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Tattoo Convention: Immaculate Conception

I’m at the international texting
festival with dan from immaculate
concept what is the typical person who
comes into your store to get a tattoo
you know what all sorts of different
people with all sorts of different ideas
coming to the store there’s no way you
can narrow it down or pinpoint you
wouldn’t be able to generalize it like
that and what would you recommend is
somebody getting a tattoo for the first
time it’s more and more to me becoming
about anaesthetic more than a deep
meaning behind it but I do try to attach
some meeting or some relevance to my
life for my thoughts or philosophies you
know in some way but
generally it’s got to look good over
anything else and do you tattoo yourself
or do you still get someone else to
tattoo you yeah different people said to
me you can to yourself I’ve never done
it a lot of guys have I try to get
tattooed now by as many different people
as I can there’s too many great
tattooers out there for me to limit it
to one or two guys what would you say is
a good tattoo shop you know somewhere
obviously you walk in you feel
comfortable you know there’s there’s no
ego everyone’s pretty cool cleanliness
is definitely important to ask as many
questions as you possibly can about
cleanliness sterilization the reputable
shops going to be able to answer all
those things confidently you know be
really careful with who is doing your
tattoo make sure you love the birds make
sure you look
what they’re doing and then look for
your faith in the laughter that if it
takes six months if it takes a year to
get in with them wait
beware because you want to get it no
it’s not worth it to give and
potentially wreck yourself right
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