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Stretching Exercises Before Running

hi guys welcome to I’m
your host Ashley and today I’m going to
be showing you eight critical stretches
before running so the first stretch is
pretty standard you’re gonna be
balancing on one leg taking the other
leg out making sure the heel is touching
the buttocks
they’ll be stretching the hamstrings and
the glutes you’ll be standing on one leg
for 30 seconds and then switching to the
other leg most people forget to stretch
your upper body before running so for
this exercise we’re going to be
loosening up our waistline each side for
10 seconds for this stretch we’re gonna
be tilting your head left to right ten
reps five each side for this exercise
we’re going to twist your waist side to
side for a total of 10 reps for this
stretch we’re going to be sitting on the
ground extending one leg forward and
bending the other leg inwards holding
that position for a total of 10 seconds
and then repeating with the other leg
for this stretch we’re gonna be sitting
on the ground extending both legs
together leaning over and trying to
touch your toes for a total of 10
seconds this stretch is called the
Indian position we’re going to be
folding both legs inwards for a total of
30 seconds for this stretch you’re going
to be standing upright making sure that
your fears together bending over as far
as you can trying to touch your fingers
to your toes for total of 15 seconds so
there you have it these are eight
stretches that are necessary before
running to prevent you from pulling any
muscles so enjoy your workout
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