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Top 10 Alien Races from Television

Earthlings are so boring frankly I never
liked earthers welcome to
and today we’ll be counting down the top
10 alien races in television keep things
moving along at warp speed will be
omitting animated series and in a few
instances be allowing one alien to
represent its entire species even though
some may call that profiling this is
important I don’t want to keep them
number 10 the nar n– babylon 5 kicking
off our list are the ball tall and
stocky aliens that have red eyes a
yellow orange complexion and are covered
in spots hey hot spot how are you me
blow this giant go play little scan the
sector reminiscent of reptiles they have
a cute vision and thick skin once
peaceful they’ve become hostile after
being caught up in a war with the
Centauri Napoleonic aliens with
ridiculous hair who conquered their
species twice I’m sure there’s a
reasonable explanation what reasonable
explanation is there but a slaughter of
unarmed civilians curious we wondered
the same thing when you invaded our
world the wheel turns does it not have
mass appeal we should have wiped out
your kind when we had the chance
throughout the series they are both
literally and figuratively represented
by their ambassador to car number 9 the
melmac Ian’s out but I’ve got an
instinctive rapport with kids it’s a
gift that all melmac Ian’s share that
the ability to suck milk through our
noses a friendly alien species these
furry alien creatures are short immunity
disease live around 650 years and have
eight stomachs giving them an insatiable
appetite interestingly their favorite
food is house cat only you learn not to
take anything in those tabloids
seriously and when I hide something in
the bottom of the garbage I expected to
stay there all right here but I can’t
give you back the melon rinds that ship
has sailed
a lovable and wisecracking species their
best and only well known member is
Gordon Shumway also known as
short for alien life-form Alf lives with
the Tanner family on earth after his
crash landing are you feeling better
your father’s quite a guy it took a big
man to rough up a defenseless three-foot
alien number 8 the weeping angels Doctor
Who you know kind of a statue a
three-year arguably the most frightening
Doctor Who villains species and that
says a lot these aliens are quantum Loch
humanoids that resemble statues when
observed they don’t exist when they’re
being observed the moment they are seen
by any other living creature they freeze
into rock no choice is a fact of their
biology in the sight of any living thing
they literally turn to stone and you
can’t kill Stan murderous Psychopaths
they gather their victims time energy in
order to survive as they freeze up when
they’re seen even by each other they
cover their eyes giving themselves the
distinctive weeping appearance
incredibly fast and able to see in the
dark the only way to survive against
them is to never blink don’t turn your
back don’t look away and don’t drink
good luck number seven the Cylons
Battlestar Galactica in the original
1978 series these evil robots were shown
to be just that evil robots destroy them
as they come into range however in the
2004 reboot they were shown to have
taken a cue from Skynet and adapted a
human look coming in 13 distinct models
these skin jobs are indistinguishable
from humans super strong and able to
transfer their consciousness to new
bodies when killed their primary
motivation is religious seeing humans as
flawed creations undeserving of life
exactly you say humanity’s children are
returning home today
number six the Goa’uld stargate sg1 this
evil snake-like alien race is parasitic
requiring human hosts to survive they
ventured out to distant worlds to
enslave humans creating the mythology
surrounding ancient Egypt in the process
when the larva Goa’uld are placed in the
bellies of their slaves upon maturity
they take over the minds of their hosts
post features include long life enhanced
strength glowing eyes and badass deep
voices very nice one use fun number five
the Asgard Stargate sg-1 this benevolent
alien species resembles Roswell Gray’s a
design which they apparently inspired
with their many visits to earth I guess
there’s some truth to those stories
after all you think the ass guards may
have visited earth why not they are
unusual for being asexual aliens that
continually clone themselves and have
developed incredibly advanced technology
they use this to research and protect
the planets and populations that inhabit
the Milky Way galaxy primarily against
the Goa’uld
this involves interacting with less
advanced planets by creating the Norse
mythology and assuming the roles of its
gods through Holograms
I am Thor your brave to come before me
number four the Vulcans
Star Trek a child of fish mr. Spock you
know nor am i a man lavaca this humanoid
species came from the desert planet of
Vulcan the first alien species to make
contact with humans they are peaceful
and are ruled by reason and logic they
are the ones who help the people of
Earth rid themselves of poverty and
disease and help them begin their you
know Star Trek Vulcans as best showcased
by mr. Spock are noted for their bowl
cuts 22 ears angled eyebrows use of non
fatal nerve pinch and their classic hand
salute in the form of a V if lung and
cross spa I shall didn’t either magnify
number three the Borg Star Trek The Next
Generation Star Trek Voyager mr. Worf
dispatch a subspace message to our house
we have engaged the bowl these space
zombies are all about assimilating
others into their collective through
technology array seeking perfection
through acquiring new technologies and
races the board do not have any sense of
individuality as they are drones that
speak and think with one mind they are
best known for quickly adapting to any
opposition horrifically altering their
victims and riding around in their
geometrically shaped ships we are the
Borg you will be assimilated resistance
is futile number two the Daleks Doctor
Who to the uninitiated these are the
aliens that look like robots salt
shakers but they are in fact Doctor
Who’s greatest adversaries Daleks yes
doctor Howdy’s leave this to me Jay boy
I think you’d better let us go we do not
release present us we are the Masters of
the extra-terrestrial mutants they are
cyborgs modified and integrated into
tank-like robotic shells for the purpose
of war aside from their signature voices
and plunger like appendage they are best
known for rolling along without pity
compassion or remorse so what do they
intergalactic conquest and domination
duh and if they well doc obey that they
must die
number one Klingons
Star Trek won’t leave
Oh No taking the top spot on our list is
the race of honorbound space warriors
with ribbed foreheads well at least
since the next generation created as a
metaphor for cold war-era Russians they
are driven by a Spartan s lust for glory
and battle there’s been no formal
declaration of hostilities between our
two respective governments so naturally
our relationship will be a peaceful one
eventually becoming the uneasy allies of
the Federation this transition was best
showcased via lieutenant commander Worf
I’m a Klingon sir for me to seek escape
when my captain goes into battle you are
a staff raid office our lieutenant
I’m sorry today Klingons are such
cultural icons that they even have a
real-life language that you can learn
complete with its own dictionary she’ll
die all chomping after learning how to
say today is a good day to die the
second most popular phrase is I have no
friends agree with our list although I
thought it was manipulative it touched
me just the same
which television alien is your favorite
for more entertaining top 10s be sure to
subscribe to get off my
ship I do so only because it deserts me
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