staff piece ooh yeah you definitely
feel like you earned that damn staff
after all that number eight the mind of
madness the elderscrolls v skyrim when a
deranged beggar approaches you and asks
you to help him find his master it seems
like a simple quest well the game
completely pulls the rug out from under
you as it soon transports you into the
mind of a long deceased insane homicidal
Emperor if not then call me shiokara
Daedric prince of madness this Emperor
also just so happens to be having a tea
party in his mind with the Daedric
prince of madness himself sheogorath who
some players will remember from the
Shivering Isles expansion to oblivion
that’s the real question isn’t it
because honestly how much time off could
a demented Daedra really need in order
to escape you have to treat the mental
scars that haunt the Emperor all while
you’re serenaded by the mad gods
hilarious narration Peleg’s his mother
was well let us say you follow I suppose
in the grand scheme of things she was
fairly average for a Septon number 7
journey to a serious Elder Scrolls to
Daggerfall now this is how you make a
in the last quest of the series’s second
installment the player is transported to
an alternate dimension known as a
theories in order to retrieve the
Mantella an artifact of great power once
used by the late emperor Tiber Septim
of course it’s not simply a case of
hopping to the dimension next door
because theories is a place made of six
sections each containing tricky puzzles
as well as some of the toughest enemies
in the game such as ancient vampires and
Daedra Lords you might want to stock up
before taking on this one it is the end
of course number six the house of
horrors elderscrolls v Skyrim no boy are
you I guess we all knew that Skyrim
excelled in epic fantasy but who knew it
offered some genuine frights enter the
house of whores had a priest desecrate
to the altar until you came recruited by
a wandering Exorcist of sorts you
venture into the seemingly abandoned
house to check for any sort of day drug
activity what you find is a scene right
out of the poltergeist as the house
seems to come alive a terrifying voice
fills your mind and things turn pretty
nasty it turns out that it’s all the
work of the Daedric Prince of domination
Malak ball
or you will die after making you kill
the Exorcist he demands that you find
and bring him the priest who has
desecrated his altar after doing so you
get to torture said priest until he
gives in and surrenders his soul to
modak ball you’re mine now
low-growth this all sounds pretty
gruesome but you get the mace of Molag
Bal afterwards and that is totally sweet
bro nothing to place on number five
disrupt the skull hunt Elder Scrolls 3
Blood Moon the elder scrolls are well
known for having incredibly detailed and
enjoyable expansion packs and one of the
highest regarded is Blood Moon which is
set in souls time where Skyrim’s
Dragonborn expansion is also set for you
my own in the tombs of sky Hara lies the
totem of claw and Fang anyway after
being cursed with lycanthropy or
werewolfism the player is given the
option to serve the Daedric prince at
the hunt hircine if you’re feeling a
little rebellious and you’re not a huge
fan of the skull people then this might
be the quest for you
just as they prepare for their annual
tradition of hunting the creature known
as the spirit bear you get to tear them
all apart as a werewolf and then hunt
the beasts for yourself
nothing like cutting loose number 4 a
night to remember
the elderscrolls v Skyrim I thought you
might not remember your first strip here
you had a big night admit it everyone
had those drunken nights you aren’t
exactly proud of though chances are you
never had one quite like this after
getting wasted with a friendly stranger
you wake up with no recollection of what
happened to the night before and have to
retrace your steps hangover style and
like that movie it turns out you had
quite a wild time that’s right it’s time
to wake up you drunken blasphemer you
trashed a temple stole a goat and got
married to a literal hag eventually you
track down the stranger who turns out to
be surprise surprise sanguine again I
really just needed something to
encourage you to go out into the world
and spread merriment and you did just
that sharing a drink with a literal
devil has never been so entertaining but
it definitely has consequences
number three corpus cure the elder
scrolls 3 morrowind no one likes getting
sick although in Morrowind you don’t
just get a cold you get corpus which is
like a million times worse
it’s a disease that apparently causes
cancerous growths violent insanity it
makes a lot of people flee from your
very presence basically it turns you
into a zombie
it gets worse because the supposin cure
lies in the hands of a 4000 year old
wizard of course he’s not just gonna
give it to you for free neither and what
he wants you to get for him lies at the
bottom of a charming little dungeon
who’s been filled with everyone who’s
lost themselves to corporis
this quest is already notable for making
you use flying spells to navigate the
Wizards tower
because wizards don’t need stairs duh
but it earns its place as a true classic
because it’s the only time in the Elder
Scrolls series that you ever get to talk
to a living dwarf and one who’s really
let himself go with that number to a
dangerous best friend the elderscrolls v
skyrim it’s kicked me out until I find
someone who can settle a disagreement
that’s where you’ll come in dragons
undead vampires great spiders there’s no
end to the craziness that Skyrim throws
in your way yet somehow the craziest
thing is still the fact that there’s a
talking dog in the game named Barba’s
you encounter him on your travels and he
asks you to help repair his relations
with his master we got into an argument
and it got rather heated it turns out
that his master is clavicus file the
Daedric Prince of wishes he agrees to
take his furry friend back if you bring
him an enchanted axe and while that may
provide a bit of a challenge
the real reason this quest is remembered
so fondly is the choice at the end you
see he lets you keep the weapon if you
kill Barba’s with it you’ll never fun it
Oh guess I’ll have to make my own fun
elf way we’re pretty sure a lot of
players stressed over this decision but
help I just want to be axe
before we set out for our number one
pick here are a few honorable mentions
number one whodunit the Elder Scrolls
for oblivion it’s obvious to me one of
the other guests killed her to eliminate
the competition everyone loves a good
murder mystery especially when you get
to be the murderer after joining the
Dark Brotherhood aka V Assassin’s Guild
you eventually are given the task of
killing six strangers who have all been
locked in a mansion under the illusion
that there’s hidden treasure inside
she’ll try to kill us next I’m not about
to stand around waiting to die despite
the morbid subject it’s oddly thrilling
to assassinate each target without being
seen playing off of their weaknesses and
using misdirection and manipulation to
never place yourself under suspicion
there’s actually no one way to do it but
there’s plenty of fun to be had
Hale Cephas do you agree with our list
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spit it out smart oh I haven’t gotten
actually I do
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