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Steve Wozniak on New Challenges in the Information Age

hi I’m Rebecca Braden and welcome to and in this clip steve
wozniak provides ideas and solutions for
the challenges we faced with in this
information age it’s almost too much
into little and when it comes to
information one thing we do is we cut
our little messages down to 140
characters and it’s it’s easier to deal
with we answer less we have formats like
email texting messages SMS on your phone
that you don’t have to respond to and
unless you do have the extra time we had
more information than we could ever
handle before if you walked into a
bookstore could you ever have read all
the books or a library did you agree
could you read all the magazines that
come out every month no you have to you
can pick those that fit you we’ve done
that to some extent on the internet with
with XML and RSS news feeds that can be
categorized to what you’re looking for
searching alone lets you find what
you’re what you’re interested in and not
all of the information is out there the
next growth level and it might be
predictable to be total memory of
everything you ever passed by every
information that passes by you as a
person your life will go on to storage
because it’s affordable everything you
know you’ve ever it’s ever passed your
eyes on a computer in your life is
stored forever that might be the next
a sad thought when technology is driving
education it’s very complicated when you
have computers all dispersed many of
them hundreds or thousands of them among
your community you’re trying to service
the networking aspects are so difficult
you know it just gets out of very
difficult to control very difficult to
manage I mean so I’m for simplifying
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