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Top 10 Annoying New Features in Video Game Sequels

don’t you just hate it when a good thing
turns bad mm-hmm welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten annoying
new features in videogames sequels
I’m sure you’ll do just fine for this
list we’re looking at functions and
features added into a series that drove
fans crazy
with many people feeling the ladder
entries would be better off without
these additions these features are
infamously remembered for turning fans
away from their favorite franchises
number 10 tank battles Batman Arkham
Knight what was the Arkham series
missing before the latest entry was
released the Batmobile of course what
wasn’t it missing mandatory non-lethal
tank battles seemingly in the middle of
every mission transforming the Batmobile
into a tank to fend off wave after wave
of drone tanks was not only repetitive
but served no real purpose to the plot
with this entry having the fewest
predator sections of the series we feel
the focus was lost in order to
accommodate the bat mo tank
number nine unified ammo they use ex
invisible war with the first game
encouraging players to meticulously
conserve and curate their ammo supplies
invisible war lost some fans by
switching to a unified ammunition system
with one clip to rule them all some of
the depth of the first title was
stripped away from players for
mainstream consoles as the primary
culprits I’m glad I didn’t add that they
can–it this feature along with the
overall poor execution of invisible war
led most fans to see this sequel as
inferior to the original classic
I think you’ve got your money’s worth
now stabbed out and keep your mouth shut
number 8 day/night switch Castlevania to
Simon’s quest
what do gamers hate unnecessary
interruptions of course whether it’s a
reminder to go do chores or having to go
to work breaking the experience is just
the worst now imagine a feature that
does this on purpose
every time the game switches from day to
night stopping the action with an
on-screen text prompt that never seems
to feel any faster
clearly this was a product of its time
as this allowed the game to load its new
aesthetic but it feels like a feature
the game would have been better off
without number seven difficulty lowering
Kid Icarus Uprising and Super Smash
Brothers for 3ds and WiiU treating
players like children is a surefire way
to infuriate them upon family omission
or dying in these marquee Nintendo
titles the difficulty is automatically
lowered in order to help the player
the most frustrating part of this
feature is that it prevented players
from getting through gates locked to
higher difficulties even more annoying
director our Masahiro Sakurai brought
this feature back in Super Smash
Brothers for 3ds and Wii U’s
single-player mode dropping the
difficulty because we made a boo-boo is
just kind of condescending we’d rather
learn from our mistakes to overcome
challenges rather than have the
challenge taken away this could be
another trick but it all seems so real
number 6 forced co-op and uneven
inventory system Resident Evil 5 to grab
a double whammy here in a series
celebrated for its tenth survival horror
with a bit of action the fifth entry
tweaked the formula a bit too much
towards the action side when Sheva
Alomar made her debut in this 2009 title
she drove fans crazy not because she was
a bad character but because her AI was
dumb as a brick
this made co-op play almost mandatory
and the tension felt from playing what
was supposed to be a horror game was
almost non-existent more and more I find
myself wondering if it’s all worth
fighting for this all combined with an
inventory system that was totally balls
requiring lots of reshuffling and
dropping of items just to pick up new
finds you will give me and that AI don’t
bother giving her your healing items to
save on space because she will use them
at the dumbest times
number five ground missions Star Wars
Rogue Squadron three rebel strike flying
the iconic vehicles of the Star Wars
franchise was a dream come true for all
fans so what isn’t on the bucket list of
those fans jogging around Hoth at a pace
rivaled only by Jabba the Hutt sure the
settings are still iconic but the
controls in these ground sections were
inexcusably terrible with the biggest
problem being that you couldn’t aim
manually in a franchise known for its
true to film dogfighting pulling players
out of the cockpit wasn’t the best idea
for Rogue Squadron we better act fast
number four the judge system Final
Fantasy Tactics advance the turn-based
battling of the original was intact in
this GBA classic but the addition of a
judge who is kind of like a referee to
monitor the battles got really old
really quick arbitrary laws that changed
everyday randomly chose one ability to
be illegal and if you used it the
character in question would get sent to
so for one mission you wouldn’t be able
to use Fire Magic for the next you
wouldn’t be able to heal etc it’s an
interesting idea because it’s clearly
obvious this was a barrier designed to
make sure you don’t use the same
strategies over and over but we all feel
that there could have been a better way
to prevent that from happening number
three the real money auction house
Diablo 3 so I have to tell you the
endless forces of hell they got some
plans for you guys this is a feature
that got so out of hand that developer
Blizzard had to patch it right out of
the game it is probably more of a
seller’s market than a buyers market the
auction house allowed players to sell
and bid on in-game items with in-game
gold or even real world cash this
essentially allowed Blizzard to cut off
any potential illegal markets created by
players like the wise that sprang up
around Diablo 2 when we originally set
up the auction house this is supposed to
be a safe and convenient way for you to
trade items and in that respect it was
very successful however it soon became
clear to players that in order to drive
up demand for the stuff in the auction
house getting Luke to drop while you
were you know playing the game was super
duper rare and the auction houses were
made the that experience way too
convenient and really short-circuited
our core reward loop thank God for
Reaper of souls and the patches that
came with it which removed the auction
house and made Luke drops a common
occurence again the right decision is to
preserve the integrity of the gameplay
experience of Diablo make sure that
finding items in-game is the best place
to find those items number 2 car
building banjo kazooie nuts and bolts
sometimes franchises take weird turns
but nuts and bolts went full speed in
the wrong direction
nuts-and-bolts abandoned the platform
roots that made the first game beloved
classics in favor of a car building
sandbox it could still have been a
pretty decent game if it weren’t for the
fact that banjo kazooie was slapped into
it and why because someone at Microsoft
apparently felt that no one wanted to
play 3d platformers anymore
a bizarre user interface and the
regularity of new vehicles needing to be
built took players out of commission
after a few sessions and there you have
the decision that started to see the
decline of the once mighty rare before
we get to our top pick here are a few
honorable mentions
Nikko’s roman lets go bowling
number one forced always online features
SimCity this is what many gamers feel
could set a dangerous precedent for the
future of gaming as a whole at the
launch of SimCity 2013 developer EA
Maxis told players that SimCity was
designed to be played online because the
game required you to play with other
mayor’s nearby and that it was only
possible to save through their cloud
servers this turned out to be a big fat
lie as within a week a modder found a
patch in the code to make the game fully
playable offline not only was the social
feature something that nobody really
wanted but server issues caused the
whole game to be completely unplayable
at lunch all this forced EA to backtrack
on its claim within a year earning them
the title of consumerist s– worst
company in America for the second year
in a row whomp-whomp
do you agree with our list what do you
think is the worst added feature for
additional top tens be sure to subscribe
to remember hold on to
they’re all would keep you from going
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