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How To Chop An Onion | 1 Minute Tips | Food Busker

hi guys I’m going to say how to finely
dice I don’t you top the onion then
slice the onion in half place it down
don’t put your knife in like this put it
in at the side and using this finger as
a guide to place the knife in each time
make sure that the hand is like this
that way you won’t chop off your fingers
because the knife runs off the finger
the heel holds the whole onion together
you’re not cutting all the way through
slice all the way round score it through
holding the whole onion together using
your finger as a guide start slicing
through when you get to the end push the
onion away drop it down so that you can
get these last bits of onion here and
discard the stalk or use it in stocks so
that’s how to finely dice an onion if
you want any more tips then click on the
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