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John Hasting’s Rant of the Day: The Gay John Hastings I am of course world
famous comedian John Hastings and
welcome to jobs ran of the day and
here’s what we’re talking about recently
I move cities when i arrived in my new
city my new home i am a comedian you
know that and i went to the first comedy
club to perform on the stage and when i
arrived all the comedians came up to me
and they said hey John Hastings are you
the gay one are you the gay one as if
the city I had arrived only allows one
gay person a year and guess what they
have to be voted in there decided you
were the one who will now suck at the
cock I have nothing against being gay I
just I’ve never done it before I don’t
know if I’m that skilled I’ve got very
nervous and then someone enlighten me
there was another comedian named John
Hastings he gay me straight it was very
bizarre because we would hear about each
other they would say are you the
straight John Hastings to you the gauge
on Hastings it cost him love and it got
me a lot of strange strange phone
numbers I got to tell you and we finally
met and I’m never more nervous in my
entire life to meet someone because you
here just because someone has your name
you think that they’re you I’ve been
hearing about this guy his various
boyfriends things that he has done and I
think was that me am I like in Fight
Club do I fall asleep and I wake up in a
cock suck and leather chaps head up to a
place called the zippers and just score
score score score score so I meet him
and I’m so concerned well we touch in a
black vortex open and some sort of devil
headed red fire monster shootout and
cackle at us and will be merged into one
superhero whose power is to never be
able to please a woman but for very
different reasons and we fight it him
with his knowledge of musical theatre
and me with my knowledge of musical
theatre yeah love musicals we conquer
the Beast triumphant out of breath sit
down look at each other and go wow good
job John and then we both die because
there only can be one John Hastings he’s
a poet from Britain he died in 1963
so I was a bunch of palabra but i hope
you enjoyed it internet I really enjoyed
talking to you today for the Internet I
am John Hastings
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