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Top 10 Adorkable TV Characters

who would have thought that smart and
quirky would become the new sexy
I’m a nerd huh so am I welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten adorkable
TV characters can you give me the
definition please for this list we’re
taking a look at characters that are
extremely antisocial or nerdy but still
come off as adorable and endearing pick
up that platter tough guy old mr.
creampuff even we used to date
number 10 Winifred Fred Burkle angel Wow
it is great to see you as king of the
Nerds Joss Whedon is naturally suited to
write dialogue for geeky yet complex
characters Fred of angel fame is the
perfect example your vampire you’re not
in cats after team angel rescues this
soft-spoken Texan girl from the
dimension of Pylea she officially joins
the gang how’d you get here hold on why
don’t you tell me where here is first
palea the cute-as-a-button fred might
not be the best fighter and her social
skills might be iffy after years in the
demon realm how is you you’re not a
monster too are you nope standard-issue
science nerd but she brings plenty to
the table being a genius in mathematics
and physics and possessing a big brain
kind heart and delightful goofiness I
was gonna be a history major and then I
took professor Seidel physics class and
well Winifred’s a natural by the end of
the first semester she was taking on
wimps you should see her now killer left
hook number 9 Mindy Lahiri the Mindy
I am indie obstetrics and gynaecology in
Mindy’s mind the world is a romantic
and she’s Julia Roberts if you’ll do one
of those Eat Pray Love things oh no I
don’t want to pray forget it knows is
die alone in reality though she’s more
like the funny best friend oh hell yes
my guess kya cheerful self-assured but
always getting into uncomfortable
situations Mindy is nonetheless great at
her job as an OBGYN and her warm
personality encourages her patients to
trust her eye to do things that really
move my life forward like if like
spinning do you guys know what that is
Hey even if she seems more like a best
friend the charming Mindy still shines
like a star and never stops trying to
have it all I do wanna have kids fire
phone Jayden Madison Bri and the little
one is Piper are you kidding me with
those names when a bunch of girls who
work at the mall will gladly take her
over the typical romantic lead any day I
did they left to go 45 minutes four
times a week 30 minutes three times a
week there is a cluster of elliptical
machines at my gym I’m plenty and
joining a gym near my house okay
sedentary that’s rude number eight Mabel
pines gravity falls my name is Mabel but
you can call me the girl of your dreams
this is a character you just want to
give a big fat hug what can I say
I guess I’m just careless double every
facet of Mabel is loveable from her
dorky sweaters to her giant braces to
her high-pitched voice never too far
away from her twin brother dipper
and her pet pig waddles give her that a
doorbell did you say Mabel or doorbell
Mabel is the kind of sibling you’d want
to have a summer adventure with it’s my
big chance to have an epic summer
romance she never gives up on the people
she loves don’t worry brother whatever
happens I’ll be right here supporting
you every step of this oh my gosh a band
can get out of a bad situation just with
her creativity and is always there to
soften the mood with a joke you
scallywag number seven Chloe Sullivan
Smallville did you hear that
forget about Clark Kent Chloe Sullivan
was the real superhero on Smallville can
I assume that that special ability has
something to do with that
super-sized brain inside your head no my
nerd is all natural even though she
remained in the dark about Clark’s
powers for too long this conspiracy
theory journalist was a crucial member
of Clark’s team as the intelligent
inquisitive and impulsive member of the
group he’s playing Big Brother on all of
the computers at the Daily Planet all my
work is under his cyber lock and key
with her tech-savvy wit she constantly
helps the young men who will become
Superman get out of scrapes proving that
sometimes brain is stronger than brawn I
call it the wall of weird it’s every
strange bizarre and unexplained event
that’s happened in Smallville since the
meteor shower we also bring some
much-needed humor and soul to the
equation even managing to pierce Green
Arrow’s heart sometimes it can be kind
of cute to you have one in particular
that I’m puzzled
number six Seth Cohen the OSI you guys
you guys a a-plus on the surface
Seth Cohen might have looked like
nothing more than another nerdy and
sarcastic best friend
and so EXO it’s an unbeatable
combination oh really though he was the
entire reason you kept watching The OC
he’s the one who always had the funniest
lines scored the most interesting love
interest and left people wanting more
good lord I think I’m gonna pass out
you’re not going anywhere okay
while most teen dramas usually have a
token dorky character Cohen was a kind
of dork we hadn’t seen before that makes
absolutely no sense but yes we should go
he was a hipster dork making comic books
and his half Jewish roots look cool and
even kinda hot allow me to introduce you
to little something that I like to call
Chrismukkah number five eric foreman
that seventy show ya wicked dangerous
growing up in the 1970s a character like
eric foreman had little chance of being
groovy got it
