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The Difference between a CV and a Resume

welcome to in today’s
business school bit we take a look at
the difference between a curriculum
vitae or CV and one’s resume frankly
most of the time the two terms are used
interchangeably but the fact of the
matter is that they’re very different
documents a CV is essentially every
single job you’ve had your academic
performance as well as relative skills
that might be applicable to a certain
job a resume on the other hand is
essentially a shortened CV that
essentially condenses all the info and
just showcases the skills that are most
relevant to the job that you’re applying
for so generally speaking what you
should probably do is have a CV that you
update with everything you’ve ever
accomplished and then every time you
want to apply for a certain job to
basically modify that document that’s
lesson number one tip number two never
tell people that you have communication
skills or leadership skills show them
what kind of communication skills you
have by the experiences that you’ve had
in the past that in a nutshell is the
difference between a CV and resume
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