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Rockstar Games – Oni and Midnight Club

now one of rockstars first games with
the game only on the PlayStation 2 the
Oni took place in a sort of ghost in the
shell inspired anime action-adventure
sort of Sal universe it wasn’t exactly
the best game out there but it did show
those early bearings of rockstars touch
having a lot of action and sort of
questionable amounts of violence and
whatnot in the actual gameplay but
selling a fairly interesting story
another game that Rockstar first came
out with was the midnight club racing
series of games now these games were
actually interesting because they were
some of the first to actually bring
people into the world of street
underground sort of racing midnight club
was with one of the first ones to really
sort of getting to the culture of
underground rate in tonight it did a
very good job another game that we
cannot bring up rockstar without
mentioning is grand theft auto now Grand
Theft Auto has received lots and lots
and lots of prep for some questionable
reasons but I think one of the things
that a lot of people sort of tend to put
to the wayside when it comes to the
series is there actually fantastic game
the Grand Theft Auto is one of the first
games to incorporate what’s called free
form games left and what that means is
essentially developing an engine and
it’s from the physics to the overall
interactive this with the other
characters to the point where you really
get the sense you’re in a living
breathing city and one of the beautiful
things about Grand Theft Auto is that it
not only gives players the opportunity
to explore this city but within that
gave you a sort of sense of Laurel
choice it’s how you went about doing
fish I remember what first playing grand
theft auto for me spending more time
actually just running around the city
and blowing people up that actually to
continuing with the game story and that
was one of the beautiful graces that the
game had was that the player really
could just spend an afternoon creating
carnage or actually advance
the story if you wanted to know what
happens with protagonist so really that
sort of open-ended freeform style
sandbox sort of feel it is something
that Rob’s are is really really really
really good at sort of implementing into
their game from the point where it’s
safe to say they’ve really mastered the
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