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Top 10 Biggest Superhero Deaths

the bigger they are the harder they fall
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
ten biggest superhero deaths superheroes
have to get used to mortality as it is
not uncommon for their closest family
members and friends to bite the bullet
often at the hands of their own nemesis
while fans seem to accept this as an
inevitable comic book trope readers are
quick to tear their hair out when an
iconic hero themselves suddenly dies but
no matter how fast you run you can’t
save everyone not the ones that matter
to you for this list we are strictly
reviewing the deaths of superheroes so
non superhero family and friends as well
as super villains will not be considered
and for those of you who read comics and
might not be all caught up
spoiler alert number 10 Marvel the first
Captain Marvel everyone stay down the
1982 death of the first Captain Marvel
in the appropriately named series the
death of Captain Marvel was one of the
first major Marvel Universe superhero
deaths hi
why did you do that Captain Marvel died
of cancer due to an exposure to the
villain nitros toxic nerve gas whether
this was the intent of his death or none
this comic depicted Marvel superheroes
coming to terms with the reality of a
superhero succumbing to cancer something
that until that time was a real world
only threat I enjoy your species gift
for understatement number 9 Rorschach
never compromised not even in the face
of Armageddon
dr. Manhattan will do it oh all right
this death shocked comic-book readers
back in 1987 as while everyone knew the
series was coming to a close the
toughest nails incorruptible Rorschach
has to live right nope because there is
good and evil and evil must be punished
when awesome Andy has dr. Manhattan
convinced that the sacrifice of
thousands of lives benefits the greater
good Rorschach refuses to back down
while a part of him can’t help but
believe that Ozymandias might be right
there still can be no compromise with
evil and dr. Manhattan is forced to kill
Rorschach in order to keep possum and
eases plan intact number 8 Peter Parker
slash spider-man twice he must have
given up thrown in the towel what’s
worse than seeing your favorite
superhero die seeing your favorite
superhero died twice in the same year
Parker gets it back-to-back in two
different universes earth-616 the
regular Marvel Universe and in the
marvel ultimate universe back in 2012
Peter Parker of the marvel ultimate
universe was shot by the Punisher and
died battling the Green Goblin
then earth-616 spider-man died when
Doctor Octopus switched minds with
spider-man and doc Ock’s body died
destroying Peter’s consciousness are
they thinking putting doctor octopus’s
mind in spider-man’s body number 7
Wolverine Logan James Holland
you’re slipping Wolverines adamantium
skeleton and advanced healing abilities
have always protected him versions of
him have been ripped apart had his
skeleton torn out and even devoured yet
he always pulled through however the
2014 series death of Wolverine put him
down for good
a virus nullified Wolverines healing
power during which time
Wolverine hunted down the founder of
Weapon X dr. Abraham Cornelius during
the course of their fight he was covered
in liquid adamantium and unable to
remove it suffocated and died so much
for being a survivor number 6 Charles
Xavier Professor X I’m Charles Xavier
would you like some breakfast Professor
X has been killed several times but his
most recent death is quite the doozy
during the climax of 2012’s event
Avengers vs. x-men Cyclops has been
driven mad by the Phoenix force and
finds himself at odds with his lifetime
mentor and friend Charles Xavier Cyclops
storm and dream were some of my first
students at first Professor X tries to
reason with Cyclops and failing that
fight Cyclops directly what exactly
happens between the two is unknown but
when the dust settles Professor X is
found dead at cyclopses feet I’m don’t
sense anything
number 5 Barry Allen the second flash
the flash has long been an iconic DC
Universe hero
thus the 1985 death of the Flash’s
second persona Barry Allen left fans
horrified what are you doing
you can’t escape you can’t reach the
bomb to disarm it you’re going to die a
flash died defending mankind and readers
were forced to see Barry’s face
disintegrate frame by frame into
this was DC’s first major superhero
death perhaps following in the footsteps
of Marvel’s previous Captain Marvel
death and has been referenced several
times in other adaptations of the
character number four Steve Rogers
Captain America it’s difficult as this
is to accept Captain America is a
fugitive from shield marvel’s epic 2006
civil war storyline was tough on several
major superheroes however no one got it
quite as bad as Captain America kikuna
feels personal after surrendering to
Tony Stark and turning himself in to
face a trial cap is gunned down on the
steps of the courthouse crossbones fires
at Captain America with a sniper rifle
and while everyone is distracted a
brainwashed Sharon Carter delivers the
killing blow number 3 Jean Grey
I am sorry Cyclops the
gene Bray’s dramatic and iconic death
occurred in 2005 while Jean Grey was
possessed by the Phoenix after suffering
mental manipulation from the villain the
mastermind Phoenix became deranged and
turned into the deadly Dark Phoenix
forcing the Jean Grey summers that we
all loved into the entity’s subconscious
quickly well I still have control stop
her now Jean psychologically struggled
to be released from dark Phoenix’s
mental prison and was eventually able to
give enough physical control to destroy
herself and save the universe from the
scourge of the dark Phoenix once and for
number two Superman there was a time
that we all thought the Man of Steel was
impervious to death then in 1993
DC’s iconic hero died squaring off
against the world’s most deadly villain
today doomsday Superman didn’t go down
easy as he also killed doomsday in the
process so I guess it’s a stalemate
we gotta hand it to DC as it did seem
like Supes was dead for good
however the Man of Steel is too big an
icon to stay dead and eventually he
returned after having his body
regenerated in the fortress of solitude
before we unveil our number one
superhero death let’s review some
honorable mentions
number one Jason Todd the second robbing
the death of Jason Todd the second Boy
Wonder was and still is the most
upsetting and brutal superhero death to
date readers were subjected to some
pretty terrifying imagery as the Joker
beat an injured Robin almost to death
with a crowbar what hurts more a
forehand back then as Batman is mere
meters away from saving Jason a bomb
goes off seemingly killing the Boy
Wonder what’s most disturbing about this
murder is that it was voted for by
Batman fans with the total of five
thousand three hundred and forty three
four and five thousand two hundred and
seventy one against sorry Jason the fans
have spoken
do you agree with our list why does one
death matter against so many what’s your
favorite superhero death for more
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