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JK Rowling – Before They Were Billionaires

you know as the wildly successful author
producer philanthropist and activist but
do you know who JK Rowling was before
she was a billionaire for value taming
media I’m Gerard heron and this is
before they were billionaires JK Rowling
was born Joanne Rowling – James and an
Rowling and yet Glouster sharing her
parents were blessed with a second
daughter Diane just a month prior to
Joanne’s second birthday academically
proficient she attended the same
Michaels primary school before enrolling
herself at the wide beam school in
college for further studies she admitted
herself at the University of executor
for a BA in French and classics she
started writing fiction tales when she
was five years old her first ever
written story being ratted ever since
then she continued to pursue her love of
writing by penning numerous stories at
the Graduate in 1986 JK or Joe as she’s
known to her friends moved to London and
took up the job as a researcher and
bilingual secretary for Amnesty
International meanwhile she penned a
short essay titled what was the name of
that nymph again or Greek and Roman
studies were called that was published
in the University of Exeter’s journal
Pegasus while on a journey from
Manchester to London a daring thought
envisioned and captured her heart and
mine like never before and she went on
to dream a little bit more thus forming
the caricature of the bespectacled boy
Harry Potter and his wizardly antics
like most great writers she’s a dopamine
Fein and that adrenaline rush that she
felt about the wizardry boy in his world
left her bemused so much that she did
not waste her time about penning her
thoughts or rather kept on forming a
more concrete idea the same evening she
started penning the Philosopher’s Stone
the first of the Harry Potter tales
Rowling relocated herself to Portugal
where she would teach English at nights
allowing herself all the freedom she
needed to write during the day facing
desperate times Jo moved in with her
sister in Scotland being in a major
crisis situation with no job and a
disrupted personal life she was on state
welfare she still inspired herself to
write she felt that was the only thing
that brought up passion in her by 1995
Jo had completed most of the manuscript
of what would eventually become her
legendary book Harry Potter in the
Philosopher’s Stone
yet still she faced massive rejection
well publish and editors didn’t want
anything to do with the fantastical
series finally she got the green signal
from Barry Cunningham of blooms very
publishing meanwhile supporter self
financially she took up a teacher
training course at the Moray House
School of Education and in Borough
University one thousand copies of the
first edition of the book were printed
of which five hundred were only
distributed to libraries things started
to look up for the young writer though
as a superlative success of the first
Harry Potter series helped her gain an
8,000 pound grant from the scholar
George Council additionally she was
buoyed by the selling of the
international rights to the u.s.
publisher Scholastic Incorporated
Rowling was finally financially stable
enough to move herself into a flat in
Edinburgh or as we say in America an
apartment there she immersed herself
further into the series chronicling
about the life of Harry Potter the
school of Hogwarts his friends like to
know it all Hermione Granger and the
confused Ron Weasley she came out with
the sequel of the book in 1998 titled
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
much like its predecessor the book was
very well received and captivated the
mind of the audience who kept craving
for more by the summer of 2000 with
three of what would eventually become a
seven book series already in circulation
Harry Potter and JK Rowling had already
done over four hundred and eighty
million dollars worth of business with
over thirty-five million copies in print
in 35 different languages one of the
best parts about JK Rowling is that she
never keeps her fans waiting and by the
summer of 1999 she premiered Harry
Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
meaning that three of what would
eventually be a seven book series were
already in circulation and boy were they
doing big-time business with over 35
million copies in print in 35 different
languages Harry Potter and JK Rowling
worth over four hundred and eighty
million dollars the craze and frenzy the
Harry Potter series and multiplied so
many fold that she had to withdraw the
fourth book from the series of
contention just to give other books a
fair chance meanwhile the overwhelming
success of the Harry Potter series made
it the single most profitable franchise
for film makers as such capitalizing on
the success of the written works Warner
Bros signed a deal with her to come up
with a film adaptation of the same July
8 2008 Rowling released her fourth book
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
the book
crashed all the previous records and set
new milestones in the literary world of
fiction it sold as many copies in the
first day as Prisoner of Azkaban sold in
its first year in 2001 the film version
of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s
Stone was released the film was greatly
received at the box office earning 90.3
million in his first weekend sidebar I
can already hear well newsflash if you
don’t know it was originally titled the
Philosopher’s Stone and it was changed
by the marketing geniuses at scholastic
that thought oh nobody in America wants
to read a book about a Philosopher’s
Stone and they changed it The Sorcerer’s
Stone here in America so I’m siding with
the artist it was originally called
Philosopher’s Stone and that’s what I
called it all right
his mama called him clay i’ma call him
clay anyway as we were saying the sequel
to the wildly successful Sorcerer’s
Stone was released in 2002 as Harry
Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in
2003 Rowling released a fifth novel of
the series Harry Potter and the order of
the Phoenix well the six book titled
Harry Potter and the half-blood Prince
came out in 2005 it further created new
records in the literary world by selling
9 million copies in the first day itself
in the meantime the demand for the film
adaptations of the novel’s also were
peaking in 2004 Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban was released and in
2005 came Harry Potter and the Goblet of
Fire the final book of the series came
out on July 21st 2007 titled Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows I
remember this because my sister Alison
Herron was one of those people camped
out for about 36 hours outside of Barnes
and Nobles I don’t know why she didn’t
just buy it on Amazon 14 days later she
needed it that night and if you like
Amazon and if you like buying things on
Amazon you could check out and also
before they were billionaires on Jeff
Bezos right here but let’s just say this
as great as JK Rowling is as awesome as
the world she created is there is
absolutely no literary work of art that
would make me camp outside on the
sidewalk for 36 hours but Harry Potter
and Deathly Hallows did it to everybody
else it became the fastest-selling book
of all time with eleven
million copies sold in its first day of
release in just the UK in the US
coinciding with that release was the
film version of Harry Potter in the
order of the Phoenix
in 2009 Harry Potter and the half-blood
Prince was released on screen and the
last book of the series was adapted into
two installments while the first part
was released in November of 2010 and the
second part hit theaters in 2011 which
made JK Rowling officially a billionaire
stop stop
for only a short period of time she got
on the Forbes list in 2011 and then
immediately donated 10% of her total net
worth estimated to be 1.6 billion
dollars at that time to various
charities this is a woman that came from
nothing remembered exactly what it felt
like and at the moment of her greatest
triumph with her eighth film and 7 books
released she gives back a hundred and
sixty million dollars taking herself off
of the billionaires list so although she
may not technically be a billionaire
today she was a billionaire in 2011
Rowling has continued writing she’s
created a vast Potter verse you can find
online there are encyclopedias there are
websites she’s also written books for
adults under pseudonyms that have had
some mixed results one of the craziest
facts I ever read is that Stephen King
John Grisham and Danielle Steel together
have not sold as many copies as JK
Rowling has that is immense success if
you want to know about writing and
success Patrick bet David has an
unbelievable interview with Robert
Greene that you can check out right here
and if you enjoyed before there were
billionaires you can see the rest of the
series right here for value Taemin media
I’m Gerard Haren and this has been
before their billionaires
the Philosopher’s Stone the
Philosopher’s Stone the Philosopher’s
Stone my tongues getting big again with
the Harry Potter series and the fantastic beats beats beats
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