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Preparing Your Dog For A Newborn

parents-to-be make all sorts of
preparations and preparing your family
dog should be one of them hi I’m
Veronica of and today
we’re going to learn how to prepare your
family dog for the new baby how do dogs
normally react when a baby comes into
the house uh it does depend on the dog
some dogs will be curious will be
excited others will be defensive even if
you have a dog that’s always reacted
very good with other children still you
know keep an eye on the dog see what his
reactions are to your baby because there
is gonna be a difference there what are
some useful tips to prepare your dog for
this new baby
the idea is you always want your dog to
associate your baby with a positive
thing before the fact you start letting
the dog kind of you know go into the
nursery and you know check out the new
little kid toys and just get a feel for
you know what what this baby is bringing
into the house once the baby has arrived
then it’s a matter of still giving your
dog attention so if some of your dogs in
the corner all by himself
all the attention is going on the baby
he might get jealous so give him
attention still give him his walks and
his cuddles and his praise you know
reward his good reactions to the baby
give him the treat give him a cuddle
you know praise is especially important
when the dog has reacted well around the
baby just so that he knows that he’s
still part of the family that the baby
is not replacing him is there anything
that will need to change in your dog’s
life it shouldn’t change too too much
because your dog should still be walking
still gonna be fed so we give him water
still gonna should still have his play
time even if it means
hiring a dog walker or just having a
friend take him to the park just so that
he you know he’s suddenly not you know
stuck at home doing nothing in a corner
watching this baby got all the attention
from from his family basically what are
some signs to look for that show that
your dog feels like he’s being neglected
Taylan between the leg ears down mo
penis even just a general change in
you know if they always just do this one
particular thing and they’re not or
another hand they start doing something
that they’re never used to do just watch
out for those signs watch out for any
subtle changes because sometimes those
give away more than you know the big you
know the big bites you know and you can
anticipate that and avoid that that
other situation thank you
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