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Top 10 Best MrBeast Videos

that’s mr. beast to you hey guys it’s
Phoebe welcome to top X the show where
we count down the good the bad and the
ugly of YouTube today we’re taking a
look at the top 10 mr. beast videos we
have a ginormous Monopoly board and
thousands of dollars we’re playing with
real money
before we begin we publish new content
every day so be sure to subscribe to our
Channel and ring the bell to get
notified about our latest videos we’re
looking at the funniest most creative
and heartwarming videos on this popular
YouTube channel let’s go
number 10 last to remove hand wins house
challenge being friends with Jimmy also
known as mr. beast comes with its fair
share of perks and pains usually at the
same time in this challenge he has his
friends stand with their hand on the
wall in the rain hoping to live in the
house for a year rent-free
to make it more interesting their phones
are confiscated and they’re nerfed and
egged more eggs Chandler of course
doesn’t win because of scary pickles and
after seven hours Bailey and Jake decide
to split the house and live together so
you’re splitting it up if you did win
okay okay mr. beast and the gang even
helped them move in because at the end
of the day they’re all friends all right
guys it’s been a very long day but you
guys won the challenge so here’s your
keys number nine surprising teeth ooh
with a fortnight battle bus in real life
are you really a fortnight player if you
don’t have your own battle bus mr. beast
doesn’t think so so he casually goes out
buys a bus and completely decks it up
for tea Fuu we made a fort night battle
bus and we’re gonna go give it the tegu
we’re talking custom paint job and an
interior that doesn’t quit inside it has
a full gaming setup for PC and
PlayStation 4
bunk beds to crash in after a long night
of gaming and all the merch you could
we got a desk right here for him to play
fort night again cuz again I’m pretty
sure that’s all TP does whoa that’s
pretty cool after decking it out he
drives the glorious bus 20 hours to
deliver it to teef ooh too bad it
doesn’t fly also
we think t foo goes into shock when he
sees it no one expects to be gifted a
battle bus number eight world’s hottest
substance versus coldest substance it’s
ice against fire which will win this
video was about science extremes and a
whole lot of tomfoolery everyone knows
what happens when you throw a rocket
glass but it doesn’t hurt to keep
gravity on its toes the gang conducts a
series of insane interesting and funny
experiments but the highlight is pouring
liquid nitrogen on napalm and seeing
which wins here are a few things we
Pepsi makes a better military weapon
than coke flamethrowers are dangerous
and you can’t cut a tree down with paper
you just can’t argue with science it’s
not working number seven I over drain’d
impugn a tank imagine calling an uber
and instead of a Honda Civic showing up
mr. beast chose to roll out in this
freedom uber on the perfect American
holiday the 4th of July they were
dressed in red white and blue and had
full disclaimer they had a professional
driving the tank tanks aren’t given out
willy-nilly they definitely make the
most of the tank giving people lifts
getting fast food and getting stuck
trying to storm the beaches all in a
day’s work for mr. beast man it really
annoys me with my tank gets stuck on the
beach number 6 last youtuber to leave
wins $100,000 challenge winner gets
$100,000 and a shout-out at the end in
an epic battle between 12 youtubers who
will be the last one standing to claim
the prize well in this case the last
four standing after a painful 32 hours
of standing and 52 pounds of added
weight Caspar Lee Leon lush alex ernst
and Danny Duncan made a deal to split
the money and Minnie Ladd got a
shout-out a lot happened in that 32
hours rice gum quits within seconds a
drum set gets thrown in the pool after
Alex performs an impromptu performance
and the endurance of everyone except of
course rice gum was put to the test it’s
number five giant Monopoly game with
real money
everyone knows the monopoly ruins
friendships so instead of using his
friends for this video mr. beast brought
in four strangers from his merch contest
three are gonna go bankrupt playing
monopoly and one of them’s gonna win all
the money and go home with a fat stack
to kick off the game they were each
given a stack of $1500 before facing off
on a Monopoly board that took up an
entire room sometimes mr. beast allows
multiple winners for a challenge but
here there can only be one
logan is the monopoly champion and takes
home $10,000 what the other contestants
also awarded mm because mr. beast is a
softy number four I donated $50,000 to
ninja fortnight mr. beast is a fan of
fortnight ninja and charitable causes so
when the three come together he takes
advantage in February of 2018 ninja was
doing a charity stream on Twitch for
suicide prevention
five months later ninja was doing
another charity stream for st. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital and mr. B
started another donation train that just
kept on a rollin my goodness man he
donated fifty thousand dollars and every
time mr. beast donated ninja had to drop
supplies guns or couldn’t heal it was a
great way to give to a good cause and
number three I gave a homeless man a
home if you’ve watched mr. beast for a
while you’ll know the plight of brother
Chandler’s family friend he seems to
have the worst luck including getting
hit by a car but when he almost became
homeless mr. B stepped in he’s always
helped the homeless like the time he
gave ten thousand dollars to a homeless
man and helped him budget the money oh
so you want to take it it’s about ten
thousand dollars I’m not doing it for
brother Bobby he found him a home fully
furnished it and sent him out on a day
of eating shopping and napping Bobby was
happy with just the day out and was
completely overwhelmed when he found out
he didn’t need to worry about rent for a
year number two I put 100 million Orbeez
in my friends backyard Orbeez are
magical beads that grow when you add
water so naturally mr. beast decided to
dump 100 million into his friend’s
backyard now we’re gonna take these 100
million Orbeez and we’re gonna put them
on the tarps back here in the backyard
wait for it to rain and we have so many
Orbeez that it might literally overflow
the spin
he and his team fill up not only the
yard but also the swimming pool
affording them with a great opportunity
to do important Orbeez experiments like
sliding on Orbeez swimming in Orbeez and
they also learned a very important life
lesson do not jump headfirst into a pool
of Orbeez unless you have a Viking
remember kids don’t try this at home
before we unveil our top pick here are
some honorable mentions water oh this is
$12,000 it is yeah there’s no one number
one tipping pizza delivery guys ten
thousand dollars here’s a good tip from
mr. beast tip often and tip well even if
you’re just ordering pizza keep ten
thousand dollars at the ready okay that
may be pushing it maybe just a few
hundred dollars per delivery every pizza
delivery guy had very different
reactions to their tips some were so
shocked they just walked away a few got
emotional and one even came back later
to properly thank mr. B’s yeah no it’s
yeah now if you think that’s overkill
for a tip you just don’t know mr. beast
he’s tipped thirty thousand dollars for
a glass of water that must have been
so what’d you guys think did you agree
with our rank let us know in the
comments below which youtubers you want
to see in our top tens and don’t forget to Like and subscribe
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