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Top 10 Creepy Cults in Movies

sometimes the admiration of a devoted
group of followers can be a bit
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top ten
cults in movies for this list we’re only
reviewing cults featured in cinema gotta
get burn while many of these groups only
exist within their respective films
universe a few are actually based on
real-life cults before warned there are
some major spoilers okay
so spoiler alert we are in the middle of
a battle that’s a trillion years in the
making and it’s bigger than the both of
me shut up number 10 secret
philosophical society martyrs Lucy’s
just a victim like all of the others led
by a woman known nearly as Mademoiselle
this unnamed cult features a group of
alleged philosophers that are trying to
understand the afterlife by forcing
people into becoming martyrs yet
everyone’s a victim
magis very rare the secretive society
selects young women as their potential
martyrs and then kidnapped
no one can try to tell me that the
concept of martyrdom was strictly an
invasion of the religious we tried
everything even with children through
methodical torture they hope their
subjects will give them an understanding
of the Hereafter
constantly unsuccessful the group is
convinced that they have not yet
produced a proper marker and they have
labeled all of their dead subjects as
victims that is until they find Ana
you’ll be alright
you won’t have to protect yourself
number nine
Eden parish the sacrament here we are
welcome to Eden parish what do you think
it’s great right Eden parish is a
dystopian community based on the
real-life Jonestown cult also known as
the People’s Temple agricultural project
welcome to even parish father wants only
to create a community where peace and
love are cherished in this found footage
film the cult is established by a
religious figure known simply as father
why are we chasing him
it’s was financed on us father’s
followers are convinced that he saved
them and obsessively venerate him father
had a vision and he was of course right
and we built heaven here on earth
meanwhile armed guards keep Outsiders
away and deter dissenters from leaving
look what you can leave yet I like when
an investigative news team comes to
interview father
they are covertly contacted by a group
of dissidents that want to leave due to
the systematic abuse they’ve suffered is
it alright if I keep filming uh yeah
yeah of course of course you can come
whatever you like a planned escape turns
into a revolt during which father
convinces most of his followers to drink
a cyanide concoction with armed guards
executing those that refused number
eight time-travel cult sound of my voice
hello officer Randall yes hello I’d like
to report a time traveller a woman
called Maggie claims to be from 2054 and
leaves the cult that’s the focus of this
psychological thriller Maggie says that
the future is already written and that
her members are the chosen ones
convincing her followers that the future
is nothing but war and famine she
asserts she time-traveled to prepare
them for the forthcoming struggles I’m
from the future I’m not a saint members
greet each other with a convoluted
can she two independent investigators
Peter and Lorna gain access to the cult
I just feel like we’re in over our heads
with this whole thing you know it’s like
we started out lying to make a
documentary on cults yeah we’re in one
yeah that’s investigative journalism
Peter Falls for Maggie
while the Justice Department taps Lorna
for help Barna you are in a unique
position here things take a turn for the
even stranger when Maggie convinces
Peter to arrange a meeting with a girl
named Abigail who is supposedly Maggie’s
mother and they performed the cults
special handshake
number seven Catskill Mountains cult
Martha Marcy May Marlene Marcy Marcy May
where you going
the mysterious Patrick leaves this cult
in New York’s Catskills mountains Martha
you look like a Marcy May this group
supposedly exists to achieve self
sustainability through communal farming
but in reality it’s much more sinister
than that protagonist Martha ventures
into the Catskills and meets Patrick who
changes her name and eventually rapes
her she dream for the future water for
the sand the strangeness is wandering
after singing Jackson Franks Marcy song
to followers he refers to Martha as
Marcy May this is called Marcy soon it
soon reveals that Patrick rapes female
followers has all his female children
and the occasional outsider killed and
followers use the alias Marlene Lewis
when talking to outsiders can I help you
Marlene Lewis what’s your last name Jane
number six Freiberg dance academy
Suspiria will have to tell you all about
this Dance Academy in Freiburg Germany
is not a traditional Arts Institute
peculiarly many of its students are
murdered yet young aspiring dancers keep
signing up to a tenth we don’t need to
how to dance here because we presumed it
as students already know how to do that
