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The Father Of Stand-Up Comedy Wayne Flemming

I hope you like me tonight if you do my
name is Wayne Fleming if you don’t my
name is Howard minutes he’s known as the
man who perfected stand-up comedy as Jim
Carrey’s good friend and the man of a
thousand faces what you don’t filming me
you should have the camera on earth hi
I’m Veronica the and today
we’re tapping with the legendary
comedian Wayne Fleming no yeah how do
you take your coffee crisp so you’ve
been doing comedy for over 35 years
how have you seen the industry changed
since then there are certain things that
haven’t changed the business part of it
has never changed freedom of speech is
getting better okay
I don’t care if you go in the back door
in front door as long as you get in the
house who cares I don’t really think
there’s anything new left
I really don’t it’s all been explored
you know I just talk about my life was
my life was a joke side effect from
viagra if you take one little bit of
heartburn to insomnia you got such a
huge erection you don’t have enough skin
left to close your eyes
as on stand-up comedy you’ve acted
movies like fever pitches Cinderella Man
as love as well as stand-up comedy
you’ve been in films like Cinderella Man
and fever pitch where you actually are
acting and taking on a character but
when you’re doing stand-up are we seeing
the real way in Fleming I’m doing a
character why should I be any different
up there than here I want them to see me
at the beginning of the show
and at the end of the show they go hey I
know him no I don’t have a microphone my
hand on the mic
hey we’re actually the first comedian to
go on at the first Just for Laughs
festival can you tell us about that
experience all the comedians drew
numbers I got number four that’s a sweet
spot Norman Donald got number one a very
well-known comedian and I said to norm I
went to tell you what dude I’ll trade
you and he goes why and I go cuz you’re
gonna pass me trust me the next couple
of years you’ll be way past me and so I
took because I wanted to be the first
fat in it south is a great
accomplishment but is it your best
memory so far the most memorable night
was at the old comedy nest it was my
birthday to comedian friends of mine Jim
Carrey and Frenchy McFarlane friend
she’s originally from Montreal I’ll pick
up these names that I’m dropping on the
floor here later I got an encore that
night and they came in on the train to
see me for my birthday and I said to the
crowd I said can I do what I want to do
can I do anything I want to do and they
said yeah and at this point people
didn’t really know who Jim was so I said
I want to introduce you to somebody
and I brought him up on stage and said I
want you to meet Jim Carrey well like I
said we’re gonna have ourselves a
nuclear holocaust he did a rendition of
Jimmy Stewart he brought a tear to
everyone’s eye in the room hi mr. doctor
you look like you could do some
everybody was just there oh and that was
kind of cool now your relationship with
Jim Carrey I think is a great example of
a good friendship how do you two people
who are so busy and high-profile still
stay so close together he’s a true
friend he’s like a brother and that’s
why when people ask me if he’s changed I
go oh no and they go how do you know
when I go cuz I’m still his best friend
if you don’t want to take out your stuff
online where can they go nowhere
oh I guess they could yeah so what did
you do just google my name and up comes
a stupid-looking pitcher yeah okay well
thank you very much I’ll never bug me
again just get away from me and you too
with that light I hate your guts mister
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