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Nissan LEAF NISMO RC: Green Race Car

it’s an environmentally friendly race
car hi I’m Rebecca Braden and welcome to and today we’ll be
learning more about the Nissan Leaf
nismo the tell us about the Nissan Leaf
nismo this car obviously is a bit for
Nissan to explore and push actually
beyond where we are obviously we’ve been
choose the leaf LA last year great
success twenty one thousand vehicles
sold globally so this takes us a little
bit step further and actually take the
electric car the durable mobility to the
racetrack so that’s very very exciting
for us and that’s the first time we’ve
introduced that type of vehicle how does
the nismo differ from the original leaf
everything the powers of leaf is the
same from a battery point of view that
remains the same the key difference is
obviously the vehicle is a hundred
percent carbon fiber as a race car would
be the other very key difference is the
traditional leaf that we sell to
consumers today is a front-wheel drive
this one is a rear-wheel drive just like
a true rat race car would be suspension
obviously has been adjusted much lower
vehicle as you can see everything’s
about the aerodynamics or sparse about
the same 107 a horse party equivalent
from an electrical point of view same as
the current leaf today key difference is
the weight the racing version is 2060
pounds lighter forty percent less than
the tourism version so obviously that
that’s where it gets the enhanced
horsepower and power of the vehicle to
make it go fast and had it been his MO
compared to more traditional racing cars
it’s pretty much a traditional race car
right so it’s as i mentioned carbon
fiber it’s got the suspension all the
things you need to race properly and to
stay on the track properly we’re really
really the first probably is is how long
it can stay on on a track a charge of
the nismo racing leaf will be about 20
minutes on a race track under the ray
tracing conditions obviously so you’re
racing you’re going very very fast tight
corners a little bit you know pedal to
the metal most of the time using the
brakes very little but a traditional
leaf would obviously get you about the
mobility of 160 180 kilometers range
very very very different obviously has
it raced yet it’s raised a little bit
obviously we’ve we’re taking the vehicle
and to explore what it can do this is
the future of races that’s what’s
exciting about it we’re exploring what
racing could be tomorrow I will it get
into an F
on a vehicle one other yet but certainly
we wanted to push the boundaries a
little further and take it to the new
realm which is obviously the racetrack
thank you very much thank you
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