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Epic Meal Time Talks Bacon, Turbaconepicentipede and the Future

they built some of the most extreme food
creations around using Jack Daniels
bacon and lots and lots of meat this is
for hardcore mother anyone out there
that has proved mother’s please come
take a bite of this hi I’m Rebecca
Braden and welcome to and
today we’re at Just for Laughs to speak
with Harley of Epic Meal Time what’s up
my name is Harley AKA sauce boss AKA
michael jordan to meet AK bieber bacon
AK jeff goldblum on the internet I love
saying Jeff Goldblum people call us a
cooking show if we were a cooking show
would we have this pile of food on the
table like is there anything culinaria
focus there is it because we’re not a
cooking show we like to think of
ourselves as a celebration of food show
we’d like to get the origin story of
ever be applying to in mind yeah so I
mean muscle ass was living in China
working out he came back pretty jacked I
was in video production I was writing a
kids show at the time I was running a
bunch of things short movie stuff like
that working on everything and I mean I
had eaten I’d made a video where I eat a
triple baconator which had a teen strips
of bacon in it and six patties I ate the
whole thing into wendys and then muscles
last got back and he was like oh let’s
make a channel or let’s do something and
I was like you know what let’s uh let’s
do a workout channel you’ll show be able
to the workouts seven days six days a
week and on the seventh day it’ll be
like a cheat day and would see like pigs
I’m like every diet we started on a
cheat day and through burgers on a pizza
and yeah and then filmed it when I added
I was like this is great i’m like
working out who’s microphone is that you
better take it back er it’s good
give us some cooking tips cook things
that taste good quinoa no cast it aside
if you like chocolate donuts and you
like poutine and you like hamburgers and
you like that shit and you like bacon if
you mix it all together it tastes way
better I’m so held fearing you put I’m
gonna put I’m gonna put quinoa in my
chicken like how dumb is that right but
making it cheese in there stop messing
around in your opinion what’s the
craziest thing you guys have done one
time we put a quail and a Cornish hen
inside a chicken inside a turkey inside
a duck all wrapped in bacon and then put
that inside a pig then made ten of those
and sewed them ass to mouth and made a
huge centipede out of all of these
garnish it with baconators called it or
bacon epicenter via newest about like
eight hundred thousand calories
Oh another time we took like three
thousand strips of bacon and made it a
full like five foot Christmas tree a
banking Christmas tree with fast
ornaments and liquor presents below the
tree and this bad boy on top made a milk
chocolate Greg Smith we made our job get
drunk with your friends you need bacon
every week so maximum goal has been
reached and so at this point is just you
know seeing how much we could expand it
we have some ideas for new shows things
like that we want to do as well we want
to blow out our repertoire we want to
basically take this concept and put it
to arenas beyond food I’ve said too much
okay great well I’m glad we got the
exclusive thank you very much exclusive
shit what’s the point of all that
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