instructors Madame Blanc and Miss Tanner
aren’t just dance teachers they’re part
of a larger coven or group of witches
that serve under the watchful eye of the
school’s supposedly dead founder Helena
give me power but is she really dead
it’s only near the film’s end that
protagonist Susie and audiences find out
the truth about this ballet school
number five the Islanders The Wicker Man
I suspect Monda on a conspiracy to mana
the 1973 film takes place in the
fictional Summer Isles Scotland where
the Islanders have reverted to
worshipping ancient Celtic gods to
ensure a profitable harvest now for the
last time where is Rowan Morrison due to
a recent harvest failure locals trick
investigator sergeant Howie into looking
for a missing girl only to sacrifice him
during a May Day celebration to improve
their next harvest I see God to the Sun
bountiful goddess of our audience accept
our sacrifice and make our blossoms
wrote in the poorly received 2006 remake
gotta burn the location was moved to a
mysterious island off Washington’s coast
and while the only reference to the
original is found in the community
leaders name sister summers Isle
this pagan cult is terrifying and
memorable either way the Bears
number four children of the corn
children of the corn
what kind of a gut tells his children to
kill their parents huh this agrarian
youth cult secretly exists in the
fictional town of Gatlin Nebraska one of
our Gatlin
yeah then ain’t nothing in Gatlin the
young preacher Isaac kroehner convinces
the children of Gatlin that God has a
violent personification known as he who
walks behind the rows today he looked
and rose made himself known due to a
poor corn harvest Isaac then persuades
the children to murder all of Gatlin’s
adults as well as any subsequent adult
that travels through the town as a
sacrifice to what isn’t actually God but
Satan we must sacrifice them both
tonight through such violence Isaac
establishes a death cult that it’s only
stoppable by burning the cornfields like
a fire fire he was gonna burn the field
number 3 the cause the master Freddie
Elizabeth my daughter with some
resemblances to l ron Hubbard
Scientology the cause is a philosophical
cult led by the intelligent and
charismatic Lancaster Dodd say your name
Freddie quell saying again Freddie quell
say it again Freddie quell Dodd
initiates members through processing a
system of disconcerting psychosomatic
personal inquiries do you often think
about how inconsequential you are yes do
you believe that God will save you know
everybody sex with a member of your
family yes
are you lying no such questions are
asked to force the examinee to overcome
past sufferings to move beyond the south
and to become one with the cause tool
through the perspective of the
increasingly jaded initiate Freddie
quell the film also follows Dodds steady
rise to power even in the face of
internal and external criticism and
thankfully we are all of us working at
breakneck speeds and in unison towards
capturing the minds fatal flaws and
correcting it back to its inherent state
of perfect number two Satanist cult
Rosemary’s Baby unbeknownst to the new
apartment tenants rosemary Woodhouse and
her struggling actor husband guy their
elderly neighbors minnie and roman
castevet are Satanists after guy becomes
friends with the castevets his career
improves and he convinces rosemary to
have a baby to make baby one evening
many secretly drugs rosemary who dreams
or at least thinks she dreams that she’s
being raped by the devil while her
husband the castevets and the other
neighbors watch eventually rosemary
gives birth to the son of Satan and
discovers the apartment buildings
tenants are the CAFTA Betts’s disciples
and despite all of that
rosemary appears to agree to raise her
satanic son albeit a bit reluctantly
what have you done damn you man hey
Genesis father nut guy before we get to
our number one cults gotta get burned
here are a few honorable mentions
take him up good woman you want to gauge
live if it gets on you can turn you
don’t get any resort yeah number one
faggy cult Indiana Jones and the Temple
of Doom
Thuggee is the archetype for the
villainous movie cults based in pankot
India the Thuggee cult is centered on
black magic and devoted to Kali a
heavily fictionalized version of the
Hindu goddess of destruction change and
time it’s a Thuggee ceremony they’re
worshipping Kali
the Thuggee have all the classic
hallmarks of a horrific cult they dabble
in human trafficking and child slavery
while also indulging in a little human
sacrifice d ve got Imam
funny mom
during the film’s climax Indiana Jones &
Company witnessed the cults high priests
molar ROM ripping the heart out of a
living man for sacrifice to Kali
so all in all this is one cult you want
to stay on the right side up
do you agree with our list what’s your
favorite cult from movies for more
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get burn like don’t know
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