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Profile on artist: David Altmejd

the theatrical constructions of david
alt veg to provoke confusion and delight
and remained true to his flair for
complexity this rising star on the
international art scene continues to
compel us with his invented style
welcome to i’m your host
leila and i’d like to share some of this
artistic magic with you ultimate
combines seemingly random objects into
elaborate sculptures he has been hailed
for the sheer visual strength of his
work he earned a degree in visual arts
from the University of Quebec and
Montreal and by 2001 he completed a
master of fine arts from Columbia
University his main interest revolves
around the creation of energy he’s said
that complexity seduces him pointing out
that he harbors no desire to communicate
a specific idea despite conscientiously
piecing together his creative
constructions ultimate does not feel
like he alone gets to determine the
meaning of his art for that reason his
artwork is loaded with what he calls
symbolic potential his references to
legends and monsters contribute to his
interest in energy and bodily
transformation decimated werewolf heads
ghosts and fragments of bodies might
appear gory to some but ultimate
explains that he is not leaning toward
score but towards a positive expression
instead his characters are not rotting
they are crystallizing according to the
artists other signature components
include hair and mirrors plastic flowers
and crystals and other theatrical decor
complete with glitter and charms his
influences include Louise Bourgeois and
his accomplishments include
participation at the Istanbul and
Whitney pnl and sales to the Guggenheim
and Whitney museums of New York one of
his latest showcases took place at the
Venice Biennale of visual art the oldest
and most prestigious event for the
international display of contemporary
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