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Secrets For A Healthy Lifestyle: Commitment

fitness guru and Nick Robinson is
sharing her secrets to a healthy
lifestyle hi I’m Veronica with and today we’re taking a
look at another important step
commitment we talked before about having
good nutrition good hydration a good
exercise routine and rest and
recuperation but the truth is that you
can be doing all of those things your
program will still fail if you don’t
actually do it what are some tricks to
staying consistent well the first thing
is the person who’s creating a strategy
for you needs to make sure that the
strategy they’ve created is sustainable
so the strategy has to be strategic it
has to make sure that you like what
you’re going to be doing someone loves
to dance and move and group fitness then
I’m gonna make sure that my strategy
includes all of that the other thing is
people have to understand that when
they’re doing a change it takes about
six weeks before your body becomes
addicted to the good drugs of exercise
which are endorphins adrenaline and
dopamine so for the first six weeks it
might actually be pretty painful to
exercise and you may need to really kick
yourself into motion to get it done but
by six weeks you should be addicted to
whatever exercise you’re doing the other
thing is that the more people that cheer
you on the easier it is no great athlete
no Olympian ever did it all alone they
had teams around them so we can all do
that to you everyone has access to
friends and family letting everyone know
around you that will support you that
you have these goals and you’re working
really hard towards it it will make an
enormous difference and the other thing
is you want to identify also all of the
negative voices around you there are
people surround us who when we say you
know I really want to do this for myself
we’ll say why are you doing this it’s so
hard and you’re beautiful the way you
are and I like you the way you are and
you shouldn’t change so you have to also
get very good at listening and hearing
the negativity and turning that
negativity off once you fall off your
strategy can you just get back into it
or is there another way well one of the
things that we do here is that we
measure everyone every three months if
sooner it depends how big the goals are
we have for example an actor who’s
training here right now who between
seasons needed to go from being the
chubby guy to being the sexy guy and so
we’re making sure he had a very large
Fitness goal so we’re measuring him
weekly and monthly to make sure he’s on
track and when you know you’re going to
be measured when you’re accountable to
something you tend to stick to your plan
so if you know you’re gonna be sliding
you should make sure that you agree with
somebody else that you’re gonna be
measuring your milestones closer
together than you would otherwise
is that by cutting calories and working
out harder well you should never cut
calories and working out harder the day
after may not make a really big
difference but you have to realize that
you may want to be extra careful about
the way you’re gonna be making decisions
about all of those things in the weeks
that follow and be extra strict why do
people often fall off of their strategy
your workout may be one hour of your day
but the other 23 hours are what will
really influence the way your body looks
and feels in your health and so your
body is ultimately the result of your
decision making process so you really
have to make new habits but habits that
are supported by a deep commitment to
them and a belief that your health is
more important than anything else that’s
almost the first step
it truly is well most people when they
come in and we do a fitness assessment
it’s usually because they’ve had a
significant emotional event and they’ve
said to themselves that’s enough I don’t
want to live this way anymore when
everything you’re doing is healing you
and making you grow into the best
version of yourself your entire life
will change thank you very much thank
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