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How to be different from your competitors – Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to answer questions
from one of my readers Paul who wrote in
on the Telus talks business blog that I
write for and he’s starting a media
advertising agency and is worried about
how to start it up and differentiate
himself is a lot of competition and he’s
wondering how he can kind of stand out
from his competition so Paul since he
wrote in on the telus blog I’ll tell you
a little bit about what I do with Telus
talks business and how that might help
your story since you’re providing the
service based business your key
differentiating factor think should be
your service so you’re providing a lot
of value through whatever service you’re
offering but you want to go out of your
way to provide exceptional customer
service and think of other ways we will
help your potential clients that way you
can turn small projects into big
projects into big repeat projects into
referrals and that’s awesome way to grow
your business so here’s a little story
but what I did with tells talks business
and hopefully hopefully the guys that
tell us don’t mind me telling this story
we’ll see I guess after this video so
they first hired me to create a blog
post and they hired a whole bunch of
bloggers and they said three to five
hundred words create a blog post and it
was on a famous entrepreneur topic and
and I did but instead of riding through
25 min two words i wrote 1500 words and
i’ve created videos that went along with
it and then I marketed and promoted it
to my audience we’ve got people involved
and people sort of comment and i
responded to the comments and we had a
whole bunch of activity around all the
posts that i was creating and as a
result they wanted to make it a series
and hire me back to do more of these
posts and then that became an ongoing
ongoing series and creating more videos
and more content and now what I’ll try
to do with them is i’ll create quarterly
reports to say here’s what entrepreneurs
are thinking about and there’s no value
and that for me except i’m helping my
client and they want to work with me on
an ongoing basis so i don’t get paid to
create extra stuff for them like these
reports so create a quarterly report
seeing the kind of state of
entrepreneurship i’ll try to meet with
one Supporter to talk about ideas to
help them grow their business even if
there’s no benefit for me what kind of
brainstorm ideas and what they can do to
help kind of grow their their practice
online and all that kind of extra
service leads to a great working
relationship they want to hire me back I
love working with them they’re fantastic
people so it’s kind of working out from
both sides and able to go out and get
other business as well that’s that’s
kind of similar so it’s through that
exceptional service you turn that one
kind of one-off potentially small job
into an ongoing BP project that then
grows in size and you can get referrals
out of it especially when you’re dealing
with a business type of customer if you
can prove that you are an indispensable
part of their business you’re almost a
part of their business instead of just
being a service provider think of
yourself as an extension of their
marketing and advertising arm so you’re
thinking about other ways to grow their
business besides just what you can offer
it’s a fantastic way to be able to kind
of get yourself in establish yourself
and build a nice big business for
yourself so I hope that helps I’d love
to hear what you have to think about it
everybody else watching a video if you
want to leave a comment on the video I
always appreciate those and I love
seeing the thumbs ups keeps me motivated
to want to do more of these videos so
please leave a thumbs up below and stay
tuned for next episode
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