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Learn how to make Blue Roll Sushi

what’s your name again Sanka tion good
what role we make it Lou not so how do
we start seesaw sushi dies douceur eyes
have to be hard or a room temperature
this is room temperature I can room
temperature and what kind of ingredients
are we gonna put in this blue roll right
now okay I’m all they put honey well so
it’s kind of a sweet roll Oh delicious
mango now he’s put in some sliced of
mango some things like this of cucumber
as well and if I’m not mistaken that’s
gonna be the tuna right yes so people
Vsauce good green onion mix it this
temple about it o tempora butter ok he
rolls it so easily so this is some tuna
and salmon correct it would commence I’m
on top now we’re going to use the bamboo
mat and this one’s has kind of a clear
plastic instead because you’re putting
something on top of the roll plastic all
just a fantastic and so ladies of course
it’s easier to roll it and there we go
the blue nut roll which looks delicious
i love the combination of all the
different flavors that you have in it
such as the sallman the tuna the mango
the honey the caviar the cucumber’s
everything looks delicious to be honest
with you now let’s go ahead and try it
this looks so good he’s so big Oh
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