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Does A Balanced Life Exist?

so last week I was having dinner with a
few of my friends and one of the things
that came up during dinner was what is
it to live a balanced life do we live a
balanced life we’re all business owners
they all run very successful businesses
they’re married kids what is it to live
a balanced life so let’s first define a
balanced life I mean most people think
that you know we think a balanced life
is 20 20 20 20 20 20 percent of my life
I put in family 20% goes in faith 20
percent is exercise 20 percent is
finance 20 percent is is that really a
balanced life it’s coming home at five
o’clock working 9:00 to 5:00 dropping
off my kids in the morning watching TV
at night for four hours watching a movie
on Saturday going to church on Sunday
doing a barbecue on Sunday is that
what’s defined as a balanced life I
don’t know is a kid who’s going to high
school a teenager playing sports doing
his homework doing his classes is he
living a balanced life how about a
mother raising three kids is she living
a balanced life how about somebody who
goes to school trying to get a four-year
college degree study and are they living
a balanced life how about an executive
that’s trying to move up in the company
is he living a balanced life is she
living a balanced life how about
somebody was 65 years old retired golf
in six days a week
is that an out balance life how about
somebody who says I want to give back to
charity and I want to give 50 hours a
week to my church is that a balanced
life so what is a balanced life right we
talk so many people like I want to live
a balanced up I don’t think we’d have a
balanced life I don’t think so what I’ve
learned about life is some of the
greatest most exciting things that
happen in our lives typically are
imbalanced in almost all of us in
certain phase of our lives were living
an imbalanced life it’s not always
balanced so I can’t tell you what’s
better to live a balanced life or to
live an imbalance life but what I could
tell you
when we try to force balance that’s when
it throws everything off that’s my message of the week to you
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