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Louise Hay’s Top 10 Rules For Success (@LouiseHay)

– Now I know that you’ve heard me say many times
or you’ve read or listened on the tapes
that loving yourself is the most powerful thing we can do.
I think that everything you think and everything you speak
goes out from you into the universe
and comes back to you multiplied.
What good is a nice car if you are full of resentment
all the time.
There is a law of thinking
and we are beginning to learn about it
and it is like a computer.
Everything we give out can help people
really improve the quality of their lives.
When there’s problems,
we don’t have to fix problems so much,
we need to fix our thinking.
Because there’s something very powerful
about looking in your own eyes and accepting yourself.
When I get to a really good level then it’s like,
okay now we’re going to deal with this thing.
I say thank you many many many times of the day,
often not to anyone else,
just oh thank you that’s so wonderful.
One of my thoughts about life
is that only good lies before me.
– She’s an american motivational author,
she’s the founder of Hay House A New Thought
and self-help publisher.
She has authored several New Thought self-help books,
including her 1984 classic You Can Heal Your Life.
She’s Louise Hay and here’s my take
on her top 10 rules for success.
– Now I know that you’ve heard me say many times
or you’ve read or listened on the tapes
that loving yourself is the most powerful thing we can do.
Then everything flows everything.
Everything flows beautifully.
I’m not talking about vanity or arrogance
because that is not love, that’s always fear.
I’m talking about just really respecting and appreciating
this incredible magnificent being that we are.
Little babies know how to love themselves.
You were born in pure love, all of you.
There’s not one little baby alive that I know of
that ever criticizes its body,
that ever says my hips are too big.
Have you ever heard a baby say that?
They’re just thrilled and delighted that they have a body.
They rejoice in it and they love themselves.
They love their toes, they love everything about themselves.
They absolutely adore that they express their feelings.
When a baby is happy you know it.
When a baby is angry, the whole neighborhood knows it.
They’re never scared to let people know how they feel.
They live in the moment and they’re filled with courage
and they’re wonderful and we were all like that.
Got to remember that you were filled with courage
and you were full of love and you adored yourself
when you were very little.
I think that everything you think and everything you speak
goes out from you into the universe
and comes back to you multiplied.
It’s almost as though the universe is listening
to everything you say and everything you think
and saying oh that’s what they want
but most of the time we are talking very negatively
about ourselves.
We talk about how awful, we are we’re not good enough,
we can’t get this, we can’t get that.
How can the universe bring you anything good
if that’s the way you’re talking?
– [Interviewer] So you’re saying this quality of life
doesn’t mean a really nice house or a really nice car.
– It can but it doesn’t have to.
But what good is a nice car
if you are full of resentment all the time
and you drive around hating everybody?
That’s not going to help anything.
It’s much better if you had an old car
and you were grateful and appreciative of life.
There is a law of thinking
and we are beginning to learn about it
and it is like a computer.
If you have this gorgeous computer put in front of you
and you don’t know what to do with it, it’s a piece of junk.
But if you learn the language of the computer
miracles happen.
And that is what the law of thinking is.
When you learn how it works miracles happen.
What you think and what you believe
it’s what will come true for you.
Your thoughts create your life.
It’s that simple and when we can get that
we can make enormous changes.
One of the things that I think about the work that I do
and the work our company does
is that every product that we sell
or the product that you get as a gift from us,
has the possibility to change the quality of your life,
to improve the quality of your life.
Whether you actually take that opportunity or not
is up to you, that’s freedom
but everything we give out can help people
really improve the quality of their lives.
And that feels good.
When we have a problem most of us go,
oh panic panic, God what are we going to do?
But I have something that I try to get people to say.
In the minute there’s a problem you stop and you go,
all is well.
All is well, everything’s working out for my highest good
and out of this experience only good will come
and I am safe.
And you do this if it’s a small thing,
I say it two or three times.
If it’s a bigger issue I babble it incessantly
but all is well,
everything is working out for my highest good.
Out of this situation only good will come and I am safe.
This quiets your inner turmoil down long enough
for the universe to find the solution
to the so-called problem.
When there’s problems,
we don’t have to fix problems so much
we need to fix our thinking
and our attitude about how we respond to them.
And then you get less and less
and when the solution comes you say thank you.
You start by doing what we call doing affirmations
and that is making positive statements about your life
that are positive and you do them deliberately.
You might do them in the morning,
you might do them at noon,
you might do them at night,
you might do them you know twice a day or whatever.
But you do this and you let this become a habit
and as you start to do them, things will begin to change.
Maybe on a very small level.
I call it getting the green lights from the parking places.
I mean they’re not huge things in your life,
but it can be very nice
when you get three green lights in a row
and you’re in a hurry.
Doing an affirmation is either writing it down,
writing it on the wall or the mirror
or just saying it.
What I like people to do is to stand in front of a mirror
and do their affirmations
because there’s something very powerful
about looking in your own eyes and accepting yourself
or noticing that you reject yourself
when you’re saying something positive about yourself.
So that would be a very beginning way to start.
Say in the morning.
You get up in the morning, you go to the mirror
and this is a big one and it’s hard for lots of people
but you look in the mirror and say,
I love you, I really really love you.
And to begin with that can be so hard for people
because they think of all the things
that they think are wrong with them
but if you can start your day saying that
it’s very powerful.
– We do have a tendency in the society
to just want to be fixed.
– Yes, and then that’s it.
– And that’s it.
When I get over this problem, this will be it.
I’ll never have to deal with anything again.
– A lot of us just want to stop when we hit a safe place.
I mean you’ve got a bit of money,
you’ve got some nice friends,
you have a good house to live in and you’re okay.
You think, all right that’s fine.
I’m not going to touch anything else.
But I have watched me and how life works for me
is that when I get to a really good level then it’s like,
okay now we’re going to deal with this thing.
And there’s another thing.
And I’ve learned to just say, okay what do I do.
Leave me alone, don’t talk to me about that.
I say thank you many many many times of the day.
Often not to anyone else, just oh thank you.
That’s so wonderful, thank you.
You find more and more things to be thankful about.
I was driving up today from San Diego
and the wildflowers on the hillsides
are just beautiful this year
and I was thinking I was so glad
that I had the opportunity to see them
because if I stayed down there I wouldn’t have.
But with this drive,
which was not a drive I particularly wanted to make,
but it was gorgeous.
If you have very strong beliefs within you
that you don’t deserve good things in your life,
and a lot of people have that,
then there can be delays
and sometimes people say,
well affirmations don’t work, I’ve done them,
but when they’re doing for instance prosperity affirmations
and they’ve done some prosperity affirmations
and they say, it doesn’t work, nothing’s happening
and I say, well alright,
how many prosperity affirmations did you do in a day
and they’ll say three probably
and I say, all right,
how many poverty affirmations did you do this day
and that could be 300
depending on where you’re coming from
and what is running through your mind.
One of my thoughts about life
is that only good lies before me
and I’ve been saying this for many years.
So it doesn’t really matter to me what happens in life
because I know it’s going to be good.
– Thank you guys so much for watching.
I made this video because Kyle augurs asked me to.
So if there’s a famous entrepreneur
that you want me to profile next,
leave it in the comments below.
I will see what we can do.
I’d also love to know which of Louise’s top 10 rules
had the biggest impact on you
and what change you’re going to make as a result.
Leave it in the comments below and I’ll join the discussion.
Thank you so much for watching.
Continue to believe and I’ll see you soon.
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