but seeing how adorkable is so hot right
now he might have benefited from growing
up today
inspired by that 70 show creator mark
brazil eric is a geeky klutz without an
athletic bone in his scrawny body
Donna’s coming overnight so I’m just
here to get my Barry White House however
what he lacks in physical strength he
more than makes up for with sarcasm I
want you I want you so bad
Eric it’s a car of course his inability
to ever say the right thing is usually
what gets him into trouble particularly
with his longtime crush and girl next
door Donna I love you Eric I love cake
number four Kenneth Parcell 30 rock I
just love television so much sure we
considered Liz Lemon for this list and I
don’t really think it’s fair for me to
be on a jury because I’m a hologram but
even though the Princess Leia wannabe is
an undeniable dork no TGS staffer is
more adorable than Kenneth the page I
wanted to see Kenneth the page Kenneth
the page that’s the name I haven’t heard
in a long time he’s a sweet small-town
southern boy trying to make it in the
big city there are only two things I
love in this world everybody and
television and while selfish people
surround him every day he never lets
himself become corrupted by big business
and is a perpetual optimist no I made
two promises to my mother before I left
for New York one if I found any
McKenzie’s living up here I would chill
and two I would not let this city change
me though we’re still not quite sure how
old Kenneth is he’s loyal honest and
proof that nice guys can finish first
number three Willow Rosenberg Buffy the
Vampire Slayer of type below right why I
mean hi Buffy and her friends view
themselves as their generation Scooby
Gang illegally if that’s the case Willow
would definitely be the group’s Velma oh
I could totally help you out
I do have six period free we could meet
in the library or not there’s much more
to this overall wearing bookworm than
initially meets the eye
a proud nerd and witch
willow act as the gangs mother figure
and a key problem solver
it looks like of all Buffy’s friends
willow also maintains the healthiest
romantic relationship and undergoes the
most significant character
transformation punished
Oh without her wit and support puffy
would have been slain for good by
vampires a long time ago number two
Bernadette Rostenkowski The Big Bang
I don’t understand Bernadette might not
get as much credit as some of her Big
Bang Theory co-stars but she’s truly the
show’s unsung scenes dealer role-playing
games like in the bedroom more like
Dungeons & Dragons with a squeaky voice
read librarian glasses and her short
stature I got into science because I was
always the smallest kid in school so I
thought if I became a scientist I could
invent a formula that Mamie taller this
PhD holder looks like an innocent little
field mouse the thesis committee
accepted my doctoral dissertation I’m
getting my PhD but underneath that
darling exterior she can be
unpredictable hostile competitive and
diabolical like a mad scientist yeah I
know it’s probably cuz I grew up with
five brothers and sisters so I had to
fight for every oh my god you cannot
just slow down for a bird you only fly
right it’s also quite possible that
she’s working for an evil corporation I
was headhunted by a big pharmaceutical
company they’re gonna pay me a buttload
of money nevertheless Bernadette is
still incredibly caring towards her
equally adorable husband Howard we now
pronounce you husband and wife
acting as an ideal partner and comedic
foil how much did this cost oh you let
me worry about the money I just want my
baby to have pretty things before we get
to our top pick here are a few honorable
I hear you can’t get a date for the
so you wanna go with me today I was so
excited I dressed for gym oh you’re
kidding and I played volleyball with
other people and I learned it all this
time I was avoiding group sports yeah
was very smart because I suck at them I
uh need you miss Oyl I know I miss one
I’m not an idiot they’re happy dick
don’t do this to me I I never sleep I’m
besides you don’t have the authority to
alter the schedule I’m in command yeah
well I’m in puberty pal number one
Jessica day
new girl that’s what I want that is what
I want
although adorkable characters were
around long before Zooey Deschanel hit
the scene she popularized the word with
new girl named either I’m sorry did you
say we’re working on that it’s uncle as
Jess Deschanel is beautiful and stylish
like so many other eight girls
ha what am I gonna do I guess I’ll just
have to use my eyes hair boobs legs an
adorable personality ha ha
fool what separates her from the rest is
that she’s also awkward clumsy and sings
to herself a lot she’s going out to find
rebound who’s that girl it’s just just
exemplifies the fact that there’s
something much more irresistible about a
person with weird quirks than one who’s
unrealistically perfect further go
further she’s a woman for a new
generation that’s able to see the value
in being peculiar offbeat and adorkable
get ready for a wonderful life of
merriment enjoy do you agree with our
list I agree
who’s your favorite adorkable TV
character that’s nice it’s got a good
ring to it for more entertaining top 10s
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to you gotta take off
those overalls I was going for like a
like a hot farmer’s daughter kind of
thing you know like oh I’m going to go
milk my cows with my bucket
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