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Top 10 Actors Who Got Buff for a Movie Role 2

talk about an impressive transformation
welcome to ten actors who
got buff for a movie role before we
begin we publish new content every day
so be sure to subscribe to our Channel
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our latest videos for this list we’re
looking at even more actors who put on
considerable muscle mass to play a role
in a movie with special consideration
given to those who did so in a
relatively brief period of time or who
underwent dramatic physical
transformations compared to their
previous looks we’ll be including both
men and women
in 2018 this actor appeared in not one
but two high-profile comic-book movies
while Stannis he had the benefits of
motion capture CGI makeover to help him
fill the sizeable shoes of the mad Titan
playing cable to good old-fashioned hard
considering that Brolin was pushing 50
at the time of filming both his
transformation and his results were
incredibly impressive to play the
hulking time-traveling mutant he slimmed
down and packed on a ton of lean muscle
to do so in just 11 weeks Brolin says he
spent 3 hours a day in the gym and
fundamentally altered his diet including
cutting out sugar entirely in hindsight
he said jokingly he wishes he’d just
used steroids number 9 Hilary Swank
Million Dollar Baby to say that this
actress made a huge impression with her
role in this 2004 sports drama is an
boudoir up in class Swank’s performance
was absolutely incredible
and she rightfully took home the Academy
Award for Best Actress of course in
order to be able to play Mary Margaret
Maggie Fitzgerald convincingly the
usually thin actress needed to get into
boxing shape so in preparation for the
role she naturally did a whole lot of
boxing specific training working out
four to six hours a day and following a
diet aimed at putting on mass she packed
on 19 pounds which is huge considering
her frame and height she started off at
110 pounds and ended off at 129 pink
insanity I know why that is fun
so better fighter than you are that’s
why she’s younger she’s stronger and
she’s more experienced now what are you
gonna do about it
number eight brie Larson captain marble
have you ever tried pushing a jeep of a
hill unless you’re working with a
professional don’t but trust us when we
say that it’s no small feat as the star
of the marvel cinematic universes first
female LED film brie Larson had a lot of
pressure and expectations on her
shoulders and keep having these memories
messy flashes
I think I had a life here
suffice it to say and her prep to become
Captain Marvel she builds up the sort of
muscle mass that enables one to carry a
heavy load Larsen trained for nine
months to get into superhero shape and
despite being a self-described
not super athletic person at the start
of it by the time filming began she’d
put on 15 pounds of muscle we think the
results speak for themselves
and you’re free a race of noble warriors
hero’s noble warrior heroes number 7
Emily Blunt edge of tomorrow I’ve tried
everything it doesn’t look she might be
the 21st century Mary Poppins but before
teaching the bank’s children manners and
important life lessons Emily Blunt was
slicing and dicing her way through
hordes of extraterrestrials in this 2014
sci-fi action flick yes who said you
could talk to me I got something on my
face soldier you did for her role as the
heroic sergeant Rita vrataski
Emily Blunt had to transform herself
into a warrior worthy of her title as
the angel of Verdun she only had about
two and a half months to prep for the
role but by the time she showed up on
set co-star Tom Cruise reportedly stated
that he’d never seen someone arrives so
well prepared since she’d be filming at
an exoskeleton suit weighing up to 85
pounds she often trained while wearing
weighted vests no Kate you’re gonna get
me there and I’m gonna kill it
number 6 John Krasinski 13 hours the
secret soldiers of Benghazi it’s no
secret that we have a soft spot for this
celebrity couple what can we say they
just seemed like a perfect match and
sure enough not long after Emily Blunt
got into fighting shape so too did
husband John Krasinski you take it easy
we spent years getting to know Krasinski
as the rather lanky jim halpert on the
office master of pranks and endlessly
endearing absolutely action hero we
never would have seen it but for his
co-starring role in this Michael Bay war
film he got jacked the goal was lean
clean muscle and he managed to pack on
25 pounds of it
so we’re chauffeurs now yeah highly
trained highly paid chauffeurs he was
