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Top 10 Celebrity Trump Haters

some celebs are just not a fan of the
Donald welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top 10 celebrity Trump enemies but
with me we fight back
before we begin we publish new videos
every day
so be sure to subscribe for more great
content for this list we’ll be looking
at the celebrities that have publicly
spoken out against Donald Trump both pre
and post inauguration however we’re
excluding journalists and talk show
hosts hmm he’s very glib and superficial
answers to very very entrenched and very
difficult problems number 10 Sher do you
believe in life after love well the
goddess of pop certainly doesn’t believe
in Donald Trump during the lead-up to
the election results the American singer
made her feelings perfectly clear on
Twitter comparing Trump to the likes of
Adolf Hitler and Godzilla cher also
stated that if he did manage to win she
would quote leave the planet like
millions of others she was devastated by
the outcome but has continued to try and
keep people spirits up while also
continually slandering president from
every chance she gets he’s an asshole
number 9 Mark Ruffalo that guy’s brain
is a bag full of catch she could smell
crazy on him an Academy Award nominated
actor and the man behind the Hulk
Mark Ruffalo was a huge advocate for
Bernie Sanders who lost the Democratic
nomination to Hillary Clinton Ruffalo
also stood alongside his fellow Avengers
in lashing out against Trump’s words and
aside from constantly roasting the Trump
administration on Twitter even declaring
that Marvel takes more care with their
scripts than Trump’s White House does
with its leaks Ruffalo also spearheaded
a mass protest outside the Trump
International Hotel we don’t even think
Loki got pummeled this badly
number eight sarah silverman we all know
this comedian can be absolutely brutal
with her put-downs while she certainly
hasn’t held back when it comes to her
feelings about Donald Trump she’s also
gone out of her way to make many
poignant and emotional messages about
how she feels his treatment of women and
his brand of nationalism are toxic USA’s
number one USA’s number one kind of
fervor is uh it’s so scary
following Hillary Clinton’s defeat she
went so far as to call on the military
to overthrow Trump and encouraged others
to join the self-proclaimed resistance
movement while tanks probably won’t be
blowing holes in the White House anytime
Silverman can take pride in knowing that
for everyone out there comparing Trump
to Hitler she definitely managed to
raise the bar like 90% of what he says
I’m like this guy gets it number seven
Arnold Schwarzenegger out of all
celebrities did Donald Trump really
think that taking on the Terminator was
going to work out in his favor
chill out dickwad while the two had
taken issue with each other’s policies
in the past the real feud began
following the President’s speech at the
National Prayer Breakfast where he
decided to pray for Arnie given the
failing ratings of his version of
Celebrity Apprentice and I want to just
pray for Ronald if we can for those
ratings okay the former governor of
California responded with a video that
may not have featured any explosions but
was a searing burn nonetheless why don’t
we switch jobs you take over TV because
he’s such an expert in ratings and I
think over your job and then people can
finally speak comfortably again we’re
guessing that’s one less Action Hero
Trump has in his corner hasta LaVista
baby number six
Meryl Streep while her countless
performances have garnered critical
acclaim this Academy Award winner is now
also notable for her anti-trump speeches
when she received the Cecil B deMille
Award at the 2017 Golden Globes her
acceptance speech came with a healthy
helping of put-downs towards the new
president when the powerful used their
position to bully others we all lose do
which Donald Trump responded by calling
her quote overrated of course
has not slowed her down whatsoever as
she also let loose another zinger when
the Human Rights Campaign graced her
with the national ally for a quality
award in February 2017 as you might
expect she took the opportunity to
really let the condemnation flow we will
have much to thank this president for
because he will have woken us up to how
fragile freedom really is number five
Michael Moore this filmmaker hasn’t held
back when it comes to lashing out
against the presidents of the past but
when it comes to Trump Michael Moore has
attacked him on all fronts calling him a
Russian traitor and asking him to vacate
the White House on Twitter Moore has
written countless articles on Trump’s
past Vols
all the while headlining anti-trump
protests in order to spread the word he
even released a documentary in 2016
entitled Michael Moore in Trump land
although the film wasn’t a vicious
attack on Trump per se see the human
Molotov cocktail that they can legally
throw it was more of a pro Hillary
Clinton stand-up routine still we
wouldn’t be surprised if Moore made a
documentary all about President Trump in
the near future number four Madonna one
of the celebrities standing at the
forefront of the women’s march in
protest of Donald Trump’s nomination
this pop queen was pumped and ready to
take action rousing the crowd at the
protest she was caught up in some
backlash given the fact that she stated
that quote blowing up the White House
might actually be a preferable course of
action yes I have thought an awful lot
about blowing up the White House despite
the controversy that came from her
comments to which Donald Trump responded
by labeling her quote disgusting
honestly she’s disgusting but Donna
hasn’t ceased the call to arms against
the president another clash between
these two is probably right around the
number three Alec Baldwin it’s
pronounced Jane Eyre
possibly the one person who gets under
Donald Trump’s skin the most this
veteran actor is not only all too happy
to ridicule him in public but his
portrayal of the President on Saturday
Night Live has also become almost a
modern classic
whoo-hoo what is Isis many haven’t
personated the billionaire over the
years but there’s something about
Baldwin’s portrayal that people just
love and more importantly it’s something
that Donald Trump just cannot stand do
you have a message for our I think I’m a
much nicer guy than he’s portraying
since the Donald is frequently tweeting
about how unfunny it is and how SNL is
all the worse for it we’d say that the
performance definitely made its mark
loser your bed hombre here come our
tanks prepare to go to work
number two Lady gaga when it came to
Trump’s shocking victory you can bet
that one of the first celebrities in
line to speak out against it was none
other than Lady gaga
following Hillary Clinton’s loss in the
election Stephanie Joanne Angelina
Germanotta began a protest outside Trump
Tower brandishing the sign love Trump’s
hate for hours on end while she’s been a
bit less vocal since many took note of
her choice of opening song and her
halftime Super Bowl performance in early
February 2017 where she sang Woody
Guthrie’s this land is your land the
classic has since become a staple song
for anti-trump protesters
before we reveal our number one pick
here are some honorable mentions what if
I do have frame what should he not to
not you should not run for president
they’ve given them all this attention
and finally they’re starting to say come
on Donnell this is ridiculous
number one Rosie O’Donnell you call
women you don’t like fat pigs dogs slobs
and disgusting animals your Twitter
account totally Rosie O’Donnell
considering their feud has been going on
for over a decade now it seems to say
that this actress is not a huge fan of
the Donald they’re heated battle began
over disputes regarding his handling of
the Miss USA pageant then spiraled into
a series of insults traded over Twitter
with O’Donnell and Trump each slandering
the other pretty much whenever they’re
in front of a camera things eventually
spilled over into the presidential
election where O’Donnell took every
chance possible to diminish Trump’s
character even after his win Rosie
continued to speak out against Trump
calling him quote mentally unstable do
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