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The History of Good Friday

this Christian holiday commemorates the
execution of Jesus Christ welcome to and today we’ll be
learning more about Good Friday Good
Friday is a religious holiday observed
annually by Christians to remember the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ it’s actual
date varies from year to year as it is
based on when Jewish Passover takes
place as the date of Passover is
dependent on the Jewish lunisolar
calendar Good Friday falls between March
20th and April 23rd each year Easter
which celebrates Jesus Christ’s
resurrection following his crucifixion
always falls on the Sunday two days
later as written in the New Testament of
the Bible
Jesus’s Last Supper was a Passover meal
which he shared with his apostles this
is when the washing of the feet took
place and when Jesus first presented the
Christian Rite of the Eucharist which is
now practiced as the holy communion
Christians celebrate this day as Maundy
or holy Thursday it is believed that
Jesus was betrayed by his disciple Judas
shortly after the Last Supper because of
this he was arrested by temple guards in
the Garden of Gethsemane and crucified
by Pontius Pilate over accusations that
he claimed to be the son of God though
Christians now believe Jesus is the Son
of God and their Messiah the high
priests and people of his time believed
this was blasphemy that deserved a death
sentence scholars have estimated that
the crucifixion took place on a Friday
in the year 33 AD
and Jesus remained on the cross from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m.
the whole of his sentencing and
suffering is known as The Passion of
Christ Good Friday
is part of the three days in the Easter
Triduum which is a liturgical period
that incorporates holy Saturday and
Easter Sunday it is of particular
importance in the Roman Catholic
tradition when it comes to food
Catholics will only consume one big meal
and two small meals while refraining
from meat they also may perform prayers
or acts of reparation devotions to the
station of the cross in the name of the
passion and
tend prayer services on the other hand a
complete fast during all of this holy
and great Friday is observed in the
eastern or Byzantine tradition meanwhile
a three-hour service commemorating the
passion may be held in Anglican Lutheran
and Eastern Orthodox churches many
countries with a Christian background
have made Good Friday a public holiday
with several highly Catholic countries
holding good friday procession z’
devotees sometimes travel to rome to
share in the pope’s prayers the day
after Good Friday is the last day of
Holy Week Holy Saturday it marks the end
of Lent which is a time for fasting
and the repentance of sins it also
symbolizes the period between Jesus’s
death when Joseph of Arimathea wrapped
his body and laid it to rest in a tomb
and his resurrection it was only the
next day on Easter Sunday that female
visitors discovered his empty tomb and
that he had risen from the dead for more
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