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Steven Chu’s Top 10 Rules For Success

he’s a physicist and is an advocate for
renewable energy and nuclear power he
served as a twelfth United States
Secretary of Energy he won the Nobel
Prize in Physics in 1997 he’s Steven Chu
and here are his top 10 rules for
success life is too short to go through
without caring deeply about something do
something that matters do something that
matters beyond your immediate world and
when you’re an old and gray and look
back on your life you’ll want to be
proud of what you’ve done the source of
that pride won’t be the things you’ve
acquired or the recognition you’ve
received it will be the lives you’ve
touched and the difference you have made
I think when I stuck it both what I’ve
done you know certain sandwich law has
done with a number of people then you
cast around and you look for areas that
you begin to see either a glimmer of a
new breakthrough type of thinking or the
some technology in this sector has been
left alone and not applied to that
sector and or there’s a just a need
based on an emerging market and those
are the things that actually are can be
real drivers for success innovation I
used to when I was Secretary of Energy I
used to try to explain people using an
analogy with Wayne Gretzky the great
hockey player yes really arguably one of
the best hockey players there ever was
and he’s pretty skinny person right but
fast and you say how you know what made
you different than all the others and he
said I skate to where the puck is going
to be not where it’s been yes and I
tried to explain and I think it got some
partial traction look what’s happening
with the technology looks what’s
happening yeah you want to position
yourself to see this is where the world
is going this is what science and
technology is going to give us not I
wish it were like it was 50 years
and a hundred years ago when I got the
Nobel Prize I was asked to write an
autobiography of our lives in our
intellectual development and in writing
that I remembered vividly the profound
impact that my high school physics
teacher mr. miner played in my
intellectual development in the 12th
grade it was a final exam I kind of
flubbed a question and then he read
written in the margin I’m disappointed
he wasn’t trying to teach us sex he was
actually trying to teach us a learning
process learning whether you understand
something or not was probably the most
important thing I began to learn in his
class that lesson I took with me not
only through college and graduate school
but for my entire career as a physicist
I’m Steven Chu on the US Secretary of
Energy we need a new generation of
teachers to join those already in the
classroom invest in the future inspire a
generation of children teach when you
look at new technologies and you look at
that there could be you know sinkhole a
wild claims but you what is the quote
theoretical limitations but not
theoretical Allah the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle you know there’s a
lower theory this is beyond this it’s
just you know it’s not gonna make it
and then just where is the technology
and then you say how much space is there
between that that realistically you can
get there in five years okay and and
that actually helps define things and
and focuses a mind and what you should
be thinking about what you shouldn’t be
thinking about so there are many things
like that I think successful innovators
do all the time the constructive
feedback that honest feedback is exactly
what we were establishing in our PE
that’s now being infecting the rest of
the department’s our energy you know if
you hear an idea that you don’t really
agree with instead of lightly sitting
there and being polite you say no I you
know that I don’t think that’s right you
know this is why you know you’re wrong
and then and then you
sit at a table and you talk about it and
that’s where you figure out are you
right are you wrong and then you have a
deeper understanding of what’s going on
be really excited in what you’re doing
love what you’re doing and don’t get
discouraged if things don’t work most of
the time things don’t work but pick
yourself up don’t you’ve got you expect
to fail but fail quickly and move on
don’t keep banging your head against the
same wall repeatedly but really be
exciting what you’re doing and know that
it will be important we do not want to
put our eggs in one basket you know when
the president said all they both he
really meant it you we have fossil we
have nuclear way of renewables we need
all these things we’ve got to get some
of these cleaned up a little bit but
it’s all this mix I think if you talk to
any utility company executive to say
you’re hanging it all on a in your
business where reliability and delivery
is so important you can’t just say it’s
all here you’ve got to diversify that
supply if you think you can make a
difference it requires commitment it
requires a thick skin mm-hm it requires
an inner compass that I would recommend
it you also as the signed one would have
to be able to explain things at any
level yeah and not sound like you’re
being condescending mm-hmm that doesn’t
work but but having done that some of
the best sciences I know can explain the
science truthfully and accurately at any
level from from the deepest experts to
to people who are not really scientists
or may not even have an interest in
science but to show them that you know
why do we think what we is how can that
be useful to society I was a professor
for many many years and and my attitude
always and when I was working in Bell
Labs sometimes I would have an idea in
go and talk to him I want to do this
kind of look at me no and my my reaction
was constantly okay not
hello I’m smart and a therefore we know
what’s going on there say okay I went
back and I said hmm what didn’t I
explain right and then would go back and
say okay this is what I think now
once I went back three times and and my
then boss’s boss kind of looked as me up
and he says see if you’re gonna make
argue about wanting to do that
experiment I’ve got better things to do
he Andy actually let me do it but never
mind he wasn’t thrilled but but I always
come in with the attitude that if you
don’t if you don’t succeed the first
time try again you something you know or
they can try to convince you they’re
right that’s part of this discussion you
know I could be wrong the world is a
deeply interwoven in space and in time
as Martin Luther King wrote in his
letter from a Birmingham jail 48 years
ago he said we are tied in a single
garment of destiny
whatever affects one directly affects
all indirectly above all we must value
and protect the most innocent members of
our society the children of the world
yet to be born I end my remarks with an
A if the a true physicist Carl Sagan and
he wrote of an image taken by Voyager 1
as it was leaving our solar system in
this picture earth appears as a pale
blue dot of light embedded in a rainbow
he says look again at that dot that’s
here that’s home that’s us on it
everyone you love everyone you know
everyone you ever heard of every human
being who ever was lived on this mote of
dust suspended in a sunbeam the earth is
the only world known so far to harbor
life like it or not this is where we
make our stand
this distant image of our tiny world
underscores our responsibility to deal
more kindly with one another and to
preserve and cherish the pale blue dot
the only home we’ve ever known to this
message I add an ancient Native American
saying treat the earth well it was not
given to you by your parents
it was loaned to you by your children
thank you guys so much for watching I
made this video because very Miller
asked me to so there’s a famous
entrepreneur that you want me to profile
next leave it in the comments below and
I’ll see what I can do I’d also love to
know which of Stephen choose top ten
rules you like the best leave it in the
comments let me know what you think I’m
going to join in the discussion thank
you guys so much for watching continue
to believe and I’ll see you soon
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