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Top 10 Anticipated Wii U Launch Games

Nintendo has finally made the jump to HD
and is getting a head start on the
eighth generation of video game consoles
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down the top 10 most
anticipated Wii U launch games to keep
things real we won’t be showcasing ports
of games released before the Wii U these
include such notable titles as Batman
Arkham City Mass Effect 3 Ninja Gaiden 3
and Darksiders 2 number 10 Scribblenauts
unlimited kicking off our list is the
latest installment of the popular
family-friendly action puzzler as
Maxwell players continue to collect star
rights with the help of their
imaginations creating objects players
explore and complete tasks in an all-new
and interconnected open-world this game
features large areas two-player co-op
multiplayer online support and crisp HD
visuals number 9 Assassin’s Creed 3 the
fifth overall installment in the series
ac3 shakes things up a bit by taking
place during the American Revolution and
starring a new protagonist named Connor
who is half English half Native American
not just the largest title in the series
to date it promises to wrap up Desmond’s
present-day storyline okay yes it’s a
port but at least it’s almost in sync
with the debut on the other consoles
number eight lego city undercover all
the fun of Lego without ever stepping on
the pieces moving away from the popular
Star Wars and Harry Potter franchises
this entry stars a flat-footed detective
named chase McCain who must tackle a
crime wave that’s been building in Lego
tell me who you’re working for imagine
the sandbox experience of GTA but with a
more child-friendly sense of humor and a
never ending assortment of Lego vehicles
number seven
project P 100 in this unique action game
players control a large group of
superheroes in a fight to fend off an
alien invasion threatening the city this
army of superheroes can combine to form
such things as giant fists swords and a
protective gel shield all while
interacting with their environment and
recruiting citizens think Pikmin
combined with the antics of beautiful
joke number 6 zombie you aiming for a
mature audience this is a first-person
survival horror game that has you assume
the roles of various survivors in London
during a terrifying zombie outbreak a
long coming sequel to Ubisoft’s 1986
video game zombie players used
context-sensitive controls to cue
weapons unlock doors and use items from
their supply bag the twist is that
getting bitten kills your character so
each time you resume you inhabit a
different survivor
number five Nintendo land a much more
cheerful experience this game is set in
a virtual Nintendo theme park and is
meant to showcase the new asymmetrical
gameplay features of the gamepad
Nintendo land features 12 different mini
games based on Nintendo’s popular
franchises and supports up to 5 players
notable minigames include Luigi’s ghost
mansion and The Legend of Zelda battle
quest number four rayman legends this is
the exciting follow up to the 2d hit
co-op platformer rayman origins and
follows Raymond and his friends as they
uncover magical paintings that transport
them to mythical worlds while this
sequel will undoubtedly appear on every
single device with a screen at some
point it’s heading to the Wii U first
with touchscreen and motion controls
exclusive to the gamepad
number three we fit you promising to
make gamers sweaty er than ever this
third iteration of the fitness franchise
allows you to continue using your
existing balance board while introducing
several new elements and exercises these
include core luge hose-down trampoline
desert chorus scuba diving and rowing
crew you can even upload your calorie
counts from its included pedometer
number two Pikmin 3 a perfect addition
for the we use touchscreen gamepad the
Pikmin franchise picks up where it left
off in 2004 allowing you to control over
a 100 plant-like creatures in real-time
strategy game play this time however you
can equip 4 Pikmin types simultaneously
instead of just 2 and includes two new
Pikmin species rock Pikmin and flying
Pikmin number one new super mario
brothers you taking the top spot on our
wish list is the first mario brothers
launch title for the nintendo home
console since super mario 64 and that
was way back in 1996 sure it’s not 3d
like that game was but it will be the
first to showcase Mario in HD it also
promises fun 4 player co-op use of the
consoles new Niebuhr social platform and
the ability to manipulate levels and
wear an all-new flying squirrel suit you
excited for the Wii U what games have
you pumped to play for more great top 10
lists be sure to visit us at
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