playing a Navy SEAL and he trained like
one dropping from 25% body fat to 9% in
four months I’m so happy
I can’t believe it number five Sylvester
Stallone rocky 3 Stallone is synonymous
with Fitness over the years he’s
transformed his body many times over
1976 is rocky was a true underdog story
and sly had a physique to match sure he
was in better shape than the average men
but he wasn’t movie boxer fit for the
third film in the franchise however he
reportedly dropped down to a career low
of 2.8 percent body fat and did so by
working out twice a day six days a week
always working towards sleek
well-developed muscles of course he’s
not the only actor to radically change
their body in the name of a boxing role
two other notable cases that deserve a
mention include Robert De Niro for
number 4 Ryan Reynolds blade Trinity and
Deadpool this little peashooter the
modified version of the Army’s objective
individual combat weapon pick your
poison Sun dog steaks heat-seeking mini
rockets basically whatever gets you hard
hard as it is to remember after a decade
and a half of Ryan the BOD Reynolds
there was a time when this actor wasn’t
ripped as well as hilarious first off
that’s just rude
second I’m pretty sure we saved your ass
back there when he signed on to play
Hannibal King he had a good physique but
it was more frat boy hot as shown in Van
Wilder Ferb Lee Trinity he made his
torso look like that of a Greek god the
actor added roughly 25 pounds of muscle
understandably wowing audiences when
that sure came off in the 2004 film he’s
largely maintained an incredible
physique ever since but when he signed
on to play the Merc with a mouth he
packed on an additional seven pounds of
muscle me three of those movies some
point you have to wonder if he’s just a
bad parent
number three Linda Hamilton Terminator 2
Judgment Day the key to surviving the
early 1990s making sure that Sarah
Connor doesn’t think that you’re a
terminator sent from the future to kill
her son because that’s a fight you’re
215 bones in the human body that’s 1 by
the time we caught up with Linda
Hamilton’s character in the sequel she’d
become a tough-as-nails fierce
resourceful and thoroughly pragmatic
individual and Hamilton developed a
physique to match her character you’re
so creative you don’t know what it’s
like to really create something to
create a life feel growing inside you
all you know how to create his death and
destroy my she got lean and sinewy in a
way that had rarely been seen before for
since from a leading actress on the big
screen in preparation for the role
Hamilton embraced military-style
number 2 Henry Cavill Man of Steel for
many people henry cavill is the
definition of the superhero body
wouldn’t be much for surrender if I
resisted and if it makes them feel more
secure and all the better for it
the Caped crime fighter’s seen in comic
books are known for their unrealistic
broad shoulders massive biceps and just
generally exaggerated musculature
physiques that are impossible while at
least as far as heroes on the big screen
go cavil has brought the human body just
about as close as you can get what makes
this Superman actor’s accomplishments so
impressive is that his body back in the
day would have been best described as
relatively soft as a kid he was teased
for his weight but for his 2011 role in
immortals he got freakin cut before
bulking up in a huge way for his debut
before we unveil our top pick here are
some honorable mentions that’s right
Cindy it’s 23 minutes past the hour and
now here’s the Buckinghams with kind of
a drag why did you hit your father do
you have something a cowl or something
you could put on look I was clear I’m
number one Chris Evans the Marvel
Cinematic Universe it was a close race
between Henry Cavill and Chris Evans but
ultimately we felt that the Captain
America actor deserved our top spot
though cavil has arguably put on more
bulk Evans has packed on an impressive
amount of mass and maintained a high
level of muscle definition in short he’s
both jacked and cut to a ridiculous
degree soldiers trust each other that’s
what makes it an army not a bunch of
guys running around shooting gun more
impressive still he seemingly only
continued to improve his physique with
each subsequent appearance as Steve
Rogers Evans is naturally slim so it
took hard work to widen his frame and he
achieved his goals by prioritizing
tried-and-true exercises like squats
deadlifts and chin-ups it’s hard to
argue with the results I can do this all
day do you agree with our picks check
out these other great clips from
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